井上 吉世 石津 日出子 伊藤 知子 大鹿 淳子 梶本 五郎 竹井 よう子 高村 仁知 中原 満子 西池 珠子 林 淑美 原 知子 深見 良子 福井 広子 的場 輝佳 水野 千恵 村上 恵 夜久 富美子 湯川 夏子
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.36, no.3, pp.299-304, 2003-08-20

A collaborative study was designed to examine the applicability of a sensory evaluation to determine the life span of frying oil. Soybean oil was heated at 170℃ in an electric fryer. Two types of food, chicken fillet and potato, were deep-fried with or without breaded batter every 15 min. Frying was continued until the flavor score of the oil had dropped to 3. A sensory evaluation of the frying oil and each fried food was then carried out. The life span of the frying oil to reach the flavor score of 3 was slightly longer with breaded batter than without using the batter coating. The color of the frying oil did not exhibit any degradation, especially when potato was fried. It was difficult to judge the degradation by the appearance of each fried food coated with breaded batter. However, the flavor score of the frying oil corresponded to the flavor score of the fried foods coated with breaded batter. The flavor and taste of the foods fried in the oil with a flavor score of 3 were not good. These results suggest that the flavor score of frying oil is useful to determine the life span of frying oil when a breaded batter coating is used.