井川 純一 中西 大輔 志和 資朗
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.4, pp.386-395, 2013

This study investigates characteristics of burnout, as related to job descriptions in mental hospitals and presuppositions of the concept of burnout (burnout is caused as a result of having enthusiasm for a job). The results of a questionnaire survey (burnout tendency, Japanese Burnout Scale, enthusiasm for a job in the past, modified Enthusiasm scale) with 781 workers at mental hospitals showed that burnout characteristics varied according to job descriptions. Specifically, psychiatric social workers, medical assistants, and nurses fell into the high-burnout category, whereas doctors, occupational therapists, and pharmacists fell into the low-burnout category. In addition, in order to compare enthusiasm for a job in the past with current burnout tendencies, factor scores for the respective scales were classified into a low group or a high group and were cross tabulated. The numbers in the cells of the groups indicating the opposite of the definition of burnout (low enthusiasm-high burnout tendency, high enthusiasm-low burnout tendency) were larger. This indicates that having enthusiasm for a job is not a direct factor for burnout, which is different from the presupposition about burnout.
中川 裕美 横田 晋大 中西 大輔
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.21316, (Released:2022-08-30)

The present study investigated the replicability of a series of Nakagawa et al.’s research. The findings in the previous studies showed ingroup cooperation based on the Social Identity Theory (SIT) and the Bounded Generalized Reciprocity hypothesis (BGR). The cost of cooperation can moderate the relationship between ingroup collaboration and the expectation of reciprocity. However, none of the studies explicitly addressed outgroup members. Consequently, these studies are limited in SIT validity. Research should investigate whether people become more cooperative within an ingroup versus an outgroup. Therefore, we measured ingroup cooperation using the vignette study of Nakagawa et al. (2015). We added an outgroup member version to maintain the salience of the intergroup situation. Our results reproduce Nakagawa et al.’s research and show that cooperation within an ingroup is more significant than that with an outgroup, based on the generated psychological mechanisms of both theories.
井川 純一 中西 大輔 志和 資朗
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.4, pp.386-395, 2013-10-25 (Released:2013-12-25)
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This study investigates characteristics of burnout, as related to job descriptions in mental hospitals and presuppositions of the concept of burnout (burnout is caused as a result of having enthusiasm for a job). The results of a questionnaire survey (burnout tendency, Japanese Burnout Scale, enthusiasm for a job in the past, modified Enthusiasm scale) with 781 workers at mental hospitals showed that burnout characteristics varied according to job descriptions. Specifically, psychiatric social workers, medical assistants, and nurses fell into the high-burnout category, whereas doctors, occupational therapists, and pharmacists fell into the low-burnout category. In addition, in order to compare enthusiasm for a job in the past with current burnout tendencies, factor scores for the respective scales were classified into a low group or a high group and were cross tabulated. The numbers in the cells of the groups indicating the opposite of the definition of burnout (low enthusiasm-high burnout tendency, high enthusiasm-low burnout tendency) were larger. This indicates that having enthusiasm for a job is not a direct factor for burnout, which is different from the presupposition about burnout.
中川 裕美 横田 晋大 中西 大輔
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.1, pp.87-92, 2019 (Released:2019-04-25)

This study aimed to test the validity of social identity theory (SIT) and bounded generalized reciprocity hypothesis (BGR) to explain ingroup cooperation in real social groups. Each of the validity of SIT and BGR have been discussed by social psychologists for a long time. However, recent studies indicate that both theories could explain ingroup cooperation simultaneously. Nakagawa et al. (2015) showed that ingroup cooperation among Japanese fans of a baseball team was derived from the psychological mechanisms predicted by both theories. The present study tested the reproducibility of these results when the cost of cooperation was emphasized. Japanese fans of all 12 baseball teams (N = 1,635) participated in this experiment. In each scenario, the cost of helping was emphasized, and reciprocal expectation was manipulated by knowledge about the feeling of belonging by participants and their partner’s group. The results showed that ingroup cooperation was shown by the psychological mechanism of BGR more than SIT when the cost of cooperation was emphasized.
井川 純一 中西 大輔 志和 資朗
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.2, pp.87-93, 2013-01-20 (Released:2017-03-02)

The purpose of this study is to reveal people's feelings in Japan about "burnout/moetsuki." In Study 1, we conducted a content analysis using articles in newspapers to confirm the usage of burnout/moetsuki. Results indicated that burnout/moetsuki was viewed negatively: images of burnout were associated with article themes and the profession of the interviewees in the article. In particular, burnout was viewed notably negatively in articles when they were related to human services professionals, although it was viewed positively in articles on sports players (particularly when the sports players themselves talked about their burnout experiences). In Study 2, we confirmed the effect of the article theme (that is, burnout experienced by sports players was viewed more positively than that experienced by workers in human services). However, the study could not support the hypothesis about the effects of the profession of the interviewees. These results imply that the term burnout is defined differently by lay people. Therefore, we should rethink the Japanese translation of burnout.
横田 晋大 中西 大輔
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.2, pp.75-82, 2012-01-31 (Released:2017-02-22)

Previous research has shown that ingroup cooperation tends to flourish in intergroup conflict situations. However, the free-rider problem remains unsolved, even in intergroup conflict situations. In this study, based on multi-group selection theory and cultural-group selection theory, we hypothesized that conformity (frequency-dependent behavior) may contribute to enhancing ingroup cooperation. The results of an evolutionary simulation revealed that ingroup cooperation and conformity can evolve in situations of intergroup conflict. When such conflict is mild, agents who cooperate with ingroup members and adjust their behavior to ingroup cooperation rates facilitate cooperation in their own group. However, no effect of conformity on ingroup cooperation was observed during intense intergroup conflict, even though conformity continued to evolve. We discuss the implications of these results and suggest avenues for future research.
中西 大輔 井川 純一 志和 資朗
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.22, no.3, pp.118-127, 2015

This study investigates the relationship between confidence and regret. We predicted that high levels of confidence—where confidence is defined as reduced counterfactual thinking—would limit the experience of regret. A previous study by Gilovich & Medvec (1995) found an action/inaction effect, where regret is higher when one fails to act. However, this effect may no longer exist once we conceptually distinguish the decision to act from one's confidence about that decision. The decision to act is usually accompanied with a high level of confidence, and little counterfactual thinking. We hypothesized that regardless of action/inaction, regret will be significantly lower when a decision is made with high confidence. In Experiment 1, participants read a series of scenarios and made a decision. Before receiving feedback on their decision, participants rated their level of confidence about the decision. In Experiment 2, participants read a hypothetical mistake made by an individual and estimated that individual's level of regret. The results support our hypothesis that level of confidence about decisions affects feelings of regret.
井川 純一 志和 資朗 中西 大輔 車地 未帆 菊本 修 井手下 久登
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.37, no.2, pp.97-103, 2010-10-25 (Released:2017-05-23)

不安状態における自律神経機能を客観的に評価する目的で,指尖脈波を用いた心拍変動の分析を行った.対象は,不安状態を主訴に治療中の患者25名(男性6名,女性19名,平均年齢47.7歳).対照群33名(男性6名,女性27名,平均年齢48.7歳)であった.脈波測定装置を用いて低周波(Low Frequency:LF)成分および高周波(High Frequency:HF)成分を抽出し,LF/HFを交感神経,HFを副交感神経指標とした.心理指標としてはSTAIの状態不安と特性不安を測定した.不安群が対照群に比べ,副交感神経指標(HF)が低下する傾向が見られた.また,STAIと生理指標では,特性不安と副交感神経指標(HF)との間に有意な負の相関が認められた.以上のことから,不安状態における自律神経機能は,副交感神経指標(HF)によって客観的に評価できる可能性が示唆された.
中西 大輔
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.777, pp.2419-2425, 2020-11

<p> The aim of this paper is to follow the tile craftsmen's relocation in Kyoto by researching documents in order to acquire historical data, track the technological lineage and reveal the contemporary social circumstances. This paper concentrates on a tile craftsman 'Fukuda Kaga' describing what his relocation in 1739 meant for the provision of roof tiles in Kyoto.</p><p> Several generations called Fukuda Kaga worked in the Daibutsu district, which was known as a major production area of roof tiles for temples and shrines. The term 'the tile craftsman in the Daibutsu district' can be found on many roof tiles and ridge tags.</p><p> It is known that the Fukuda Kaga were active from 1590 to 1735. They worked in Myoshinji-temple, Kyoougokoku1i-temple, Daitokuji-temple, and Kiyomizudera-temple. After 1735, their activities decreased significantly, and their course is unknown except for the last work in 1775.</p><p> Investigating <i>Hinamiki</i>, the diaries kept at Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine, I found records about his working activities m the Hiiragibara district in 1739. Being part of the Kamigamo district, t he Hiiragibara district was under the control of Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. Therefore, Fukuda Kaga had to apply to the shrine for his work, and the shrine recorded his application in <i>Hinamiki</i>.</p><p> The following three points were revealed as a conclusion by deciphering:</p><p> 1. Fukuda Kaga moved to the Hiiragibara district in 1739, after he surveyed the geology of the area and selected a site for his workshop in 1738. Mentioning of Fukuda Kaga's name could be found before 1731 at Myoshinji-temple, and before 1735 at Daitokuji-temple. At Myoshinji-temple, a new tile craftsman applied to the temple for permission to open business in 1739, which was the same year Fukuda Kaga applied to Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. At Daitokuji-temple, the name of a different new tile craftsman from another district could be found in 1780.</p><p> 2. A merchant named Yorozuya Kan'uemon at the Daitokuji-temple town mediated between Fukuda Kaga and Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. At first, Yorozuya Kan'uemon applied for permission to open a tile shop to the shrine. After the permission was granted, Fukuda Kaga became the applicant, and Yorozuya Kan'uemon stood as a guarantor for Fukuda Kaga. It has to be noted that the application forms were prepared by Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine.</p><p> 3. The relocation of Fukuda Kaga was due to an agreement between himself and Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. The main motivation for Fukuda Kaga to work in the Hiiragibara district was the great demand for a tile craftsman in the area, and the little competition. Contrary to this, the Daibutsu district was abundant in tile craftsmen in the same period consuming a great amount of the local clay. Furthermore, Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine needed him in order to overcome financial difficulties, because at the time, the shrine was indebted, and some of the priests were too poor to fix their own houses. They expected the tax revenues from Fukuda Kaga to solve these problems, and also to stabilize the lives of local farmers by giving them work.</p><p> In conclusion, Fukuda Kaga didn't close his workshop by An'ei era. Fukuda Kaga moved to the Hiiragibara district legally and based on his own intentions. After his relocation, new tile craftsmen started to work at the temples, where Fukuda Kaga had worked before. His move indicated the end of an epoch in the provision of roof tiles for temples and shrines in Kyoto.</p>
平石 界 池田 功毅 中西 大輔 横田 晋大

2017年度は、「評価的条件付けによる風評被害の導出」実験、「確率見積りバイアスの検討」実験を進めつつ、本研究プロジェクトの基盤となった前プロジェクトによって収集したWeb調査データに継続させる形で本プロジェクトで収集したWeb調査データを合わせた分析を行った。「評価的条件付けによる風評被害の導出」実験については、分担研究者の池田(学振/中京大学)のもと、ネガティブな評価条件づけと脳波測定を組み合わせた実験のセッティングを進めた。「確率見積りバイアスの検討」実験について、前年度に作成した実験プログラムを用いて、クラウドソーシングを用いて一般サンプルからのデータ収集の予備実験を行った。大学生を対象とした実験室実験の場合と異なり、クラウドソーシングならではの問題点が浮かび上がる一方、より優れた実験デザインでの実施が可能となることが示されたため、実験プログラムのアップデートを進めた。2013年度より継続して、福島第一原発事故に関連して、放射能リスク認知にかんするWeb調査を行ってきた。2014年3月以来、2017年2月まで。放射能を含む様々な種類のリスク認知にかんして、同一サンプルからの、福島第一原発事故の3年後、4年後、6年後の継続データを取得してきたが、6年を経てもなお放射能へのリスク認知にほとんど変化は生じていないことが示された(池田・平石・中西・横田, 2017)。この知見の頑健さを確認するために、異なるサンプルに対して同一項目のWeb調査を2018年3月に実施した。一方、放射能リスク認知への科学リテラシーの影響については、3度のWeb調査を経て、一貫してリテラシーの高さが偏ったリスク認知を低減させないという結果が得られている(中西・横田・井川, 2017)。本知見については論文を投稿中である。
岡田 光貴 末岡 裕一郎 中西 大輔 大須賀 公一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.19-00151, (Released:2019-12-04)

This paper is concerned with the demonstration of scallop-like swimming with the aid of robot toy; using jet propulsion by clapping the shells quickly. Previous works from biological approach have indicated what structures contributes to generate the jet propulsion. This paper tries to perform quick underwater locomotion by mimicking the structures of scallop based on constructive approach: development of scallop-like robot with autonomous generation of jet propulsion. After designing the structure and actuation mechanism by mimicking the scallop, we focus on the effect of the mantle property on swimming. Firstly we confirm that developed robot can perform scallop-like swimming. Secondly we also compare the swimming speed by changing the property of designed mantles.
井川 純一 中西 大輔
パーソナリティ研究 (ISSN:13488406)
vol.27, no.3, pp.210-220, 2019
