大森 史隆 笠井 新一郎 天辰 雅子 中山 翼 飯干 紀代子 山田 弘幸 オオモリ フミタカ カサイ シンイチロウ アマタツ マサコ ナカヤマ ツバサ イイボシ キヨコ ヤマダ ヒロユキ Fumitaka OHMORI Shinichiro KASAI Masako AMATATSU Tsubasa NAKAYAMA Kiyoko IIBOSHI Hiroyuki YAMADA
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.11, pp.119-126, 2010-03

This study examined 300 children aged 24-35 months to clarify expressive vocabulary development using the vocabulary checklist questionnaire. Children were classified into 4 periods: first period, 24-26 months; second period, 27-29 months; third period, 30-32 months; and fourth period, 33-35 months. We analyzed median and quartiles of expressive vocabulary and performed one-way analysis of variance to determine which periods differed significantly from other periods. As a result, median total expressive vocabulary was 238.0 in the first period, 423.0 in the second period, 508.0 in the third period, and 661.0 in the fourth period. A clear correlation was seen between total expressive vocabulary, noun vocabulary, verb vocabulary, adjective vocabulary and child age. No significant difference in total expressive vocabulary was evident between second and third periods. These results indicate an incubation period in which the expressive vocabulary is invariable. A significant difference was apparent between the second and third periods in the verb vocabulary, suggesting a qualitative change in the expressive vocabulary. However, the term of increasing verb vocabulary was shorter than that for the noun vocabulary, which previous studies have reported in children aged 18-30 months.
小野原 彩香 谷岡 健資 土山 玄 大森 崇 オノハラ アヤカ タニオカ ケンスケ ツチヤマ ゲン オオモリ タカシ Onohara Ayaka Tanioka Kensuke Tsuchiyama Gen Omori Takashi
文化情報学 (ISSN:18808603)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-11, 2013-03

研究論文本報告では、統計教育大学間連携ネットワーク連携校6校で行われている統計関連科目のシラバスを分析し、文化情報学部における統計教育の時間数の多さと内容の多様性が明らかとなった。また、文化情報学部にて開講されているデータサイエンス科目を受講する学生に対し、授業評価アンケートを行った結果、グループ活動の重要さと理系・文系出身者での授業に対する印象の違いが明らかとなり、今後の授業作りに示唆を与える結果となった。In this research, we analyzed syllabuses of subjects about statistics which had been taught in six universities which belong to the organization about statistics education. In result from analyses, it was revealed that Faculty of Culture and Information Science has most statistics classes and various contents in six universities. On the other hand, we surveyed assessments of data science's classes by their students, and we got suggestions about the direction of class through facts that is importance of group work and the difference of idea between the arts students and sciences students.
大森 史隆 飯干 紀代子 山田 弘幸 オオモリ フミタカ イイボシ キヨコ ヤマダ ヒロユキ Fumitaka OHMORI Kiyoko IIBOSHI Hiroyuki YAMADA
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.14, pp.129-133, 2013-03

We created a modified version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for persons with hearing loss (HL) and tested its reliability, validity and effectiveness among 40 elderly participants. We extracted the MMSE items `registration', `recall', `repetition' and `comprehension' and in the HL condition, these four items were only presented with simultaneous spoken and written instructions. The results were as follows: (1) The HL test-retest coefficient of correlation was r = 0.74; Cronbach's α was 0.64. (2) In the non-hearing loss group, the HL test results showed a correlation with the MMSE, the Oldest-Old version of the Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire and the Clinical Dementia Rating(CDR-J). (3) A 2-way ANOVA was conducted with cognitive function as the within-subjects factor and hearing loss as the between-subjects factor; for total score, `registration' and `repetition', the effect of cognitive function test was significant only in the hearing loss group. The retest reliability of HL, its concurrent validity and its effectiveness were confirmed. It is desirable to administer the standard MMSE to persons with hearing loss if they can use hearing aids or adjustments can be made to the volume. However, if such modifications are not possible, HL may be useful in cases where it is necessary to repeat questions.
三重野 雅/村瀬 博文/深瀬 秀郷/福栄 克浩/土岐 光伸/永山 裕/笠原 邦明/玄間 美健/小田 浩範/大森 一幸/前田 静一/加藤 元康/磯貝 治喜/原田 尚也/平 博彦/有末 眞 ミエノ タダシ/ムラセ ヒロフミ/フカセ シュウゴウ/フクエイ カツヒロ/トキ ミツノブ/ナガヤマ ヒロシ/カサハラ クニアキ/ゲンマ ヨシタケ/オダ ヒロノリ/オオモリ カズユキ/マエダ セイイチ/カトウ モトヤス/イソガイ ハルキ/ハラダ ナオヤ/タイラ ヒロヒコ/アリスエ マコト MIENO Tadashi/MURASE Hirofumi/FUKASE Shugoh/FUKUEI Katsuhiro/TOKI Mitsunobu/NAGAYAMA Hiroshi/KASAHARA Kuniaki/GENMA Yoshitake/ODA Hironori/OOMORI Kazuyuki/MAEDA Seiichi/KATO Motoyasu/ISOGAI Haruki/HARADA Naoya/TAIRA Hirohiko/ARISUE Makoto
vol.12, no.2, pp.227-232, 1993-12-31

Generally, the repositioning and fixation of fragments in the treatment of jaw fractures is performed based on proper occlusion conditions of the upper and lower jaws. However, the treatment of fractures of the mentally and physically handicapped pose a number of problems caused by lack of patient comprehension and cooperation. In this paper, we present two cases of mandibular fracture of handicapped patients, whose closed reduction and fixation was impossible. In these cases, open reduction and ridged fixation of fragments was carried out with screw and plate without intermaxillary fixation. Problems of the treatment of jaw fracture of mentally and physically handicapped patients were discussed.