佐田 実季 田邉 将之 川脇 治 中村 優花 岡島 寛
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.56, no.6, pp.345-352, 2020 (Released:2020-06-12)

Paved roads are said to be able to use them for a long time with adequate maintenances on a regular basis. However, due to a shortage of manpower for repairs, sufficient maintenance have not been taken on some municipal roads in Japan, and the deterioration has progressed rapidly. Furthermore, around 2025, many asphalt pavements paved during the period of high economic growth in Japan are expected to deteriorate rapidly, hence, a more effective method than the current manual repairing method is required. In this research, we aim to realize a machine that automatically detects and repairs cracks. As a starting point, this paper studies crack detection, one of the important elemental technologies. Assuming actual use, it is necessary to be robust to disturbances such as different colors of paved roads and illumination change due to the weather. To solve this problem, we propose a robust crack detection using deep learning. Specifically, the crack detection was performed by classifying cracked and uncracked areas by semantic segmentation using U-Net. The learning process was performed with various images including lighting changes in the training data set. As a result, we achieved a robust segmentation of cracked areas with 92.5 percent accuracy of Intersection over Union.
中村 優花 上田 留梨子 河村 美奈
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
化学と生物 (ISSN:0453073X)
vol.48, no.11, pp.791-793, 2010-11-01 (Released:2011-11-01)

本研究は,平成20(2008)年度日本農芸化学会大会(開催地 名古屋)において開催された高校生による第4回「ジュニア農芸化学会」で“優秀賞”を受賞した.多くの伝統的な発酵食品は,乳酸菌と酵母を核とした多種多様な微生物が複雑に相互作用した環境の中で生み出される.糠床を利用した糠漬けも,その例に漏れない.本研究は,糠床のもつ抗菌機能に焦点を当て,糠床の特性解明とその文化的背景の理解を内容としている.
田中 伸之輔 南谷 圭持 中村 優花 平田 謙次 松本 裕希子 原 有希
経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集
pp.143-146, 2024-01-31 (Released:2024-01-31)

中村 優花 岡﨑 甚幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.754, pp.2441-2451, 2018 (Released:2018-12-30)

This study is to analyze the types of spatial composition within Buddhist shrines. The focus was on the spatial composition, the plan forms and the arrangement of worship objects (stupas and Buddhist statues). This research is based on 55 documented Buddhist temples in Central Asia. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types based on spatial compositions. The meanings of spatial composition also have been discussed by conjecturing how worship acts were performed in shrine architectures. For the purpose of this study, Central Asia is defined as: northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Xinjiang Uyghur (Fig. 1). The plan forms were divided into the following types: single chamber, two-celled chamber which has main chamber and ante-chamber (having wing walls and without wing walls type), and the corridor type (a main chamber enclosed by a single wall/ two-celled chamber enclosed by a single wall) (Fig. 2). According to the classification of plan forms, the arrangement of worship objects was classified as I, II, III, and IV. The spatial compositions were analyzed based on the schemas. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types as the follows (Fig. 3): I. Worshippers face worship object inside or outside the chamber: Worshippers do not enter inside, and face to the worship object directly; Worshippers enter inside directly without wing walls, judging from its large scale; Worshippers enter inside through wing walls, judging from its large scale and the spatial composition. II. Shrine with axiality: the worship object is located at the further end of the shrine (in some cases, center of the shrine). There is the symbolic direction to the worship object. Worshippers face the worship object. III. Shrine with circumambulatory: the worship object is housed in the center of the main chamber. Accordingly, pradak?i?a (Buddhist devotional practice) is performed. IV. Shrine with centrality: the worship objects are placed on three sides or four sides of the main chamber. The plan forms of shrines are centralized plan such as a square and a cruciform. Axiality is a common characteristic in many shrine architectures. Axiality is necessarily component in the case of the two-celled chamber type shrines. In addition, it became clear that there is the shrine architecture includes some characteristics of spatial composition: axiality + circumambulatory, and axiality + circumambulatory + centrality. Over a long period of time, circumambulatory design was adopted for wide areas because it indicated the circumambulation ritual from left to right of the worship object. On the other hand, there were few examples of shrine architectures with centrality. It has been conjectured that centrality was a determinate factor judging from the aspect of geographical distribution. Based on the analysis, the meaning of the spatial compositions was considered. The conclusions are as follows: - Shrines with axiality means that the Buddhist world continues forward. - Shrines with circumambulatory were held for service of the cosmological Buddha. - Shrines with centrality had worshippers enclosed by the Buddhist world. It could be considered that “circumambulatory” and “centrality” is contrasting characteristics of spatial composition and suggests a change of meaning in the shrine architecture.
中出 麻紀子 岩城 なつ美 中村 優花 黒谷 佳代
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.29, no.1, pp.51-60, 2021-02-28 (Released:2021-03-10)

目的:主食・主菜・副菜の揃った食事と生活習慣,知識・健康意識,健康状態との関連を明らかにする.方法:横断研究として,兵庫県の1大学の1~4年次学生を対象に2019年に自記式質問紙調査を実施し,健診データの提供も受けた.153名の女子学生を解析対象とし,主食・主菜・副菜の揃った食事(1日2回以上)の摂取頻度が週4日以上の高頻度群,週3日以下の低頻度群に分類し,2群間で生活習慣,知識・健康意識,健康状態を比較した後,年齢と現在の居住形態で調整した二項ロジスティック回帰分析を行った.結果:高頻度群は90名,低頻度群は63名であった.二項ロジスティック回帰分析の結果,自炊頻度が高い人(オッズ比〔95%信頼区間〕: 2.96〔1.15, 7.64〕),栄養に関する知識がある人(3.33〔1.30, 8.48〕),健康に気をつかう人(7.29〔3.13, 16.98〕)は,そうでない人と比較して高頻度群の割合が高かった.また,BMIや体脂肪率が高いことが高頻度群の割合が低いことと関連していた(それぞれ0.84〔0.72, 0.98〕,0.90〔0.83, 0.98〕).BMIが18.5以上25 kg/m2未満の人と比較し,18.5 kg/m2未満の人(3.49〔1.19, 10.22〕)では高頻度群の割合が高かった.結論:主食・主菜・副菜の揃った食事は自炊,栄養に関する知識,健康意識の高さ,体格と関連していた.
中村 優花 岡崎 甚幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.754, pp.2441-2451, 2018-12

&nbsp;This study is to analyze the types of spatial composition within Buddhist shrines. The focus was on the spatial composition, the plan forms and the arrangement of worship objects (stupas and Buddhist statues). This research is based on 55 documented Buddhist temples in Central Asia. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types based on spatial compositions. The meanings of spatial composition also have been discussed by conjecturing how worship acts were performed in shrine architectures. For the purpose of this study, Central Asia is defined as: northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Xinjiang Uyghur (Fig. 1).<br>&nbsp;The plan forms were divided into the following types: single chamber, two-celled chamber which has main chamber and ante-chamber (having wing walls and without wing walls type), and the corridor type (a main chamber enclosed by a single wall/ two-celled chamber enclosed by a single wall) (Fig. 2). According to the classification of plan forms, the arrangement of worship objects was classified as I, II, III, and IV. The spatial compositions were analyzed based on the schemas. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types as the follows (Fig. 3):<br>&nbsp;I. Worshippers face worship object inside or outside the chamber: Worshippers do not enter inside, and face to the worship object directly; Worshippers enter inside directly without wing walls, judging from its large scale; Worshippers enter inside through wing walls, judging from its large scale and the spatial composition.<br>&nbsp;II. Shrine with axiality: the worship object is located at the further end of the shrine (in some cases, center of the shrine). There is the symbolic direction to the worship object. Worshippers face the worship object.<br>&nbsp;III. Shrine with circumambulatory: the worship object is housed in the center of the main chamber. Accordingly, pradak?i?a (Buddhist devotional practice) is performed.<br>&nbsp;IV. Shrine with centrality: the worship objects are placed on three sides or four sides of the main chamber. The plan forms of shrines are centralized plan such as a square and a cruciform.<br>&nbsp;Axiality is a common characteristic in many shrine architectures. Axiality is necessarily component in the case of the two-celled chamber type shrines. In addition, it became clear that there is the shrine architecture includes some characteristics of spatial composition: axiality + circumambulatory, and axiality + circumambulatory + centrality.<br>&nbsp;Over a long period of time, circumambulatory design was adopted for wide areas because it indicated the circumambulation ritual from left to right of the worship object. On the other hand, there were few examples of shrine architectures with centrality. It has been conjectured that centrality was a determinate factor judging from the aspect of geographical distribution. Based on the analysis, the meaning of the spatial compositions was considered. The conclusions are as follows:<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with axiality means that the Buddhist world continues forward.<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with circumambulatory were held for service of the cosmological Buddha.<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with centrality had worshippers enclosed by the Buddhist world.<br>&nbsp;It could be considered that &ldquo;circumambulatory&rdquo; and &ldquo;centrality&rdquo; is contrasting characteristics of spatial composition and suggests a change of meaning in the shrine architecture.