時田 拓明 高信 英明 二上 将直 堀江 数馬 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文 稲田 喜信
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.106, pp.7-11, 2009-04-30

In the natural world, various crowds exist. Ants form a procession in the process of looking for food. Fish defend themselves from foreign enemies by crowding them. It is called "Swarm Intelligence" when a living thing takes a simple action to crowd in a unit and to do a complex and ordered action. For many controls of robots, Swarm Intelligence is advantageous. In this laboratory, a Swarm Intelligent robot has been researched. Two operations (approach and repulsion) have been achieved amongst three basic operations needed to achieve Swarm Intelligence. Concurrent motion insufficient in Swarm Intelligence to date was achieved with a geomagnetic sensor and communication system in this research. Moreover, to make the best use of the advantages of Swarm Intelligence, the function to deal was added to the breakdown. In addition, a geographical feature search system using a communication system is porposed.
清水 雄太 高信 英明 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文 稲田 喜信
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.118, pp.9-14, 2015-04-30

In the insect and the fish that forms groups in the natural world and lives, intelligence as the individual is comparativelylow in intelligence as living things. However, such they can act in order by making the crowd cooperate by a simplerule and with order as a whole. This is called", Swarm Intelligence". In the present study, two or more robots with only a comparatively simple function are developed, and it aims atthe achievement of the crowd action. The robot was developed that sets freely direction of travel and obstacle detection area by using function of omnidirectionalmovement for traveling section and that mounts up to 8 supersonic sensors.
板橋 拓未 高信 英明 山尾 考弘 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.106, pp.25-29, 2009-04-30

Recent years, movement of robots are required to suit various fields and environments. Therefore, this research focused on flexible movement of the tongue. The purpose of this research is to develop tongue type multi-DOF flexible Robot. A tongue has three functions: mastication, articulation and swallowing. In particular, this research has focused on the swallowing. In this paper, we consider the proposal of a basic model, and swallowing operation, before manufacturing tongue type multi-DOF Robot. Next, basic model was made by using DADS (Dynamic Analysis and Design System), and we verified the validity of the mechanism of basic model from the swallowing operation.
高信 英明

制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲1258号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:1998-03-5 ; 早大学位記番号:新2600 ; 理工学図書館請求番号:2176
伯耆田 悟 高信 英明 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文 稲田 喜信
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.119, pp.19-24, 2015-10-30

Even if the ability of one individual is low such as an insect, a fish and a bird, they are often able totake orderly action by swarming. This is called swarm intelligence. The purposes of this research arerealization of which is based on group of nature with enhancing of crowd action to three dimensions byusing flying robots, and analyze it. The habit that a fish forms a group and lives by becoming a groupwas inquired using the airship robot. Extension into the three dimensions of group action was realized bymaking group action of fish into a norm of the airship
西川 員史 林 宏樹 桑江 俊治 棚橋 邦浩 信 英明 持田 岳美 誉田 雅彰 高西 淳夫
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SP, 音声 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.102, no.248, pp.17-22, 2002-07-19

本研究は,人間の発声運動を模擬した人間形発話ロボットを用いて,人間の発声メカニズムをロボット工学的な視点から明らかにすることを目的としている.著者らは人間に近い自然な発声を目指し,昨年までの問題点を改良した新型発話ロボットWT-2(Waseda Talker-No.2)を開発した。WT-2は肺,声帯,口腔及び鼻腔からなる全15自由度の制御機構を有し,声道長は約175mmと人間と同程度の大きさを持つ.昨年までに開発したWT-1,WT-1Rと比べ,より柔軟な舌形状変更機構と,唇・鼻孔以外からの音漏れ低減により,明瞭性の高い母音及び破裂子音,摩擦子音,鼻子音の生成を実現した.
高信 英明 野谷 耕太 青山 四朗 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.99, pp.23-30, 2005-10-30

This paper is describes the araher surface robod balld on the msverest of water striders. Since few researches. Therefore we analyzed the movement of water striders living on the water surface, and then made a robot that can move on had not been deve abon water shiders peovement, the movement of their legs when they did turns, we found out they, hadi two different wotions : the uce of both legs and the use of oneleg, In addifvor, the diffecer depends on a turning wyle obcerving. Based on the analysis, we made a robot of water strider where actuators was light and simple. We also made the actuators using electromagnet. The robot demonotrated that moving iadependently. it coald obu tuse different tarns with both leas moving respeativelyt and that the robot could tloat on water in surface tension.
高信 英明 明賀 秀行 吉澤 宏和 鈴木 健司 三浦 宏文
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
vol.101, pp.17-23, 2006-10-30

The purpose of this research is production of the jump robot based on the standard of an internal structure of the cricket. The insect doesn't control the landing for the jump. The cricket doesn't have the error margin of the numerical value of the distance that jumps most in orthopteras. And, it can do a steady jump. Because the body axis is the horizontal along ground. It is thought that it is possible to jump because it stabilizes even if the mechanism of the jump robot keeps easy, and is not controlled by doing the design based on the standard of the cricket. The robot adjusts "Ratio of legs" and "Position of center of gravity" to the same value as an actual cricket. The mechanism of the jump was designed by the same standard as an internal structure of the cricket. SMA that was able to expand and contract by like to the muscle also of the actuator was used. It succeeded in producing the robot, and making it jump. The data of the jump of the result of the jump experiment of the robot and the actual cricket that was measured and obtained was compared. And, the result of doing the jump that looked like the cricket was obtained.