亀山 晶子 樫原 潤 山川 樹 村中 昌紀 坂本 真士
産業・組織心理学研究 (ISSN:09170391)
vol.34, no.2, pp.165-177, 2021 (Released:2022-04-29)

Recently, a case of depression called “modern-type depression” (MTD), which has different characteristics from melancholic or traditional-type depression (TTD), has been discussed. At the workplace, it has been suggested that employees with MTD are regarded as a problem, so this study examined the characteristics of impressions and attitudes toward MTD compared to those regarding TTD among supervisors and coworkers. Survey participants were 245 managers and 208 non-managerial employees from Japan. They read two vignettes that described fictitious employees with either TTD or MTD, and completed items regarding their impressions and attitudes toward these employees. Results indicated the following: (a) both managerial and non-managerial employees recognized there were employees similar to those described in the MTD vignette in society, especially among the youngest generations; (b) both managerial and non-managerial employees had more negative impressions and attitudes toward employees with MTD compared to those regarding employees with TTD; and (c) managers were more likely to attribute the cause of MTD to the employee’s personality and have lower sense of familiarity and understanding toward MTD characteristics. It is suggested that there are less understanding and support for MTD in the workplace and countermeasures for these problems are required.

2 0 0 0 OA 編集後記

亀山 晶子
行動医学研究 (ISSN:13416790)
vol.26, no.2, pp.138-1, 2021 (Released:2022-01-23)
鈴木 雄大 坂本 真士 村中 昌紀 山川 樹 亀山 晶子 松浦 隆信
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.94, no.3, pp.247-253, 2023 (Released:2023-08-25)

The present research examined the relationship between interpersonal sensitivity (IS), privileged self (PS), and internet addiction, focusing on the direct effects among these variables and the indirect effects of problem-solving coping tendency and expression of emotional coping tendency. A total of 114 university students participated in the questionnaire survey, of which the 92 who completely answered the questionnaire were included in the analysis. Our data showed a significant positive direct effect of IS and PS on internet addiction tendency. Although the indirect effect of IS on internet addiction mediated by problem-solving coping tendency was not significant, the indirect effect of PS on internet addiction mediated by expression of emotional coping tendency was significant. We discussed the direct and indirect effects in terms of IS and PS characteristics and motivations.
赤澤 正人 松本 俊彦 勝又 陽太郎 木谷 雅彦 廣川 聖子 高橋 祥友 川上 憲人 渡邉 直樹 平山 正実 亀山 晶子 横山 由香里 竹島 正
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.57, no.7, pp.550-560, 2010 (Released:2014-06-12)

目的 わが国の自殺者数は,平成10年に 3 万人を超えて以降,11年に渡りその水準で推移しており,自殺予防は医療や精神保健福祉の分野に留まらず,大きな社会的課題となっている。本研究では心理学的剖検の手法で情報収集がなされた自殺既遂事例について,死亡時の就労状況から有職者と無職者に分類し,その心理社会的特徴や精神医学的特徴の比較•検討を通じて,自殺既遂者の臨床類型を明らかにし,自殺予防の観点から有職者ならびに無職者に対する介入のポイントを検討することを目的とした。方法 心理学的剖検の手法を用いた「自殺予防と遺族支援のための基礎調査」から得られたデータをもとに分析を行った。調査は,自殺者の家族に対して独自に作成された面接票に準拠し,事前にトレーニングを受講した精神科医師と保健師等の 2 人 1 組の調査員によって半構造化面接にて実施された。本研究で用いた面接票は,家族構成,死亡状況,生活歴,仕事上の問題,経済的問題等に関する質問から構成されていた。なお,各自殺事例の精神医学的診断については,調査員を務めた精神科医師が遺族からの聞き取りによって得られたすべての情報を用いて,DSM-IVに準拠した臨床診断を行った。本研究では,2009年7 月中旬時点で23箇所の都道府県•政令指定都市から収集された自殺事例46事例を対象とした。結果 有職者の自殺者は,40~50代の既婚男性を中心として,アルコールに関連する問題や返済困難な借金といった社会的問題を抱えていた事例が多かった。無職者では,有職者に比べて女性の比率が高く,20~30代の未婚者が多く認められ,有職者にみられたような社会的問題は確認されなかった。また,有職者では死亡時点に罹患していたと推測される精神障害としてアルコール使用障害が多く認められたのに対して,無職者では統合失調症及びその他の精神病性障害が多く認められた。結論 自殺予防の観点から,有職者に対しては,職場におけるメンタルヘルス支援の充実,アルコール使用障害と自殺に関する積極的な啓発と支援の充実,そして債務処理に関わる司法分野と精神保健福祉分野の連携の必要性が示唆された。一方で,無職者に対しては,若い世代の自殺予防に関する啓発と支援の充実,統合失調症と自殺に関する研究の蓄積の必要性が示唆された。
樫原 潤 亀山 晶子 山川 樹 村中 昌紀 松浦 隆信 坂本 真士
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.5, pp.520-526, 2018

<p>Depression is a heterogeneous disorder, and a subtype with atypical symptoms called “modern type depression” (MTD) has been recently proposed in Japan. The present study explored perceptions of MTD among healthcare providers, with the aim of contributing to debates on how to deliver effective treatments for MTD. Survey participants were 86 nurses and 60 professional caregivers working for a general hospital. They read two vignettes that described fictitious individuals with either traditional type depression with melancholic features, or MTD, and then answered how they perceived these individuals on Likert-scale items. A series of paired t-tests showed the following cognitive biases on the MTD vignette: (a) the possibility of being diagnosed as depressed, the severity of symptoms, and the effectiveness of psychotherapies were rated lower; (b) lower intentions of helping those individuals and stronger rejecting attitudes were expressed; (c) the precipitating cause of the disorder was more frequently attributed to internal and controllable factors. The discussion highlighted how these cognitive biases held by healthcare providers lower the quality of treatment of MTD.</p>
樫原 潤 亀山 晶子 山川 樹 村中 昌紀 松浦 隆信 坂本 真士
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17334, (Released:2018-09-20)

Depression is a heterogeneous disorder, and a subtype with atypical symptoms called “modern type depression” (MTD) has been recently proposed in Japan. The present study explored perceptions of MTD among healthcare providers, with the aim of contributing to debates on how to deliver effective treatments for MTD. Survey participants were 86 nurses and 60 professional caregivers working for a general hospital. They read two vignettes that described fictitious individuals with either traditional type depression with melancholic features, or MTD, and then answered how they perceived these individuals on Likert-scale items. A series of paired t-tests showed the following cognitive biases on the MTD vignette: (a) the possibility of being diagnosed as depressed, the severity of symptoms, and the effectiveness of psychotherapies were rated lower; (b) lower intentions of helping those individuals and stronger rejecting attitudes were expressed; (c) the precipitating cause of the disorder was more frequently attributed to internal and controllable factors. The discussion highlighted how these cognitive biases held by healthcare providers lower the quality of treatment of MTD.
亀山 晶子 及川 恵 坂本 真士
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.6, pp.577-583, 2016

The present study revised a psycho-educational program designed to prevent depression (Oikawa & Sakamoto, 2007) and to enhance interpersonal coping resources for depression. The effects of the revised program on female undergraduates were examined. One hundred and seventy two undergraduates were assigned either to an experimental group or a control group. The experimental group participated in the revised program for ten weeks as part of a psychological class, while the control group did not. All participants were asked to complete a self-report questionnaire about self-efficacy for cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal coping for depression, the state of their mental health, and perceived social support from their family and friends before and after the program. The experimental group's ratings and responses indicated that the program were interesting and meaningful. Moreover, self-efficacy for coping with depression and perceived support from friends at the post intervention were significantly increased in the experimental group compared with the control group. These results suggest the effectiveness of the revised program for increasing interpersonal coping resources.