望月 正哉 玉木 賢太郎 内藤 佳津雄
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.398-403, 2014

Previous studies demonstrated that observing another person's grasp action modulated the observer's attention to the object in a manner congruent with another person's action goal. These studies suggest that this grasp-cueing effect results from representation of the observer's understanding of action intention in the mirror neuron system. This system serves as the neural mechanism underlying action-oriented goals, regardless of whether they are those of the observer or others. The present study examined whether the grasp-cueing effect emerged even when a grasp action was observed from an egocentric (observer's own) perspective. Reaction times were faster when the target was presented over the object that was congruent with the action goal implied by the size of the hand aperture. This indicated that the grasp-cueing effect occurred when the stimulus was observed from an egocentric perspective, consistent with the view that this effect resulted from the observer's understanding of action intention as represented in the mirror neuron system.
厳島 行雄 内藤 佳津雄 臼井 信男 岡部 康成 小泉 昌司 横田 正夫 原 富夫
電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界 (ISSN:09135707)
vol.80, no.8, pp.1285-1292, 1997-08-25

精神分裂病患者の一つの特徴に認知的機能の障害が挙げられる. 本研究では精神分裂病患者の顔認識メカニズムに注目し, その機能的特徴を検討することを目的とした. 使用した方法は, 健常者の顔認識研究で有効な研究方法として採用されている反復プライミングである. 実験1では先行課題として有名人の同定課題(職業若しくは人名)を行い, その後主課題として既知性判断課題を行った. その結果, 精神分裂病患者では, 反応時間が健常者と比較的同程度の速さを示す群とそれより遅い群に分かれた. 健常者と類似した速さを示した精神分裂病患者群では, プライミング量も健常者と同程度であったが, 反応時間の遅い群ではプライミング量が大きいという結果であった. 実験2では長期の反復プライミング効果を検討した. ここでも長期のプライミング効果が健常者と共に観察されたが, 精神分裂病患者のプライミング効果は健常者のそれと比較しで大きいものであった. これらの結果は, 精神分裂病患者の顔認識システムにおける顔認識ユニットと人物同定ノードとの結合の活性化抑制機能の低下によって起こると解釈された.
望月 正哉 内藤 佳津雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.1, pp.10-17, 2012

This research investigated whether action semantic knowledge influences mental simulation during sentence comprehension. In Experiment 1, we confirmed that the words of face-related objects include the perceptual knowledge about the actions that bring the object to the face. In Experiment 2, we used an acceptability judgment task and a word-picture verification task to compare the perceptual information that is activated by the comprehension of sentences describing an action using face-related objects near the face (near-sentence) or far from the face (far-sentence). Results showed that participants took a longer time to judge the acceptability of the far-sentence than the near-sentence. Verification times were significantly faster when the actions in the pictures matched the action described in the sentences than when they were mismatched. These findings suggest that action semantic knowledge influences sentence processing, and that perceptual information corresponding to the content of the sentence is activated regardless of the action semantic knowledge at the end of the sentence processing.