松尾 政輝 坂尻 正次 三浦 貴大 大西 淳児 小野 束
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.21, no.2, pp.303-312, 2016

<p>Although many computer games had become diversified in recent years, a lot of effort and ingenuity is needed to produce games that persons with a total visual impairment can enjoy. On the other hand, some games for visually impaired persons have been developed. However, games that use only auditory information present challenges for sighted persons. Unfortunately, no games exist that both sighted and visually impaired persons can enjoy together. It is difficult for visually impaired persons to play the same game with sighted persons and for sighted and visually impaired persons to share a common subject. In this paper, we aim to develop a accessible action roll playing game (RPG) that both sighted and visually impaired persons can play using their dominant senses including visual, auditory and tactile senses. To develop the game, we also develop a field creation tool for a game developer with visual impairments, and provided an integrated game development environment for them. In this paper, we describe the development and reflections of the accessible action RPG and our game development environment.</p>
市場 大亮 三浦 貴大 坂尻 正次 大西 淳児 小野 束
研究報告アクセシビリティ(AAC) (ISSN:24322431)
vol.2016-AAC-2, no.13, pp.1-4, 2016-11-25

コンピュータゲーム内の視覚 ・ 聴覚 ・ 触覚など多感覚コンテンツの充実に伴い,視覚障害があっても結果的に遊べるゲームが増加している.しかし,視覚的な提示情報を把握可能な弱視者であっても,時にプレイが困難になるケースが多々あり,アクセシビリティの不十分さを感じざるを得ない.また,ゲームにおけるアクセシビリティは再検討される課題となっているが,弱視者に焦点を当ててアクセシビリティ上の問題を詳らかにした例は少ない.このため,本研究の目的を,弱視者が現在のコンピュータゲームをプレイする上での問題点を明らかにすることと設定した.特に本論文では,弱視者に対してコンピュータゲームのプレイ状況等について小規模ながらアンケート調査を行い,彼らの抱えている問題点をまとめた.結果より,弱視者の多くがプレイするジャンルや,プレイしやすい要因,ゲーム改善要望がまとめられた.また,視覚的不便さに対する方策についても明らかにした.
松尾 政輝 坂尻 正次 三浦 貴大 大西 淳児 小野 束
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.21, no.2, pp.303-312, 2016 (Released:2016-09-09)

Although many computer games had become diversified in recent years, a lot of effort and ingenuity is needed to produce games that persons with a total visual impairment can enjoy. On the other hand, some games for visually impaired persons have been developed. However, games that use only auditory information present challenges for sighted persons. Unfortunately, no games exist that both sighted and visually impaired persons can enjoy together. It is difficult for visually impaired persons to play the same game with sighted persons and for sighted and visually impaired persons to share a common subject. In this paper, we aim to develop a accessible action roll playing game (RPG) that both sighted and visually impaired persons can play using their dominant senses including visual, auditory and tactile senses. To develop the game, we also develop a field creation tool for a game developer with visual impairments, and provided an integrated game development environment for them. In this paper, we describe the development and reflections of the accessible action RPG and our game development environment.
松尾 政輝 三浦 貴大 坂尻 正次 大西 淳児 小野 束
研究報告アクセシビリティ(AAC) (ISSN:24322431)
vol.2016-AAC-2, no.12, pp.1-4, 2016-11-25

これまで晴眼者と視覚障害者がともに利用可能なアクション RPG (ロールプレイングゲーム) を開発してきた.このゲームは,画面情報を音や触覚を用いて提示することで,視覚障害の有無によらず利用できるものであった.また,全盲者も音情報を用いてゲーム用の地図を作図可能な地図エディタを開発した.このゲームシステムを発展させ,よりリアルタイム性が高く,複数人での同時プレイが可能な横スクロールアクションゲームを開発したので,その内容を報告する.
三浦 貴大 藪 謙一郎 檜山 敦 稲村 規子 廣瀬 通孝 伊福部 達
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.21, no.2, pp.323-333, 2016 (Released:2016-09-09)

In order to minimize national expenditure dedicated to providing support to the elderly including social security and medical care, it is necessary to reduce the cost of treatment. Current prophylactic approaches mainly include training programs tailored towards seniors, who may be assisted by caregivers, for wellness maintenance and enhancement. However, these approaches are mainly administered by volunteers, who are often overburdened because of labor shortages. Thus, it is necessary to design and implement a system that enables seniors to maintain and improve their health by themselves. In this paper, we propose and test a smartphone-based gait measurement application. Our results indicate that the mobile application can help motivate seniors to walk more regularly and improve their walking ability. Moreover, we found in our experiments that since our application helped improve our senior participants' physical fitness, some of them became interested in participating in social activities and using new technologies as a consequence.
三浦 貴大 藪 謙一郎 坂尻 正次 上田 麻理 檜山 敦 廣瀬 通孝 伊福部 達
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.21, no.2, pp.283-294, 2016 (Released:2016-09-09)

Assistive instruments such as slopes and textured paving blocks are installed for helping elderly, visually and/or physically impaired people, who have any inconvenience to move outside. Though these precipitous situations of accessibility progress affect their migration pathway for their destination, up-to-date accessibility information is difficult to gain quickly because of local information disclosure. It is necessary to develop a comprehensive system which appropriately acquires and arranges scattered accessibility information and then presents the information intuitively. Thus, our final goal is to develop a social platform which can obtain and present the information depending on users' conditions and situations including users' disorders and places, and can share the information provided by users. Particularly in this paper, we analyzed the characteristics of shared information obtained by assessment and crowdsourcing for improving quality and quantity of accessibility information. Results indicated that different tendency of character counts among accessibility conditions was observed in the assessment and the crowdsourcing conditions.
三浦 貴大 藪 謙一郎 荻野 亮吾 堤 可奈子 檜山 敦 廣瀬 通孝 伊福部 達
デジタルプラクティス (ISSN:21884390)
vol.8, no.1, pp.21-29, 2017-01-15

中山 真里 檜山 敦 三浦 貴大 矢冨 直美 廣瀬 通孝
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.55, no.1, pp.177-188, 2014-01-15
