澤海 崇文 望月 正哉 瀧澤 純 吉澤 英里
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-10, 2023-05-15 (Released:2023-05-20)

In recent years, some forms of interpersonal communication labeled “ijiri” have played a significant role among the youth. This paper investigates what type of affective experience ijiri is perceived to cause compared with similar behaviors like teasing and bullying. We recruited 312 university students and asked them to answer questions about the possible affective experiences that arise in either of the agents (actor or receiver) in response to each type of behavior. The rating was done from the standpoint of either the actor, receiver, or third party. Results revealed that compared with the other two types of behavior, ijiri was perceived to cause lesser negative affective experiences. Affective experiences entailed by each type of behavior were influenced by the role of the respondent and that of the appraisal target. Future research is warranted to investigate the generalizability of the findings, given the limitations of self-reported measurements and conceptualization of affects.
望月 正哉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.4, pp.629-641, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-15)

The framework of embodied cognition, which claims that sensorimotor information is crucially involved in language comprehension, has made considerable contributions to the development of concept processing and word recognition research in recent decades. Current debates, however, have been criticized for the difficulty of fully explaining the characteristics of concept or sematic representations with this framework alone. In this brief article, I reviewed empirical studies of mental simulation in concept processing and word recognition based on the framework of embodied cognition, and presented criticisms for those studies. I then outlined some of the major models and theories of conceptual and semantic representations, including accounts of abstract concept representations, which have been widely discussed in recent years. These studies suggest that we should not examine whether concepts are embodied, but rather examine how they are grounded in diverse systems such as sensorimotor system, mental states, language system, environment, and context.
望月 正哉 澤海 崇文 瀧澤 純 吉澤 英里 Mochizuki Masaya Yoshizawa Eri Takizawa Jun Sawaumi Takafumi ヨシザワ エリ サワウミ タカフミ モチズキ マサヤ タキザワ ジュン
大阪大学大学院 人間科学研究科 対人社会心理学研究室
対人社会心理学研究 = Japanese journal of interpersonal and social psychology (ISSN:13462857)
no.17, pp.7-13, 2017-03

原著In recent years, some forms of interpersonal communication among the youth are labeled as "ijiri". The current paper investigates what characteristicsijiri is perceived to have, in comparison with similar types of behavior, teasing and bullying. We identified conceptual characteristics of each behavior in an open-ended preliminary survey. In a following study, we asked participants to rate to what degree each feature would characterize each of the three kinds of behavior while taking an observer's perspective. Results revealed that ijiri was perceived to be different from teasing and bullying based primarily on intention of the behavior: ijiri was perceived to carry more positive features such as the provider's and receiver's mutual intention to get closer to each other while less holding negative characteristics such as malicious and contemptuous attitudes toward the receiver.近年、若年者を中心とした対人コミュニケーションのなかでいじりという言葉が用いられる場面がある。本研究では、対人行動におけるいじりとはどのような特徴をもつ行動と認識されているのかについて、類似する行動と考えられるからかいやいじめとの比較を通じて検討した。初めに自由記述による予備調査を実施し、いじり、からかい、いじめがもつ概念的特徴を見出した。そのうえで、本調査では、第三者の立場から、いじり、からかい、いじめにおいて、それらの概念的特徴がどの程度あてはまるのかを評価させた。その結果、いじりは他の2つの行動に比べ、好意や互いが仲良くなりたいといった肯定的な特徴をもちつつ、悪意や受け手をバカにするといった否定的な特徴をもたないと評価されていた。このことから、いじり行動はからかいやいじめ行動と比較して、それぞれの意図性などをもとにして異なる特徴をもつと認識されていることが示された。
太田 直斗 望月 正哉
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第19回大会
pp.35, 2022 (Released:2022-04-20)

動詞の意味が身体動作と関わる程度の身体関連性(relative embodiment:RE)は動詞処理に重要な役割を果たすことが知られる。本研究では,先行名詞の具象性が高RE動詞の処理にどのように影響するかを検討した。実験では名詞の具象性と動詞のREの高低から規定される単語ペアの種類と,名詞と動詞をつなげる格助詞の種類で文法性を操作した。参加者は先行する名詞句のあとに提示される単語が動詞なのか名詞なのか判断した。実験の結果,高具象性名詞と高RE動詞のペアは低具象性名詞と低RE動詞のペアより判断時間が短かったが,低具象性名詞と高RE動詞のペアでは同様の効果を示さなかった。また,単語ペアの種類と文法性の間に交互作用はなかった。動詞に注目する課題設計のため,先行名詞や文法性の影響がみられなかったと考えられる。
望月 正哉 玉木 賢太郎 内藤 佳津雄
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.398-403, 2014

Previous studies demonstrated that observing another person's grasp action modulated the observer's attention to the object in a manner congruent with another person's action goal. These studies suggest that this grasp-cueing effect results from representation of the observer's understanding of action intention in the mirror neuron system. This system serves as the neural mechanism underlying action-oriented goals, regardless of whether they are those of the observer or others. The present study examined whether the grasp-cueing effect emerged even when a grasp action was observed from an egocentric (observer's own) perspective. Reaction times were faster when the target was presented over the object that was congruent with the action goal implied by the size of the hand aperture. This indicated that the grasp-cueing effect occurred when the stimulus was observed from an egocentric perspective, consistent with the view that this effect resulted from the observer's understanding of action intention as represented in the mirror neuron system.
望月 正哉 内藤 佳津雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.1, pp.10-17, 2012

This research investigated whether action semantic knowledge influences mental simulation during sentence comprehension. In Experiment 1, we confirmed that the words of face-related objects include the perceptual knowledge about the actions that bring the object to the face. In Experiment 2, we used an acceptability judgment task and a word-picture verification task to compare the perceptual information that is activated by the comprehension of sentences describing an action using face-related objects near the face (near-sentence) or far from the face (far-sentence). Results showed that participants took a longer time to judge the acceptability of the far-sentence than the near-sentence. Verification times were significantly faster when the actions in the pictures matched the action described in the sentences than when they were mismatched. These findings suggest that action semantic knowledge influences sentence processing, and that perceptual information corresponding to the content of the sentence is activated regardless of the action semantic knowledge at the end of the sentence processing.