木下 枝穂 久保倉 寛子 石田 丈博 津田 淑江
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.40, no.3, pp.146-155, 2007-06-20 (Released:2013-04-26)

津田 淑江 大家 千恵子 瀬戸 美江 久保倉 寛子 稲葉 敦
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.2, no.3, pp.288-297, 2006 (Released:2007-09-20)
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The study examined the volume of Life Cycle CO2 emission from Japanese, Western and Chinese dishes that are daily consumed by the Japanese, especially it compared the volume of CO2 emission depending upon a different cooking process. The results of the analysis revealed as follows. 1. CO2 emission is greatly influenced by the purchase of in-season product and the use of food ingredients produced in nearby prefecture. 2. It is clear that the size of cooking pot, adjustment of cooking temperature, whether or not to use a pot cover while cooking could affect on the reduction of CO2 emission. It is necessary to devise suitable cooking process for CO2 emission reduction because CO2 emission could be increased depending on certain cooking process such as boiled or steamed. The volume of CO2 discharged from cooking by one household is limited; however it becomes larger when taking the total number of Japanese households into account. (49,530,000 according to 2005 census) It is evident that every household should concern on CO2 emission from cooking since it could reduce the environmental burdens.
津田 淑江 久保倉 寛子 辻本 進 上田 玲子 大家 千恵子
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.3, no.3, pp.157-167, 2007 (Released:2010-11-29)
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As the first step to examine a possibility of Japanese food stability, model menu was selected for home cooking with purchased ingredients and the environmental burden was evaluated by LC-CO2 emission from cooking at home. Menu selected for the study were Toasted bread and fried egg for the breakfast, Chinese noodles in soup for lunch, and three different styles of dinner; Japanese dishes (Dinner 1), Western dishes (Dinner 2) and Chinese dishes (Dinner3). For each menu, LC-CO2 emission from ingredients was calculated and LC-CO2 emission from cooking was added, then total LC-CO2 emission for the whole meal was estimated. CO2 emission from cooking meals for one day was 1400g-CO2 (average of 3days), which was not high level, but it could affect the environmental considering the number of households. The cooking methods produced the lowest LC-CO2 were “Deep-fry” and “Stir-fry”, whereas “Boil” and “Steam” showed high level of LC-CO2. Looking at the level of LC-CO2 combined from ingredients and cooking, breakfast showed the lowest LC-CO2 among the selected menu. Japanese style dinner showed low level of LC-CO2 from ingredients but high level of LC-CO2 from cooking. As for Western style dinner, beef used for Hamburger steak produced much higher level of LC-CO2 based on an accumulated method. Therefore, the Western style dinner produced LC-CO2 approximately twice as much as Japanese style or Chinese style dinner. This study estimated LC-CO2 emission from the selected menu of home cooking. To analyze environmental burden of Japanese food life style more realistically, it is necessary to study environmental burden from meals eaten at restaurants and dishes using prepared or processed food even when home cooking, utilizing statistics of average Japanese eating behavior models.
〓橋 沙織 勝股 理恵 吉澤 久美 八巻 桃子 大迫 美由紀 村上 満利子 毛利 さやか 佐藤 みずき 目黒 寛子 久保倉 寛子 広瀬 佳苗 田中 直義 渡辺 杉夫 木内 幹
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.52, no.10, pp.454-461, 2005
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1. 中国雲南省の淡豆〓から分離した細菌でわが国の糸引納豆を製造した結果, 撹拌すると豆の形が完全に崩れてしまうほど軟らかい納豆を製造することができる菌, KFP843を見いだした. 同定の結果, KFP843株は<i>Bacillus subtilis</i>に属する菌であった.<br>2. <i>B. subtilis</i> KFP843の納豆製造には2種類の温度プログラムを用いたが, KFP843株の最適生育温度である43℃を初発温度とする製造プログラムが適しており, 製造した納豆の硬さは, 市販納豆の硬さを100%とすると, それは約40%の硬さに仕上がった.<br>3. ホルモール窒素は市販納豆のそれが0.94%であったのに対し, 本菌株で製造した納豆は0.28ないし0.38%であった. また糸引きは市販納豆よりもやや弱く, 相対粘度は市販納豆のそれが2.06であったのに対し, 1.10ないし1.21であった.<br>4. 官能検査では, 菌の被り, 豆の割れ・つぶれ, 硬さの項目で市販納豆に比べて有意に良い評価 (p<0.05) であった. 市販納豆に比べて有意に (p<0.05) 糸引きは弱いが, 豆が軟らかいという評価を得た.