本田 喬 青崎 正彦 田中 徹 内田 達郎 堀川 良史 石塚 尚子 内山 通子 大木 勝義 田中 直秀 上塚 芳郎 岩出 和徳 金子 昇 木全 心一 関口 守衛 広沢 弘七郎
The Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
血液と脈管 (ISSN:03869717)
vol.18, no.6, pp.609-614, 1987-12-01 (Released:2010-08-05)

We administered tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) intravenously to 10 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) within 6 hours after onset of symptoms, and then examined the state of reperfusion by coronary arteriography (CAG) and observed changes in blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activity to evaluate their effects. AK-124 (by Asahi Chemical Industry and Kowa Co., Ltd. in collaboration), a t-PA produced by tissue culture of normal human lung cells, was given in dosage of 48, 000-576, 000 A. K. units by intravenous infusion over 30-45 minutes. In 7 patients who received t-PA reflow or improved flow was detected on CAG. In t-PA treated patients, euglobulin lysis activity clearly increased, euglobulin lysis time clearly shortened, and D-dimer increased. Levels of circulating fibrinogen and α2-plasmin inhibitor decreased after treatment with t-PA by an average of 12%, 14% of baseline values respectively, but plasminogen showed no detectable change. A hematoma at the site of the catheter insertion was observed in one patient. These observations suggest that t-PA has a higher specificity for fibrin bound plasminogen than for plasminogen and prduces coronary thrombolysis without causing systemic fibrinolysis at least with the present dosage.
鈴木 哲也 熊谷 宏 内田 達郎 吉富 信幸 渡邊 竜登美 石鍋 聡 水口 俊介 関田 俊明 平野 滋三 宮下 健吾 小林 賢一 長尾 正憲
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.38, no.2, pp.476-484, 1994-04-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
2 4

The distribution of occlusal support of 366 aged patients of over 70 years was surveyed and analyzed in this study. Their masticatory abilities were also evaluated by the questionnaire on the masticatory aspects of 20 kinds of foods, and their maximum occlusal forces were measured with the pressure sensitive foil. The relations among masticatory ability, maximum occlusal forces and the distribution of occlusal support were analyzed.The results were as follows.1. 52.8% of the upper and lower dentulous patients had less than 5 occlusal tooth contacts.2. Posterior tooth contacts were less than anterior ones, and even in posterior areas, occlusal contacts tended to be less from the second molar to the first premolar.3. 61.2% of the upper and lower dentulous patients had no occlusal support or only unilateral occlusal support. It is evident that occlusal support is extremely ill-conditioned in elderly patients.4. It was found that if the aged have more occlusal tooth contacts and wider occlusal support areas, they would show better masticatory ability and greater maximum occlusal forces.5. In thier initial visits to our clinic they had poor occlusal support with their dentures.6. It is suggested that occlusal tooth contacts and occlusal support areas should be important for maintaining a healthy oral function in elderly people.
下山 和弘 大芦 治 海野 雅浩 内田 達郎 長尾 正憲 小田切 一浩 山崎 久美子
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.7, no.2, pp.132-140, 1993

高齢歯科患者の主訴と抑うつ傾向との関連を明らかにするために, 東京医科歯科大学高齢者歯科治療部の外来患者 (男性88名, 女性132名, 平均年齢74.5歳) を対象にZungの自己評価式抑うつ性尺度 (SDS) により抑うっ傾向の調査を行った。SDSの質問項目よりQOLの因子と抑うつ感の因子を抽出し, SDSの総得点, QOLの因子得点, 抑うつ感の因子得点と口腔内状況との関連については以前報告した。今回は被検者を主訴により義歯不適合 (上下顎全部床義歯装着者) 群義歯不適合 (その他の義歯装着者) 群, 義歯破折群, 義歯不適合・歯疼痛動揺群歯疼痛動揺 (義歯装着者) 群, 歯疼痛動揺 (義歯非装着者) 群, 心身医学的対応症例群その他の主訴をもつ群に分類し, 上記の3得点について2 (男女別) ×2 (該当する主訴の分類) の分散分析を行った。歯疼痛動揺 (義歯装着者) 群ではその他の群と比較するとQOLの因子得点が有意に低く, SDSの総得点が低い傾向があった。また心身医学的対応症例群ではSDSの総得点および抑うつ感の因子得点が有意に高かった。SDSの総得点は主訴の相違によらず女性が男性よりも有意に高かった。すなわち主訴の相違は男女間の抑うっ傾向の差に影響していなかった。本研究の結果から高齢歯科患者の主訴と抑うっ傾向との問には関連があることが推察された。歯科治療時には顎口腔系における主訴の内容を踏まえたうえで, 患者の抑うっ傾向を含めた精神的身体的な状態の把握が必要であることが示唆された。
平井 敏博 安斎 隆 金田 洌 又井 直也 田中 收 池田 和博 内田 達郎
日本補綴歯科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.32, no.6, pp.1261-1267, 1988-12-01
51 35

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the masticatory function of the complete denture wearers by examining the foods patients can eat with the dentures. A qustionnaire with listings of 35 foods was given to 39 patients who have been wearing newly made denture for 6 months and were asked to select the answer out of the following 5 categories. [figure] 1. Each answer was given a score (2, 1, 0). 35 foods were classified into 5 grades showing the difficulty by each total scores. 2. The "standard masticatory ability of complete denture wearers" was established as the diagnostic criteria by calculating the rate of food-taking ability in each grade. 3. Masticatory ability of each individual was shown as the "masticatory score". 4. Applying this qustionnaire to the alveoplasty case, the rate of food-taking ability and the masticatory score were correlated with masticatory ability and it was suggested that the qustioutnaire was useful for the evaluation of the masticatory function.