保田 卓 薄葉 毅史 竹内 洋
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.65, pp.49-67, 1999-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

First Higher School was the prototype of the higher schools, that forged the elite in early modern Japan. In this paper, we examine the hitherto unexplored connection between the social origin of First Higher students and their subsequent career paths. As tools of analysis, we examined admissions records of First Higher School as well as alumni registers over a span ranging from 1907 to 1936. Our analysis revealed the following.Firstly, examining a distribution of the professions held by the fathers of First higher students, we found that the number of those engaged in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries declined while the number of white-collar company employees increased. This same trend can be seen in middle schools and Tokyo Imperial University, but not the same degree. This suggests that First Higher School grew to absorb characteristics seen predominantly among the new middle class. In addition, if we take into account the findings of Hirota (1997) in relation to this, we can note that estrangement grew over the years between military officers, hailing from military academies, and civil officials, hailing from higher schools. The habituses of military and civil officials began to diverge and this was most likely an underlying cause in the rise of fascism in the Showa era.Secondly, by analyzing the relation between the social origin of First Higher students and their subsequent careers, we were able to find the following: 1) any part that their family backgrounds may have affected the career choices of First Higher students disappeared by around 1920; 2) in the choice whether to become a public official or to become a whitecollar company employee, the economic conditions of the time were a determining factor, especially for those born among the old middle class people; 3) a high proportion of those students whose fathers were professionals went on to become members of the same professions; and, if we limit our discussion to those students who went on to the faculty of law at university, a high proportion of them became public officials.
保田 卓
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.25-43, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

保田 卓
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.50, no.3, pp.313-329, 1999-12-30 (Released:2009-10-19)

本稿は, これまでほとんどとりあげられなかったルーマンの高等教育論の全体像を, 散発的で数少ない著作から再構成する試みである。ルーマンによれば, 1960年代末以降のドイツの大学の民主化は, 大学の集団政治化と官僚制化を齎した。集団の挙動のみならず個人の行動をも各集団の利害によって統制する集団政治は一時, 大学を機能的脱-分化の方向に導いたが, やがて官僚制が, 一方で教育・研究の自律性, 他方で教育の相対的組織化容易性, さらに進学率の増大を梃子にして, 集団政治に反応し, これを圧倒するに至った。しかしそれで問題が解決したわけではない。大学システムが適応していかなければならない “環境問題” は, 進学率増大の他にも, 研究と教育の「威信の増幅」関係の崩壊・ライフコースの脱-制度化・相互作用における教養の利用価値の逓減, と山積している。そこでルーマンの提案する適応戦略は, 研究の「観察の観察」への機能分化, 教育における課程=システム分化である。かかる提案の背後にあるのは, ルーマン一流の機能分化史観である。こうしたルーマンの高等教育論の特質は, 大学における民主化が期せずして官僚制化を招来するという視点を示したこと, 研究と教育の機能分化にポジティヴな可能性を提示したことである。
井上 義和 保田 卓
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.47, no.1, pp.73-89,204, 2002-05-31 (Released:2016-05-25)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the process of, and condition for, the creation of cultural types in elite middle schools in Japan. We approached the problem by constructing an artificial "space" of elite middle schools from many samples collected by the questionnaires given to Kyoto University freshman in 2000, and then analyzed the data mainly by three types of school: public, private-inside-promotion ( I ) and private-halfway-admission ( U ). What has been demonstrated in this analysis is that the cultural gap between private schools is greater than that between public and private. By comparison with students in private group II , private type I students have parents that are better educated and take more active interest in cultural activities such as reading and hobbies. As success-minded newcomers, students of private type II devote themselves to preparing for the entrance examination. On the other hand, the members of public group are more social-minded and have more attachment to their own school than those of the private school groups. Based on these results, we can define a new conceptualization of three types of culture : "superior" (yutosei), "versatile" (shumijin) and "grinder" (jukensei). This provides us with a valid framework for both static-structural and historical-dynamic analyses, as follows. In the Showa 40's (1965-74) of popularized competition, high-ranking schools were spotlighted and added to prestige. They maintained a comparatively culturalminded tendency that had already been declining in college. During this period, we can find two historical prototypes for cultural typology. The envelopment-model is the form of the old era, where virtually all members were of the idealized versatile type.Differentiation-model is the first form of the new era, where all the versatile differentiated themselves from the emergent realistic grinder. But they share certain similarities in the tacit pressure of ignoring any competition for entrance examination. This envelopment / differentiation mechanism is likely to operate at the present six year private schools. It is the reason why there are many versatile students but they have ambivalent attitudes toward their own school.
保田 卓
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.53, no.2, pp.2-18, 2002-09-30 (Released:2010-04-23)

本稿の目的は, ルーマンの教育システム理論の変容を概観し, その再構築に向けての足掛かりを得ることである.ルーマンはかつて, 教育システムのメディアは「子ども」であると考えていたが, 晩年に至ってこの考えを捨て, そのメディアを「ライフコース」に取って替えた.その意味はこうである.マスメディアがライフコースの比較可能性を飛躍的に増大させた現代にあって, 「ライフコース」メディアは, 教育システムにおいて伝達される知識の被教育者にとっての意味を示すようにはたらき, それによってコミュニケーションを文字通り媒介する, と.この地点から翻って考えると, 教育のメディアは「子ども」でありそれは二値コードをもたないというルーマンの従来の見解も再考されなければならない.ルーマンによれば, 教育システムにおける選抜には二値コードがあるが, それは教育それ自体のメディアすなわち「子ども」には適用できないのであった.しかしこの主張は, 彼のいう意味すなわち評価という意味での選抜なき教育は不可能であるという現実にそぐわないのみならず, 彼の一般社会システム理論枠組に照らしても論理的に矛盾している.それゆえ, 教育システムのメディアは「ライフコース」であり, それは他の機能システムのメディアと同様に二値のコードを, すなわち被教育者のライフコース形成にとって「促進的/阻害的」というコードをもつとするのが妥当である.