中西 幸子 中尾 修一 圓谷 徹彦 中川 和寿 西川 征洋 橋口 隆志 藪内 健三 細田 瑳一 田村 光司 石塚 尚子 笠貫 宏 中村 憲司
日本保険医学会誌 (ISSN:0301262X)
vol.93, pp.195-206, 1995-12-15

本田 喬 青崎 正彦 田中 徹 内田 達郎 堀川 良史 石塚 尚子 内山 通子 大木 勝義 田中 直秀 上塚 芳郎 岩出 和徳 金子 昇 木全 心一 関口 守衛 広沢 弘七郎
The Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
血液と脈管 (ISSN:03869717)
vol.18, no.6, pp.609-614, 1987-12-01 (Released:2010-08-05)

We administered tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) intravenously to 10 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) within 6 hours after onset of symptoms, and then examined the state of reperfusion by coronary arteriography (CAG) and observed changes in blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activity to evaluate their effects. AK-124 (by Asahi Chemical Industry and Kowa Co., Ltd. in collaboration), a t-PA produced by tissue culture of normal human lung cells, was given in dosage of 48, 000-576, 000 A. K. units by intravenous infusion over 30-45 minutes. In 7 patients who received t-PA reflow or improved flow was detected on CAG. In t-PA treated patients, euglobulin lysis activity clearly increased, euglobulin lysis time clearly shortened, and D-dimer increased. Levels of circulating fibrinogen and α2-plasmin inhibitor decreased after treatment with t-PA by an average of 12%, 14% of baseline values respectively, but plasminogen showed no detectable change. A hematoma at the site of the catheter insertion was observed in one patient. These observations suggest that t-PA has a higher specificity for fibrin bound plasminogen than for plasminogen and prduces coronary thrombolysis without causing systemic fibrinolysis at least with the present dosage.
石塚 尚子 野口 悠暉 山田 崇恭 泉井 一浩 西脇 眞二
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00185-17-00185, 2017 (Released:2017-09-25)

The uniformity of deposition thickness in electroplating processes is vital to the realization of desirable surface qualities of many products. The thickness distribution of deposits varies according to numerous factors, such as the arrangement and shapes of auxiliary cathodes, anodes and shields, and the detailed configuration of the plating process. In recent years, computer analyses such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) have become widespread. Such analytical tools can predict thickness distributions, search for optimal process configurations, and avoid production problems, to some extent, but the selection of the most effective analytical conditions still depends on skilled analysts. This study presents a topology optimization method to achieve uniform deposition thickness, applied to the design of the shields placed in an electroplating bath. The proposed method uses level set boundary expressions and the FEM to analyze the electrochemical field. The Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser (KS) function for the current density distribution on a cathode is employed as an objective function, since current density is nearly proportional to the thickness of the resulting electroplating. The magnitude of the current density on the cathode is set as a constraint so that it does not fall below a certain value, to avoid lengthy plating times that would occur if the current density were too low. Numerical examples are presented to confirm the utility of the proposed method and the results demonstrate that the proposed method can obtain appropriate shapes and arrangements of shields.