森 類臣
評論・社会科学 (ISSN:02862840)
vol.89, pp.31-87, 2009-10

本研究は、2003年に盧武鉉元大統領が行った「記者クラブ」解体のプロセスに焦点を当てている。記者クラブは、日本による朝鮮半島植民地支配の遺物として、日本だけでなく韓国にも戦後継続して存在していた。官庁や大企業などの主要情報源におかれていた記者クラブを、韓国の歴代政権は情報統制に利用し、また、記者クラブ自体が排他的・閉鎖的・差別的構造を持っていたことは、日韓とも同じであった。2003年の記者クラブ解体前には、『ハンギョレ新聞』『オーマイニュース』などによる対記者クラブ闘争があった。Kisha clubs existed in only Japan and the Republic of Korea, which had been colonized by Japan for 40 years. This paper is focusing on process of dismantling of "Kisha Clubs" by the former Korean president Roh at 2003 in the Republic of Korea. The "Hankyoreh" newspaper urged the media industry to reform the kisha clubs in 1991. Further on, the Internet newspaper "Oh My News" fought against the kisha clubs in the Inchon district court in 2001 and then insisted that kisha clubs are against the public's right to know. Shutting down the kisha club helps the media to restore their energy to watch over the centers of power, as shown in the Korean case.
森 類臣 Tomoomi Mori
評論・社会科学 = Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review) (ISSN:02862840)
no.89, pp.31-87, 2009-10-10

浅野 健一 李 其珍 森 類臣 Kenichi Asano Kijin Lee Tomoomi Mori
評論・社会科学 = Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review) (ISSN:02862840)
no.74, pp.1-108, 2004-12-20

"OhmyNews" is an independent Internet newspaper in the Republic of Korea, and as such it wields great influence now. It is reportedly the largest Internet newspaper in the world. Five years ago, OhmyNews was published by four professional reporters and 727 "citizen reporters." The number of OhmyNews citizen reporters has grown to more than 35,000 today. Mr. Oh Yeon-Ho, founder and chief representative of OhmyNews, gave a lecture at Doshisha University on 15 September 2004. We could hold a subject of inquiry on alternative media from Mr. Oh's lecture and could interview him. We found that, in fact, the success of OhmyNews is a remarkable accident in the world of journalism. So much so that many big media outlets in the world, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and BBC have covered Mr. Oh's experimental challenge and his success with OhmyNews. We consider one of the big achievements of OhmyNews to be the abolition of the closed system of press clubs in Korea known (in Japanese) as Kisha Clubs. We thus refer to Internet newspapers in the Republic of Korea (especially OhmyNews) and Kisha Clubs in this article. As to why "OhmyNews" succeeded, we can point to several reasons. The most important reason, however, is the existence of the "prepared citizen" in the Republic of Korea. In the Republic of Korea, through a long fight for democratization, people have come to not believe in the traditional corporate media. The corporate media is identified in the public mind as standing by the "powers that be" and not reporting the truth. Consequently, people in Korea have held high expectations for the appearance of alternative news media. Many people harbor a strong will to change their society, and they can do so by supporting OhmyNews and participating in it as "citizen reporters." OhmyNews operates on the basis of several important concepts, the most important being : "Every citizen is a reporter." Mr. Oh explained that "This concept is the most characteristic" of OhmyNews. The traditional corporate media represents journalism of the 20th century. It is a one-way stream in which professional reporters write articles and the reader only reads it. But OhmyNews is breaking that cycle of 20th century journalism. OhmyNews has made journalism a two-way stream in which the reporter is reader, and the reader is reporter. The system of Kisha Clubs is a unique system in Japan and the Republic of Korea. It is an exclusive and conservative system which excludes non-member reporters. Mr. Oh of OhmyNews had successfully sued for abolition of the Kisha Clubs in Korea, and following that, President Roh Moo-Hyon abolished the Kisha Clubs of the country's central administrative offices. This dismantling of Kisha Clubs is rapidly advancing in the Republic of Korea. Yet in Japan it is not advancing at all, rightly inviting criticism of Japan's press system. But that does not appear to faze Japanese reporters of the corporate media and some Japanese scholars, who insist that Kisha Clubs are the most proper system for Japan. By contrast, abolishing the Kisha Clubs in Korea is the result of strenuous efforts by alternative media such as OhmyNews and a large number of supporters. All of which begs the questions : What benefits do we receive from the Japanese press club system? And what needs to be done to eliminate this outdated, injurious system? We dare to envision the kind of journalism in which people take part -as with OhmyNews- and at the same time, we aim to solve the many problems of journalism in Japan, above all permanently dissolving the Kisha Club system.
板垣 竜太 太田 修 高 榮珍 水野 直樹 喜多 恵美子 谷川 竜一 森 類臣 呉 永鎬

浅野 健一 李 其珍 森 類臣 アサノ ケンイチ Asano Kenichi Lee Kijin Mori Tomoomi
評論・社会科学 (ISSN:02862840)
no.74, pp.1-108, 2004-12

"OhmyNews" is an independent Internet newspaper in the Republic of Korea, and as such it wields great influence now. It is reportedly the largest Internet newspaper in the world. Five years ago, OhmyNews was published by four professional reporters and 727 "citizen reporters. "The number of OhmyNews citizen reporters has grown to more than 35,000 today. Mr. Oh Yeon-Ho, founder and chief representative of OhmyNews, gave a lecture at Doshisha University on 15 September 2004. We could hold a subject of inquiry on alternative media from Mr. Oh's lecture and could interview him. We found that, in fact, the success of OhmyNews is a remarkable accident in the world of journalism. So much so that many big media outlets in the world, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and BBC have covered Mr. Oh's experimental challenge and his success with OhmyNews. We consider one of the big achievements of OhmyNews to be the abolition of the closed system of press clubs in Korea known (in Japanese) as Kisha Clubs. We thus refer to Internet newspapers in the Republic of Korea (especially OhmyNews) and Kisha Clubs in this article. As to why "OhmyNews" succeeded, we can point to several reasons. The most important reason, however, is the existence of the "prepared citizen" in the Republic of Korea. In the Republic of Korea, through a long fight for democratization, people have come to not believe in the traditional corporate media. The corporate media is identified in the public mind as standing by the "powers that be" and not reporting the truth. Consequently, people in Korea have held high expectations for the appearance of alternative news media. Many people harbor a strong will to change their society, and they can do so by supporting OhmyNews and participating in it as "citizen reporters." OhmyNews operates on the basis of several important concepts, the most important being : "Every citizen is a reporter." Mr. Oh explained that "This concept is the most characteristic" of OhmyNews. The traditional corporate media represents journalism of the 20th century. It is a one-way stream in which professional reporters write articles and the reader only reads it. But OhmyNews is breaking that cycle of 20th century journalism. OhmyNews has made journalism a two-way stream in which the reporter is reader, and the reader is reporter. The system of Kisha Clubs is a unique system in Japan and the Republic of Korea. It is an exclusive and conservative system which excludes non-member reporters. Mr. Oh of OhmyNews had successfully sued for abolition of the Kisha Clubs in Korea, and following that, President Roh Moo-Hyon abolished the Kisha Clubs of the country's central administrative offices. This dismantling of Kisha Clubs is rapidly advancing in the Republic of Korea. Yet in Japan it is not advancing at all, rightly inviting criticism of Japan's press system. But that does not appear to faze Japanese reporters of the corporate media and some Japanese scholars, who insist that Kisha Clubs are the most proper system for Japan. By contrast, abolishing the Kisha Clubs in Korea is the result of strenuous efforts by alternative media such as OhmyNews and a large number of supporters. All of which begs the questions : What benefits do we receive from the Japanese press club system? And what needs to be done to eliminate this outdated, injurious system? We dare to envision the kind of journalism in which people take part -as with OhmyNews- and at the same time, we aim to solve the many problems of journalism in Japan, above all permanently dissolving the Kisha Club system.
森 類臣 水野 直樹 コルホネン ペッカ 李 貞徹 ジョンチョル パク

本研究では、北朝鮮における文化政策のうち、音楽政策を研究対象とし、音楽政策の実態とその意味を明らかにすることに注力した。研究対象を歴史社会学的アプローチによって時代別に大枠を整理し、さらに音楽と政治を扱う社会学理論を援用して分析した。このような分析によって北朝鮮の音楽政策を説明する基本的なモデルを導出し、その後にモデル有効性について金正恩体制まで射程に入れて検証した。その結果、(1)金日成~金正日時代に行われた音楽政策の基礎理論の整理 (2)北朝鮮の音楽政策理論の独自性とモデル化 (3)金正恩体制の音楽政策へのモデル適用の有効性、などを明らかにした。