苧阪 直行 池田 尊司 Naoyuki Osaka Takashi Ikeda 京都大学大学院文学研究科 京都大学大学院文学研究科 Department of Psychology Graduate School of Letters Kyoto University Department of Psychology Graduate School of Letters Kyoto University
日本色彩学会誌 = Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan (ISSN:03899357)
vol.30, no.4, pp.197-203, 2006-12-01

視覚的に呈示された色情報の短期的保持が言語(言語的ワーキングメモリ)に依存するのか、あるいは視覚(視覚的ワーキングメモリ)に依存するのかは、当該色が色カテゴリーの境界をクロス(跨ぐ)するかしないかで異なるというモデルを提案した。機能的磁気共鳴脳画像法(fMRI)を用いて、代表的なワーキングメモリ課題であるNバック課題を導入してモデルを検証した。色の記憶における言語と視覚のワーキングメモリの寄与について検討した結果、基本色名で定義される色カテゴリーをクロスする条件では、左半球の下前頭回や下頭頂小葉が強く活動することがわかった。左の言語半球のこれらの領域の活性化は色の名前を音韻ループで保持する言語性ワーキングメモリが働いていることを示している。一方、同じ色カテゴリー内に留まる色差の小さい色の場合は、右半球の下前頭回が強く活動すること、つまり視覚的ワーキングメモリは視空間的スケッチパッドで保持されていることが示された。記憶すべき色刺激が左の音韻ループ(言語性ワーキングメモリ)で保持されるのか、右の視空間スケッチパッド(視覚性ワーキングメモリ)で保持されるのか、その認知負荷のバランスは色カテゴリーの境界を手がかりとした認知的方略によることが明らかになった。脳は色差に応じて色をことばであるいは知覚イメージで短期保持するのである。We proposed a model that colors could be memorized either in verbal or visual working memory depending on the color category borders. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the model was tested by introducing a 2-back working memory task. We investigated the involvement of verbal and visual working memory in color memory. Colors between (cross) the categories defined by basic color names strongly activated the left inferior frontal gyms (IFG) and left inferior parietal lobule (IPL) corresponding to the phonological loop as verbal working memory, while colors within the category boarder strongly activated the right IFG corresponding to the visuospatial sketchpad as visual working memory. The choice of colors to memorize might modulated the cognitive load balance between the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad.
飛田 哲男 井合 進 汪 明武 仲山 賢司 Tetsuo TOBITA Susumu IAI Ming-gu WANG Kenji NAKAYAMA 京都大学防災研究所 京都大学防災研究所 京都大学防災研究所 京都大学大学院 Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering Kyoto University
自然災害科学 = Journal of Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science (ISSN:02866021)
vol.23, no.4, pp.595-602, 2005-02-28

A major earthquake (M 6.8, 37.289 N, 138.870E, Depth 13km) occurred on October 23, 2004, at 5 : 56PM (local time) near Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The JMA seismic intensity of 7 was recorded in Kawaguchi-machi for the first time after seismic intensity meters were installed. Aftershocks with the JMA seismic intensity scale of more than 5 minus had been measured for more than two weeks in the affected area. Forty people were killed, more than 4,500 were injured and more than 100,000 were evacuated for days. The number of totally collapsed houses exceeded 2,800. Strong shaking triggered more than 1,600 landslides, and some of them blocked up river channels in mountain area. The earthquake also caused major damage on civil structures. The Joetsu Shinkansen bullet train was derailed for the first time in its history of 40 years. The number of passengers was 151 and miraculously no one was injured.
山本 雄二 Yuji Yamamoto 京都大学大学院 Graduate School Kyoto University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.40, pp.126-137, 280, 1985-09-30

There are many articles about the conflicts or dilemmas with which teachers confront. In these studies, conflicts are treated from two aspects: the one is structural conflicts which include status conflict or role conflict (Ambivalence), and the other is conflicts on the level of action (Dilemma). They treat dilemmas, however, just as the restatement of ambivalences, that is, they do not examine the particular features of dilemmas. This paper focuses on the dilemma itself with which teachers confront in the face-to-face situation. Such dilemma should be caused when teachers find out no response from their students (situational dilemma). When one tries to resolve a dilemma in one situation, it might bring out another new dilemma. In some cases, this causes a vicious cycle. There are very few sociological studies on the features of such a vicious cycle and the mechanism by which it is created. This paper analyzes, using the concepts of "situational dilemma" and "strategy," the problematic face-to-face situation and the vicious cycle which comes out in the effort of the resolution of dilemma. Firstly, I describe the features of the dilemma with which teachers confront in the interaction with their students (situational dilemma). Secondly, I explain the significance of strategies teachers use as a means of avoiding such a dilemma. By using the concepts of "situational dilemma" and "strategy" as the core of the study, we shall be able to make clear the process of the reproduction of teachers' alienated situation. Furthermore, it should provide a new perspective for the studies of staffroom culture, occupational socialization and deviance of teachers.