鈴木 政登 坂木 佳寿美 松原 茂 三浦 次郎 塩田 正俊 飯島 好子 町田 勝彦 井川 幸雄
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.4, pp.231-242, 1990-08-01

伊藤 朗 三上 俊夫 丹 信介 後藤 浩史 井川 幸雄
一般社団法人 日本痛風・核酸代謝学会
尿酸 (ISSN:03884120)
vol.8, no.1, pp.38-47, 1984 (Released:2012-11-27)

The study was investigated effects of different kinds of exercise on serum uric acid as the basic research data for preventing athletes and non-athletes from exercised-induced hyperuricemia and carring out exercise treatment for hyperuricemia. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Changes in serum uric acid on different kinds of exercise: On an exhaustive exercise on a bicycle ergometer for 5-10 min, serum uric acid was gradually increased, and reached a peak at 2 hrs after exercise. And then it was gradually decreased until 24 hrs after exercise, but was significantly 9.9% higher at 24 hrs after exercise than before exercise (p<0.001). On a 12 min-run, serum uric acid reached a peak immediatly after ex ercise, and then kept the same level until 2 hrs after exercise. On a 2 hrs running on a treadmill, serum uric acid showed a linear increase, and reached a peak at 45 min during exercise. And then it was the same level until 90 min after exercise. 2) Comparison of the degree of increase in serum uric acid on different kinds of exercise: The degree of increase in serum uric acid against before exercise was the largest (+87.9%, p<0.001) on an exhaustive exercise on a bicycle ergometer in untrained subjects, and was with a range of +9.0 to +34.2% on a 12-min -run, a 2 hrs running on a treadmill and so on. 3) Relationship between exercise in t e nsity and increase inserum uric acid when the amount of exercise was the same: The increase in serum uric acid after exercise was proportional to exercise intensity on 60%, 80%, and 100% V02 max. But serum uric acid was almost unchanged after 40% V02 max exercise, and tended to be decreased after 30% V02 max exercise. 4) The ratio of appearence of exercise-induced hyperuricophenomenon (phenomenon of a temporary high level of serum uric acid over 7 mg/dl after severe exercise): The ratio of appearence of exercise-induced hyperurico-phenomenon was 38.1% (75 out of 197 untrained subjects) at 5,000m run, and 53.3% (16 out of 30 trained subjects) at 12-min-run. 5) Effects of training on the degree of increase in serum uric acid after exercise: After training of walking and jogging for 4 months, the mean distance of 12-min-run was increased (2,444m→2,611m), but the degree of increase in serum uric acid after 12mm-run was decreased (+18.3%→+9.1%) in contrast to before training.
井川 幸雄 鈴木 政登 塩田 正俊
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.1, pp.1-10, 1985-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect of commercial sports beverage intake after a thermal exposure on water-electrolytes balance.Nine healthy male volunteers with a mean age of 26.4 years, not heat acclimated, participated in a control experiment where no fluid was given (C experiment) . Five of them were given 500ml isotonic sports beverage containing Na+, K+, Cl-and glucose (S. B experiment) and/or 500 ml tap water (Wa experiment) immediately after sauna exposure. The nude subjects were exposed to a sauna with 65 to 70°C (r. h. 50 to 60%) for 30 min.Serum protein, electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-), creatinine, plasma aldosterone (Ald), and catecholamines concentrations and excretions of electrolytes and aldosterone into urine were measured before, and 3, 30, 60, and 120 min after the sauna. Serum and urinary osmolalities, blood pressure, rectal temperature (Tr), heart rate, oxygen consumption and weight loss were also measured.Body weight loss ranged from 50 to 750g. Serum protein, electrolytes and Ald concentrations increased significantly after the sauna. The enhanced levels of these variables and the depression of urine volume, urinary Na+excretion were maintained throughout the 2h recovery period in C experiment. Hydration associated with a reduced concentration of serum protein and electrolytes was observed at 30 min in S. B, at 60 min in Wa, and a dehydration occured again at 120 min both in S. B and Wa. A peak of urine volume was observed at 60 min in S. B and at 120 min in Wa during recovery. Free water clearance (CH2O) was -0.98 ml/min/100 ml GFR (Ccr) prior to the exposure. With no fluid administration after the sauna, an excess in negative water balance remained throughout the 2 h recovery. But CH2Ochanged from negative to positive at 60 and 120 min after sports beverage and/or water loadings.A significant elevation of % TRNa (0.33 to 1.14%) was maintained after the sauna in both C and Wa experiment. Plasma Aid concentration and excretion of Aid in urine after the exposure were higher in both C and Wa than in S. B experiment. The increased Tr did not return to the initial level throughout the recovery. No significant differences were observed among the three experiments in heart rate and blood pressure as well as Tr.The data indicate that salt deficit due to the sauna exposure was attenuated, but not prevented, by sports beverage intake, although the Aid secretion was alleviated. It is suggested that an over loading of sports beverage or water (i. e. 500 ml VS 50 to 750 g weight loss) leads to a marked and prompt water-diuresis, and to another dehydration. The increase of Tr as well as a partly salt deficit can be related to the rises in Ald secretion still observed at 2 h recovery.
鈴木 政登 坂木 佳寿美 松原 茂 三浦 次郎 塩田 正俊 飯島 好子 町田 勝彦 井川 幸雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.4, pp.231-242, 1990-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

成長期にあるスポーツ選手の運動と栄養摂取の実状を把握するとともに適正な運動と栄養のあり方を考える目的で, 次のような実験を行なった.高校生野球部員17名 (15~16歳, 169.1cm, 59.Okg) を対象に, 1週間の夏期強化練習 (自宅通学) 時にエネルギー消費量 (EE) , 栄養摂取量 (CI) , 摂取食品目数, 体重および血圧を毎日測定し, 12分間走は4回行なった.血液・尿成分は強化練習初日, 4日目および最終日 (7日目) の3回測定した.本実験結果は, 次の通りであった.1.強化練習1週間の平均EEは53.4±7.5kcal/kg/dayであった.CIはEEの87.2%に相当し, 1日あたり平均7.4kcal/kg少なかった.しかし, 体重の経日的変化は観察されなかった.2.強化練習経過にともなう血圧変化はみられなかったが, 12分間走成績は低下した.3.炭水化物 (C) , 脂肪 (F) および蛋白質 (P) の熱量比は, 1週間の平均でそれぞれ66.0, 20.3および13.8%であり, 動物性蛋白質は47.8%であった.4.食事内容は各家庭でほぼ決まっており, 個人内変動が少なかった.概ね摂取食品目数が少なく, 10品目に満たない者が35%みられ, それがほぼ1週間継続していた.5.血液成分のうち顕著に変化したのは1血清TG, TP, Hgb濃度およびCPK活性であり, 強化練習4日目から最終日にかけてCPK活性が著しく上昇し, 他は低下した.とくにTG濃度低下が著しく4日目には初日の1/3以下に激減した.6.強化練習4日目, 最終日にかけて, 無機燐 (Pi) , 尿素窒素 (UN) およびカテコールアミン (CA) 排泄量が著増し, Na, Cl排泄量は低下した.7.強化練習1週間の体重, 12分間走成績, EEおよびCIと血液・尿成分変化との相互関連を調べた結果, 負のエネルギー出納 (CI-EE) が増すほど, 尿中CA排泄量や血清CPK活性が上昇し, TG, TPおよびHgb濃度が逆に低下することが示された.以上の実験結果から, 現状の運動量と栄養摂取状態が持続すれば体重が減少し, 貧血を生じる可能性は十分あり, 体力のみならず十分な技術向上も期待できない, と考えられる.この運動量で野球練習を続けるならば, 摂取食品目数および総摂取熱量の増加, とくに脂肪 (現在の熱量比の平均20.3%) , 蛋白質 (現在平均1.509/kg/day) の摂取増加など栄養摂取面の改善が必要であると思われる.稿を終えるにあたり, 本研究遂行に御協力いただいた栄養士, 三浦かおり, 横田あけみの両氏に厚く御礼申し上げます.また, 被検者として御協力いただいた千葉県立流山中央高校野球部々員諸君ならびに大井監督に御礼申し上げます.
鈴木 政登 井川 幸雄 鈴木 政登

1.運動強度と腎機能との関連健康成人男子7名を対象に、43〜100%VO_2max強度のトレッドミル走を20分間負荷し、腎機能変化を追跡した。クレアチニンクリアランス(Ccr、尿蛋白(アルブミン、β_2Mなど)および電解質排泄量いずれも強度の影響をうけたが、とくに尿濃縮能がその影響を鋭敏に反映し、43%VO_2max後では2.8%、100%VO_2max後では39%減少した。2.RIアンギオグラフィ-による最大運動後の腎血流量の測定健康成人男子6名を対象に、^<99m>Tc-フチン酸(92.5MBq)肘動脈よりボ-ラス注入しシンチカメラで腎領域の時間放射能曲線を求め、それからpool transit time(Oldendorf法)を算出し、その逆数変化を腎血流量(RBF)変化とした。エルゴメ-タで最大運動を負荷した。RBFは運動直後58.4%、60分後でも20.7%の有意減少で回復しなかった。3.運動性蛋白尿出現機序健康男子10名を対象に、captopril 50mgを経口投与しAngiotensin II(AngII)産生を抑制し、トレッドミルで最大運動を負荷した。captopril投与により運動後の血漿Ang II濃度上昇は抑制されたが、尿蛋白排泄抑制はみられず、運動性蛋白尿はAng IIによるfiltration fraction上昇に起因したとする従来の考え方を改める必要があり、これには運動で生じたアニオンギャップの増大が大きく関与していた。4.微量尿蛋白排泄の日内リズムと身体活動との関連健康男子10名を対象に、アルブミン(alb)、β_2M,NAG尿中排泄リズムと身体活動量(エネルギ-消費量)変化との関連を追求した。alb、β_2M,NAG排泄いずれも活動量の影響を受けたが、β_2M,NAG排泄は夜間休息時(10時頃まで)でも抑制されず、内因性調節支配を受けていることが示唆された。