吉村 彰大 松野 泰也
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.15, no.1, pp.54-69, 2019 (Released:2019-01-25)
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鉄道は環境負荷の小さい交通機関であり、低炭素社会の構築に重要でありながら、近年は赤字路線の廃止と他輸送機関への代替が続いている。近年、費用便益分析が鉄道存廃の判断基準に用いられているが、鉄道の廃止に伴う周辺道路への影響や交通権の保障などの観点から、費用便益分析のみを判断基準とするのは好ましくない。そのため本研究では、鉄道路線の廃止が並行道路に与える影響の評価と、それに伴う経済的 / 環境的負担の比較、検討を通じて、路線が持つ社会的な存在意義の評価に新たな切り口を提供することを目的とした。具体的には、鉄道の存廃による並行道路の混雑変化への影響と、CO2排出量変化を評価した。さらに、路線の赤字と廃止によって必要となる道路改良費を比較した。対象は、既に廃止された2路線と、経営安定性の低い13路線とした。その結果、廃止された2路線では、利用者の80%が自動車利用に転換しても道路混雑は悪化しないと推計され、実際の道路状況とよく一致した。現存する13路線では、7路線が廃止によって並行道路の混雑を悪化させると予測され、うち6路線では大幅な悪化が予想された。この6路線では、鉄道の赤字額が周辺道路の道路改良費を下回ったことから、路線の維持がより合理的であることが示唆された。CO2排出量では、利用者数の最も少ない阿佐海岸鉄道を除いて鉄道の運行によって軽減できていると推計された。この結果から、鉄道の運行によってCO2排出量を削減するためには、一定以上の利用が必要であるという既存研究と同様の結果が確認された一方、排出量の削減効果と経営安定性との相関は、混雑変化と経営安定性に比べ弱いことが示唆された。本研究を通じ、並行道路の混雑変化と財政負担、CO2排出量変化を個々に比較、検討することが、地方鉄道の社会的な存在意義を評価する新たな切り口となることが示唆された。
五味 馨
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.17, no.4, pp.221-228, 2021 (Released:2021-10-25)

本解説記事では地域循環共生圏の理念を具体的・分析的な研究に応用するため、地域循環共生圏の理念を整理・解説し、既存の圏域概念との比較から地域循環共生圏の特徴を示す。また応用のための枠組みとして、地域循環共生圏に必要な 9 要件と、地域循環共生圏構築にかかわる様々な活動に対し共通に適用可能な一般的な要素への分解とその構造化の手法を紹介する。応用例としてこれまでに行われている地域循環共生圏事業の簡単な分析例を示す。最後にライフサイクル分析において地域循環共生圏の理念を活用する際に予想される課題として、多目標の考慮や空間範囲の重視を挙げる。
松八重 一代 大竹 久夫
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.14, no.2, pp.134-140, 2018 (Released:2019-12-15)

小椋 和子
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.6, no.1, pp.20-25, 2010 (Released:2019-12-15)

Professor Hanya wrote in his sociogeochemistry the migration of human society from demanding production to an environment oriented society, because of construction for sustainable society. One of important subjects for building up the environment oriented society is a recycled use of unneeded goods, which expects an introduction of idea for Life Cycle Assessment. Recycling of plastic products is significant, because plastic waste remains un-decomposed for a long time on the Earth; however, volatile organic compounds are to be released from plastic waste on the process of its compression. These volatile organic compounds may be harmful and unhealthy for human life. In fact, so-called “Suginami disease” had occurred in the vicinity of a plastic compression plant. Volatile organic compounds released on the process of plastic compression there may have caused the “Suginami disease.” Although recycling of waste products is important to sustain the environment oriented society, it is unacceptable for recycling process to bring any harmful products. Some serious problems were discussed on the plastic waste recycling.
八坂 慶仁 正畠 宏一 伊坪 徳宏
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.17, no.1, pp.29-44, 2021 (Released:2021-01-27)

本研究資料では、発電に伴うライフサイクル GHG 排出量に着目しメタ分析を行った。対象とした発電方法は、石炭、石油、天然ガス、地熱、風力、原子力、水力、太陽熱、太陽光、バイオマスである。石炭、天然ガスは、 CCS の有無、太陽光は、パネルの種類、風力発電は、陸上、洋上でさらに細く分類した。本研究では 66 本の査読付き論文を対象にメタ分析を行った。対象範囲はフルライフサイクルとし、燃料製造段階、建造段階、発電段階、廃棄段階に分類し不足している段階については同じ発電方法の平均値を当てはめる補正を行った。メタ分析によって化石燃料由来発電から非化石燃料由来発電に切り替えることで、中央値で見ると 1kWh あたり約 90% のライフサイクル GHG 排出量が削減されるが、発電方法によっては削減量が 50% 程度となる場合もある。発電においてGHG 排出量へ影響を与えるのは発電容量や発電所寿命、発電方式であり、これらの把握が重要であることが明らかとなった。
櫻井 啓一郎
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.7, no.2, pp.124-129, 2011 (Released:2019-12-15)

Objective. This paper briefly reviews the recent trends of photovoltaic power generation systems(PV systems)and its implications to LCA, including the results of reports written in Japanese.Results. It has been summarized that the PV systems’ energy payback time(EPT)and greenhouse gas(GHG)emission have been practical - even in the worst, minor-case, outdated scenarios. Current typical EPT for the most major polycrystalline silicon PV systems are around 2-3 years, while the GHG emission is generally below 50g-CO2eq/kWh, when assuming a Japanese insolation and a 30-years lifetime. Newly emerging technologies and expansion of the production volume are further cutting down the EPT and GHG emissions.Conclusions. The energy payback time and greenhouse gas emissions from PV systems have greatly reduced within the recent decade. Whenever evaluating these aspect of PV systems, it is crucial to refer to the latest data.
柴原 尚希 加藤 博和 林 良嗣
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.5, no.1, pp.40-46, 2009 (Released:2012-08-01)

Objective. The focus of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction policies for the inter-regional passenger transport system depends on two factors: 1) the aviation sector is the slowest to eliminate use of carbon fuels; and 2) aviation is expected to contribute more to greenhouse gas emissions than other transport modes. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the possible changes in each indicator of Life Cycle CO2 (LC-CO2) per passenger-km and eco-efficiency considering travel speed as a result of a shift from aviation to the high speed railway system (Shinkansen). CO2 emissions both for aviation and Shinkansen were estimated by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method and taking into account same important parameters such as passenger demand.Results and Discussion. CO2 exhausted from aviation and Shinkansen during normal operation and the additional LC-CO2 from new infrastructure provision were compared. The first analyzed the sensitivity with regard to the number of passengers for a 500km long corridor. The results indicate the following: 1) CO2 per passenger-km generated from aviation hardly vary with the number of passengers; 2) LC-CO2 per passenger-km for Shinkansen is inversely proportional to the number of passengers; 3) LC-CO2 per passenger-km for Shinkansen is lower than that for aviation for the passenger volume of approximately 1,200 or more passengers per day; and 4) for eco-efficiency, the break-even point is more than around 2,000 passengers per day. The second considers the distance and travel demand for both aviation and Shinkansen. A possible shift from the current demand for aviation to Shinkansen was compared for each inter-prefectural Origin-Destination (OD) pair. Shinkansen was found to be superior for OD pairs with higher demand and shorter distances.Conclusions. This paper proposed a methodology for identifying an inter-regional transport system with lower CO2 emissions. An application to the inter-prefectural ODs for existing airlines in Japan shows the conditions that provide an advantage of lower CO2 emissions for aviation or Shinkansen.
石坂 和明 村山 克己 伊坪 徳宏
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.3, no.1, pp.45-51, 2007 (Released:2008-05-22)
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In order to evaluate the environmental impact of Pellet stove, we executed life cycle impact assessment using LIME. Items of environmental impact assessment were 4 safeguard subjects of Human health, Social asset, Primary production and Biodiversity, and Weighting of 4 safeguard subjects. A comparison product took up Oil fan heater. As a result of the analysis, the characteristic of environmental impact of Pellet stove was clarified. In the comparison with Oil fan heater, there was relation of trade-off by item of safeguard subject. In the evaluation by weighting, the environmental impact of Pellet stove was smaller than that of Oil fan heater. Environmental domination of Pellet stove was verified.
楊 翠芬 匂坂 正幸
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.5, no.4, pp.501-509, 2009 (Released:2012-08-18)
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Objective. Ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass such as rice straw and wood are recently getting high attention. In this study, we evaluated energy consumption, CO2 emissions and cost of the ethanol production from rice straw by concentrated sulfuric acid hydrolysis throughout the life cycle and compared its results with gasoline. For the system boundary of the life cycle of bioethanol it is necessary to consider each process of the bioethanol production system including cultivation, harvesting, collection/transportation, fuel conversion, fuel transportation and fuel use. However, in this study, the cultivation process is not considered because we exclusively evaluate unused rice straw from agricultural residues. We considered harvesting, collection/transportation of rice straw, and conversion of ethanol, transportation of ethanol, lignin boiler, waste disposal, liquid waste treatment process and ethanol use. Beside the operation processes the construction of an ethanol plant, the rice straw collection/transportation vehicles, and the ethanol transportation vehicles were considered. Furthermore, we analyzed the influence of the rice straw cost and capacities of the bioethanol plant on the ethanol production cost.Results and Discussion. The energy consumption was estimated to be 728MJ, and CO2 emissions were estimated to be 39kg-CO2 per production of 1 GJ of ethanol. Energy input and CO2 emissions of the ethanol conversion process were the most aspects of the life cycle of ethanol. Bioethanol uses about 39% less energy and produces 51% less CO2 emissions than gasoline. Lignin residue combustion has a high potential for reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The bioethanol cost was estimated to be 181 JPY/L. The rice straw cost and its conversion cost account for 68% and 30% of the total cost, respectively. In terms of cost, ethanol is not competitive with gasoline. However, if ethanol becomes tax-exempt from the gasoline tax, the ethanol price can become competitive for the end user.Conclusions. From the viewpoint of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, bioethanol is likely superior to gasoline. The system which utilizes lignin in a boiler and recovers heat effective increases the energy balance and reduces CO2 emissions. Since the rice straw collection/transportation cost accounts for a large part of the total cost in the ethanol production system, it is significant to make the price competitive. The development of low cost technologies to collect rice straw and ethanol conversion as well as a financial support system are needed.
三橋 正枝 澤田 成章 古川 柳蔵 松八重 一代
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.18, no.3, pp.152-158, 2022 (Released:2022-08-05)

重富 陽介 種田 あずさ
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.18, no.3, pp.135-141, 2022 (Released:2022-08-05)

離島は多様性のホットスポットであるとともに様々な脆弱性を抱えており、その閉じられた境界の中で持続可能な発展の道筋を示すための先行研究が数多く実施されてきた。本稿では、長崎県にある約 600 の離島の中で最も人口が多い五島列島に焦点を当てる。五島列島の中で、五島市を行政の中心に据える下五島では、かねてより洋上風力発電や潮汐発電の日本初の実証地として再生可能エネルギーの利活用を軸とする地域活性化に力が入れられている。本稿では、下五島における持続可能な発展に向けた知見を得るための、同島の肉牛やうどん等の食の特産品に注目したライフサイクル分析のフレームワークと研究展望について紹介する。
八木 一行
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.7, no.1, pp.2-10, 2011 (Released:2019-12-15)

Objective. This paper overviews current knowledge on emissions of methane(CH4)and nitrous oxide(N2O)from agricultural land.Results and Discussion. Agricultural land use is identified to be a major source for atmospheric CH4 and N2O. It is pointed out that extended cultivation of paddy rice and dramatic increase in the consumption of fertilizer nitrogen have been significantly increased emission rates of CH4 and N2O, respectively. An emission database of rice fields in Asian countries were compiled and analyzed by a statistical approach. A large number of field measurements for CH4 and N2O conducted at various sites in the world was compiled as databases. Statistical analysis of these databases developed methodologies for estimating regional and global emission rates, such as those in the IPCC Guidelines. Results of the field measurement experiments also suggested promising mitigation options for agricultural emissions of CH4 and N2O.Conclusions. The review of the research advance indicates the effects of agricultural emissions of CH4 and N2O on global warming and the potentials of mitigation options. Further studies and actions are needed to develop practical systems for extending the mitigation options to local farmers.
中谷 隼 藤井 実 森口 祐一 平尾 雅彦
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.4, no.4, pp.324-333, 2008 (Released:2012-05-26)
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Background and Objective. In recent years, besides the domestics recycling, a part of Japanese post-consumer PET bottles are exported to and recycled in mainland China. In this study, life-cycle assessment was applied to the comparison of PET bottle recycling scenarios, including domestic recycling and transboundary recycling between Japan and China, from the viewpoint of CO2 emission and fossil fuel consumption. Results and Discussion. The following 10 scenarios based on our field surveys were evaluated: Japanese post-consumer PET bottles are (i) recycled into polyester staples in Japan, (ii) recycled into polyester filaments in Japan, (iii) recycled into polyester clothes in Japan, (iv) chemically decomposed and recycled into bottle-grade PET resin in Japan, (v) chemically decomposed and recycled into polyester filaments in Japan, (vi) (vii) recycled into polyester staples in two different flows in China, (viii) recycled into polyester clothes in China, (ix) incinerated and partly recovered as electricity in Japan, and (x) directly landfilled in Japan. The results showed that all the domestic and transboundary recycling scenarios had smaller impacts than the incineration scenario, and that the chemical recycling scenarios had larger impacts than the other recycling scenarios. The robustness of the results was examined against variability of background parameters for electricity supplies and against specification of virgin products substituted by recycled products. Conclusions. The differences of CO2 emissions and fossil fuel consumptions between domestic and transboundary recycling scenarios, other than the chemical recycling scenarios, were not large enough to be robust against the above-mentioned variability. In particular, the variability strongly influenced the results of the scenarios including cloth-manufacturing processes in their system boundaries.
青地 忠浩
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.14, no.4, pp.256-266, 2018 (Released:2018-12-01)

松田 智 久保田 宏
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.4, no.1, pp.67-77, 2008 (Released:2012-06-06)
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Objective. The "bottle to bottle recycling" of PET bottle by chemical process, hydrolysis and re-synthesis of PET resin, was put into practical use in April of 2004 in Japan, and this method was regarded as one of the most promising routes of PET bottle recycle. There are, however, several options of PET bottle recycling that should be examined whether they are really useful or not. In this study, LCA analysis was tried to estimate the effectiveness of several alternatives of PET bottle recycling. A new concept of "Social Energy Consumption", defined as sum of energy inputs for production plus feed stock energy minus total energy loss in our society during the use and recycling of PET bottle, was proposed and used as criteria for estimating the effectiveness of the PET bottle recycling: in other words, energy equivalent of resource conservative quantity was used for estimation of recycling, that is a main characteristic of this study. Results and Discussion. Several case studies were carried out to examine the adequacy of assumed values as well as the estimation procedure adopted in this study. As a result, the reliability of the values and method was confirmed. Results of the case studies indicated that the advantage of the chemical recycle for bottle to bottle is not so larger as was expected than that of material recycle for other products, because energy input for chemical recycle is rather large, however the difference in the quality of products is not taken into account. And it was also found that bottle reproduction from flakes obtained directly by crushing used PET bottle has a better potential advantage, meaning that this recycle route will be worthy of serious consideration although this is not practical in present-day Japan by the ministerial regulation from a hygiene point of view.Conclusions. Thus, there should be more emphasis on the necessity of wide-ranging discussions on the recycle of PET bottle based on objective and quantitative LCA investigation from the stand point of, not only CO2 emission, but the social utility of repeated use of petroleum resource.
岡島 敬一 内山 洋司
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.5, no.4, pp.521-528, 2009 (Released:2012-08-18)
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Objective. Recycling of photovoltaic cell will become more important in the near future because of rapid growth of PV installation since the 1990s. It is needed to evaluate the effect of PV recycling from the economical and environmental points of view. In this paper, input energy, CO2 emissions and capital costs for the production of photovoltaic modules with recycling process are evaluated using a life cycle analysis method. Furthermore, annual production and installed cost for PV modules are estimated until 2050 when PV recycling plants is installed.Results and Discussion. The lifecycle input energy of the recycling PV module decreases 20% and 71% for the thermal decomposition and the nitric acid treatment, respectively, comparing with the unrecycling one. The CO2 emission and the cost are also decreased by the introduction of recycling processes. The cost of the nitric acid treatment is low, and the PV module cost decreases 41%. The result of estimation of the annual production and the installed cost for PV modules with the nitric acid treatment shows reasonable cost on 2017 or later.Conclusions. It was supposed to be difficult to recycle by the thermal decomposition because of cost for the process. Based on the results of the evaluations performed in this study, however, the nitric acid treatment is desirable for PV module recycling. The nitric acid treatment can be expected as a main process of future solar cell recycling due to the lower input energy, the CO2 emission, and the system cost. PV module recycling is anticipated a practical application in the near future.
平松 あい 山本 大輔 栗栖 聖 花木 啓祐
The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.11, no.1, pp.2-10, 2015

<b>Objective.</b> The objective of this study is to comprehend how much environment-related issues are dealt in the current home economics in full detail to examine the possibility of introducing Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) into curriculum of home economics. The authors applied text mining to plural home economics textbooks from the elementary school to the high school to clarify the difference of use of the environment-related elements - "sustainable society", "LCA" etc. In addition, the difference among schools and publishing companies were also analyzed.<BR><b>Results and Discussion.</b> "Daily life" and "family" were the main topic of elementary school and "environment" was also included in it and "environment" was strongly connected with word "think." In junior high school, "environment" was treated in the family life in the community and had a tendency to be connected with consumption behavior in real life. In high school, there were not many words that had strong ties with "environment" and "environment" came to be treated broader in the various issues of whole society. The word "green consumer" was appeared once in the junior high school textbook, and the word "LCA" was appeared for the first time in the high school textbook. Both were seen only just with the explanation of the concepts. While environmental concepts were linked close to concrete daily actions at the junior high school, the link became weakened at the high school. A problem of missing link that environmental education did not lead to behavioral change was implicated.<BR><b>Conclusions.</b> The current work showed that the textbook or the curriculum of junior high school seemed most appropriate to adopt LCA to promote environmental-friendly actions because "environment" was treated as a close issue as daily activities, especially consumption behaviors. It can be also proposed to increase more practical contents which connect an environment concept to a concrete action in the textbook of the high school where "LCA" was first appeared.<BR>
伊坪 徳宏 久保 利晃 森野 悠 大原 利眞
The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.9, no.3, pp.206-220, 2013

<b>Objective.</b> The accidents at the Fukushima nuclear power plants following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 resulted in a huge amount of emissions of radioactive substances. The public may have special concerns regarding these plants and radiation-related health risks. Advanced method of life cycle impact assessment evaluates potential human health impacts throughout of product life cycle. This study aimed at the development of method which reflect geographical conditions of Japan and climate conditions of 2011 March and applied this to evaluate increment of health impacts caused by the severe accident of nuclear power plants. Based on the preliminary result of evaluation using the existing characterization factor, we concentrated on the assessment of health impact of cancer caused by the I131 emission to the air.<BR><b>Methods.</b> LCIA methods generally provide site generic characterization factors (including country-specific factors) to give a priority to the application to LCA. We developed a method which includes fate, exposure, effect and damage analysis in order to improve the quality of assessment. The developed method considers the location (emission site), temporal conditions (2012/March/11th to 29th), population (density and age distribution) and weather conditions (precipitation, wind). The calculated result can be expressed as the increment of the risk of cancer and that of the damage on human, namely, loss of life expectancy.<BR><b>Results.</b> The incremental risk of cancer and the loss of life expectancy caused by the emission of I131 from Fukushima nuclear power plant were estimated. Both of them were evaluated for each grid cell (3km×3km). The incremental risk exceeded 10<sup>-4</sup> in eastern Fukushima and Ibaraki prefecture and exceeded 10<sup>-5</sup> in Kanto region including metropolitan area. The estimated human health damage varies with the slope of dose-response relationship, the maximum value is estimated around 30,000 years. The contribution of external exposures is comparatively higher than those of internal exposure such as inhalation and ingestion, because we took into account the indoor exposure of gamma radiation. Average health impact per capita in Fukushima prefecture was 2 days in the maximum. Potential damage on human health in Tokyo is also estimated high (more than 5,000 years) because of the higher population density as well as Fukushima and Ibaraki.<BR><b>Conclusions.</b> Estimated health impacts of I131 have a wide range varied from 5,000 to 30,000 years. Nevertheless, our model reflecting environmental, geographical and temporal conditions contributed to improve the quality of assessment and the result would be expected as the first study estimating potential of human health damage. The maximum value was the same digit number with the annual health impact (normalization value) of indoor air pollution (84,000 years) and noise (69,000 years) in Japan and it was less than these of urban air pollution and climate change. This study concentrated the damage caused by the emission of I131, the impact of Cs137 was out of scope, because of the difficulty of exposure in a long period of time. The inclusion of Cs137 in the assessment would be a next issue of this study.
野田 英樹 奥野 喜裕 伊坪 徳宏
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.11, no.2, pp.172-188, 2015 (Released:2015-11-09)
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Objective. Photovoltaic (PV) power systems are considered an essential component of environmental friendly society. However, the land area required for generating unit amount of power by PV system is larger than that for an equivalent coal-fired power system. In Japan there has been some instances of PV power systems being installed in forest areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of PV power systems on Japanese forests. Forest vegetation is classified into the 13 types used in the “Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling 2 (LIME2)” methodology. This will allow us to establish the relationship between the reduced CO2 emissions of a PV power system and the system’s impact on forest by way of land use, compared with those of coal-fired power system.Results and Discussion. The environmental impact of a PV power system installed on a roof was calculated as 6.3% of the impact of a coal-fired power system. In contrast, placing the PV power system in oak or pine forest had a substantially greater environmental impacts, of 76.7% and 99.9% respectively. Following sensitivity analysis, it became apparent that the area required by a PV power system per generated unit of power is the most important factor. For example, with regard to the oak forest, the environmental impact of the PV power system can be reduced from 99.9% to 74.2% by decreasing the area required per generated unit of power from 15,200m2/MW to 11,000m2/MW. A further improvement of 5.8% can be achieved by planting grass under PV panels.Conclusions. LIME2 damage factors were used to classify land use impact for 13 vegetational types of Japanese forest. From the calculated results, it is clear that the environmental impact of PV power system land use on a forest should not be disregarded; however, the level of that impact will depend on the vegetational classification. Furthermore, reducing the utilization rate of the PV power system is an effective way to lessen the impact of land use.
菊池 康紀 大澤 一岳 兼松 祐一郎
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.16, no.2, pp.94-105, 2020 (Released:2020-04-25)

植物資源は化石資源の大幅削減を行うために不可欠な資源になりうるものとして期待できるものであり、 賦存量の多い木質系資源のバイオマス利用は国内外で重要となりうる。各種変換技術が研究・実証段階から実用化へ開発が進められている中、適切なライフサイクル思考による評価が不可欠である。本稿では、バイオマス利用に関して必要となるライフサイクル思考の要件を議論するために、計量書誌分析によりデータ駆動型の研究開発動向のレビューと、俯瞰報告書やロードマップといった既往の文献に基づくエキスパートジャッジ型のレビューを実施し、関連するキーワードを整理する。さらに、ライフサイクル思考に基づく木質系資源のバイオマス利用に関し、調査範囲の設定や、評価の観点、地理的なバウンダリと地域システム設計に関して考察する。