中川 裕美 横田 晋大 中西 大輔
The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.30, no.3, pp.153-163, 2015

In this study, we tested the theoretical validity of both Social Identity Theory (SIT) and the Bounded Generalized Reciprocity Hypothesis (BGR) for explaining in-group cooperation in real social groups. While most previous investigation on real social groups has found support for SIT, confirmatory evidence for BGR remains limited. We conducted a vignette experiment in which reciprocity was manipulated by controlling knowledge of group membership. The participants were 117 undergraduate students who were baseball fans. To control expectation of reciprocity in the experiment, we asked participants to imagine scenarios where they helped others who wore either the same baseball team T-shirts as they did or plain T-shirts. Consistent with BGR, participants tend to cooperate with in-group members when both they and their partner knew that they might be supporters of the same team. On the other hand, participants showed in-group cooperation even when only they knew their partner's group membership. This finding coincided with SIT. These results thus further verified the theoretical validity of both SIT and BGR in real social groups.
中西 大輔 亀田 達也
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.71, no.6, pp.469-476, 2001

Effects of stereotypic beliefs were examined in a group problem solving context, featuring full-fledged, face-to-face interaction. Based on formal analysis of group aggregation processes, it was hypothesized that positive and negative impacts of stereotypic beliefs on task performance in problem solving were larger on the group level than on the individual level. In the present study, data from five-person groups working on a series of problem-solving tasks were used to test the hypothesis. Results indicated that stereotypic beliefs indeed exerted "emergent influence" as hypothesized on task performance in the group problem solving. The finding illustrates the importance of socially-shared aspects of stereotypic beliefs, providing a case for the need for "truly social" social-cognition research.
井川 純一 志和 資朗 中西 大輔 車地 未帆 菊本 修 井手下 久登
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.37, no.2, pp.97-103, 2010-10-25

不安状態における自律神経機能を客観的に評価する目的で,指尖脈波を用いた心拍変動の分析を行った.対象は,不安状態を主訴に治療中の患者25名(男性6名,女性19名,平均年齢47.7歳).対照群33名(男性6名,女性27名,平均年齢48.7歳)であった.脈波測定装置を用いて低周波(Low Frequency:LF)成分および高周波(High Frequency:HF)成分を抽出し,LF/HFを交感神経,HFを副交感神経指標とした.心理指標としてはSTAIの状態不安と特性不安を測定した.不安群が対照群に比べ,副交感神経指標(HF)が低下する傾向が見られた.また,STAIと生理指標では,特性不安と副交感神経指標(HF)との間に有意な負の相関が認められた.以上のことから,不安状態における自律神経機能は,副交感神経指標(HF)によって客観的に評価できる可能性が示唆された.