三浦 輝 栗原 雄一 山本 政儀 坂口 綾 桧垣 正吾 高橋 嘉夫
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2019年度日本地球化学会第66回年会講演要旨集
pp.195, 2019 (Released:2019-11-20)

福島原発事故により、放射性セシウム(Cs)を含む不溶性微粒子(Type-A)が環境中に放出された。Type-Aは134Cs/137Cs放射能比などから二号機もしくは三号機由来であると考えられている。その後、一号機由来と考えられる新たな不溶性微粒子(Type-B)が報告された。本研究では放射光X線を用いた分析により、Type-A、Type-B中に含まれるそれぞれのUの化学状態を調べることを目的とした。分析の結果、Type-B中のU粒子の大きさは数ミクロンであり、Ochiai et al. (2018) で報告されたType-A中のUを含むナノ粒子よりも大きいことが分かった。この違いはType-A中のU粒子が蒸気から生成されたのに対し、Type-Bではメルトから生成された可能性を示唆する。Type-Bにおいて、Uが検出される部分では燃料被覆管に用いられているZrも検出されることから、Type-BでもType-Aと同様にUはZrと共融混合物を形成していると考えられる。
三浦 輝 栗原 雄一 高橋 嘉夫
地球化学 (ISSN:03864073)
vol.55, no.4, pp.122-131, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-25)

Radiocesium-bearing microparticles (CsMPs),glassy water-resistant particles with highly concentrated radiocesium, were emitted by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Since first discovery of CsMPs, a number of studies have analyzed the particles isolated from environmental samples and revealed their physical and chemical properties, distribution, and migration. This paper is intended to provide an overview focusing on the environmental transport and impact of CsMPs. First, we begin by reviewing the relationship between deposition areas and atmospheric plumes of CsMPs found on land. Next, search and separation methods for CsMPs will be described. Then, secondary transport via rivers and effect of CsMPs on Kd values of Cs in rivers will be discussed. Finally, CsMPs found in the ocean and their difference from terrestrial ones will be summarized.
津旨 大輔 坪野 考樹 三角 和弘 立田 穣 三浦 輝 青山 道夫
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会 第58回アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会 (ISSN:24364487)
pp.45, 2021 (Released:2021-09-06)

三浦 輝 栗原 雄一 山本 政義 山口 紀子 坂口 綾 桧垣 正吾 高橋 嘉夫

Introduction: A large amount of radiocesium was emitted into environment by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March, 2011. Adachi et al. (2013) reported glassy water-insoluble microparticles including radiocesium, called as radiocesium-bearing microparticles (CsMPs). The CsMP is spherical with 1-3 μm in diameter and the radioactivity ranges from 0.5 to 4 Bq. It has been suggested that the CsMP was mainly emitted from Unit 2 or Unit 3 of FDNPP based on the 134Cs/137Cs activity ratio in the samples. In contrast, Ono et al. (2017) reported new particles called as Type B particles emitted from Unit 1. Type B particles are in various shapes and the size is 50-300 μm with radioactivity ranging from 30 to 100 Bq. These differences may represent the difference of generating process or condition of each unit in the plant. Previous studies have reported chemical properties of radioactive particles in detail but the number of particles reported is small. In this study, we tried to understand radioactive particles systematically by analyzing a lot of particles separated using wet separation method. Method: In this study, we collected 53 Type B particles and 13 CsMPs from road dusts, non-woven fabric cloths from Fukushima, and aerosol filters from Kanagawa Prefecture by a wet separation method. After measurement of radioactivity with a high-purity germanium semiconductor detector, scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses were performed to confirm that separated particles were CsMPs or Type B particles. We investigated inner structure and calculated the volume and porosity of Type B particles by X-ray μ-computed tomography (CT). We determined Rb/Sr ratio by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. Redox condition of each unit was investigated by X-ray adsorption near edge structure (XANES) analysis for Uranium in particles. Result: CT combined with XRF analysis showed the presence of many voids and iron particles in Type B particles. In addition, 137Cs concentration of CsMPs were ~10000 times higher than that of Type B particles, which suggests that Type B particles were formed by fuel melt. In contrast, CsMPs were formed by gas. Among Type B particles, spherical particles had higher 137Cs concentration than non-spherical particles. Type B particles with larger porosity had higher 137Cs radioactivity because of capturing a lot of volatile elements such as Cs and Rb within the particles. Moreover, four spherical particles had inclusions in their voids which are considered to be formed by rapid cooling of gaseous materials. XANES analysis showed the presence of U(IV) in a Type B particle, whereas U(VI) in other Type B particles and a CsMP. These results suggest that Type B particles and CsMPs are totally different in forming process and they have information of condition in Units.
堤 富士雄 中島 慶人 伊藤 憲彦 三浦 輝久 廣瀬 文子
vol.2012, no.17, pp.1-7, 2012-07-12

つまみを回転させるだけで瞬時に節電を行える「節電ボリューム」を提案する.節電ボリュームは,つまみを回して指定した節電電力量を満たすように,各家電の効用を考慮し,瞬時に機器を制御する.本提案の特徴は「シンプルな操作(しぼるだけ)で節電」「いつでも,どこでも,すぐに節電」「見える化と機器操作の一体化」「家電はこれまでどおりに使える」の4点である.本稿では,節電ボリュームの基本コンセプトを,特にヒューマンコンピュータインタラクションの観点から述べ,開発したプロトタイプの動作確認で分かった効果と課題を示す.This paper proposes a new tool named "Power Volume" to support consumer's daily energy saving activity. The tool has a knob type user interface, and a user can rotate it to the left to decrease total power consumption in user's house. When the user rotates the knob, the energy saving system of the tool immediately controls the power usage of home appliances based on their marginal utility to hold down the total power consumption. This paper describes the key concept of the tool especially on the view point of human computer interaction. We developed a prototype of the tool and a home appliance energy usage simulator to evaluate our tool. This paper also describes the usability and the subject of our tool based on several elementary use experiments.