加藤 謙一 宮丸 凱史 松元 剛
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.46, no.2, pp.179-194, 2001-03-10

A study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of sprint motion in top-ranking elementary school sprinters. The subjects were 10 first-class elementary school sprinters (sprinter group), and 31 standard elementary school children (control group), all aged 12 years. Measurements were performed for sprint speed, step frequency, step length, and sprint motion in terms of angular kinematics for both groups. In addition, the isokinetic peak torques at 60 and 180 deg/s were analyzed. The results obtained were as follows: The mean values of body height and mass were larger for the sprinter group than for the control group. Isokinetic peak torques during knee extension and flexion (angular velocity; 60, 180deg/s) were greater for the sprinter group than for the control group. The sprint speed, step length, and step frequency of the sprinter group were significantly greater than those of the control group. On the other hand, the support time of the sprinter group was significantly shorter than that of the control group. The relationship between sprint speed and sprint motion in the sprinter group was as follows: The maximal thigh lift angle (θT) showed a negative correlation (r = - 0.369) with sprint speed, and the ankle joint angle at the moment of foot contact (θA-on; r = - 0.619) and the minimal angle of the ankle joint during the foot contact phase (θA-min; r = - 0.372) showed a negative correlation with sprint speed. However, the maximal extension velocity of the ankle joint (ωA) showed a positive correlation (r = 0.326) with sprint speed. Although sprint motion in the sprinter group showed specific features, the correlation between sprint speed and sprint motion was not significant in either group. In particular, positively and negativity were contrary in the relation between θA-on, θA-min and ωA and sprint speed in the sprinter group, compared with the correlations in adult sprinters. The relationship between sprint speed and sprint motion showed that sprint motion in the sprinter group was not always similar to that in adult sprinters.
小林 育斗 阿江 通良 加藤 謙一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.158_2, 2017

<p> 本研究では、小学生の投動作をクラスター分析によって類型化するとともに、標準動作モデルを用いた投動作の練習を実施し、その効果を投動作の類型別に検討して、指導のための知見を得ることを目的とした。投動作の類型化では、6年生女子40名のソフトボール投げを3次元動作分析し、投球腕の関節角度などについて標準動作モデルからの動作逸脱度の指標(zスコア)を求め、これを変数としてクラスター分析を行った。投動作の練習では、6年生女子15名に対し、投動作の標準動作モデルの提示や画像遅延表示システムを用いた小学生自身の動作の観察を含む投練習を計4回(各40分)行わせた。練習期間の前後において投動作を3次元動作分析した。投練習によって、女子全体では投距離とボール初速度は有意に増加した。標準動作モデルからの逸脱が大きい類型では、体幹の側屈や前方回転が改善され、肩関節まわりの力学的仕事が増大し、投距離とボール初速度が増加した。このことから、本研究で用いた方法(目標とすべき動作との比較や修正)は、特に標準動作モデルからの逸脱が大きい小学生に投動作の改善と投能力の向上をもたらすと言える。</p>
小林 育斗 加藤 謙一 阿江 通良
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.216_1, 2019

<p> 本研究では小学生男子の投動作をクラスター分析によってパターン分けし、そのバイオメカニクス的特徴を明らかにして、指導のための基礎的知見を得ることを目的とした。対象者は国公立小学校2校の男子とし、1年生18名、2年生13名、3年生16名、4年生13名、5年生18名、6年生16名、計94名のソフトボール投げを3次元動作分析し、投球腕の関節角度、体幹の部分角度などを算出した。さらに、関節角度および部分角度を変数としてクラスター分析をおこない、各群の平均的な動作を構築した。各学年の投距離では、1年生は7.4±2.6m、2年生は13.0±6.6m、3年生は14.6±3.9m、4年生は18.9±7.4m、5年生は17.2±4.5m、6年生は28.3±7.7mであった。動作パターンに分けられた各群をみると、平均投距離が大きい群ほど高学年児が多く存在する傾向にあり、平均投距離が小さい群では体幹の水平回転の動作範囲が小さい、リリース直前での肩の水平内転が大きいなどの特徴がみられた。また、平均投距離が小さい群には、低学年児だけでなく高学年児も存在した。このことから、小学生の投動作を指導する際には、児童の学年とともに動きのパターンも考慮する必要がある。</p>
土肥 照典 加藤 謙一 秋元 寛次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.49, no.5, pp.457-469, 2004-09-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

A study was conducted to clarify the effects of running long jump practice in physical education classes for 11-or 12-year-old elementary school children. The subjects were divided into two groups: a training group (9 boys and 8 girls) and a control group (10 boys and 12 girls). The training group performed long jump practice over a period of 2 weeks (5 physical education classes), while the control group performed gymnastics practice. The jumping distance and 50-m sprint time were measured in both groups to clarify the performance before and after the corresponding period. In addition, the training group underwent measurement of approach running distance, approach running speed, take-off leg and jumping motion by angular kinematics. It was found that the jumping distance of the training group increased significantly for both boys and girls. However, no significant changes were found in the control group. After training, the approach running distance in the training group decreased significantly for both boys and girls. After training, there were significant positive correlations between the change in jumping distance and the change in approach running speed in the training group in the sections from 5 to 0 m before take-off in both boys and girls. In addition to the girls, there were significant positive correlations between change in the jumping distance and the change in approach running speed in the sections from 15 to 10 m and from 10 to 5 m before take-off. For boys in the training group, the relationship between the increase in jumping distance and the speed at touch down was significantly positively correlated with take-off. For girls in the training group, there was a significant positive correlation between the increase in jumping distance and the speed at touch down. From these results, it is suggested that long jump practice for 2 weeks (5 times) would improve the jumping distance of sixth-grade elementary school children.
加藤 謙一 山中 任広 宮丸 凱史 阿江 通良
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.37, no.3, pp.291-304, 1992-12-01

The purpose of this study was to investigate cross-sectionally the development of running speed, step frequency, step length, running form, and maximal anaerobic power (MAnP) in high school boys. Subjects were 134 high school boys ranging from fifteen to seventeen years of age. They participated in power tests including the 50 m dash, maximal bicycle pedalling, vertical jump and long jump. They were videotaped during the 50 m dash to analyze their running form.Variables analyzed were: 1) 50 m running time, running speed, step frequency and step length, 2)step time, support time and non-support time, 3) path of the whole body center of gravity (CG),4)maximal anaerobic power, vertical jump, and long jump. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The running time for 50 m decreased from 7.44 s to 7;14 s with age. Running speed increased from 7.70 m/s to 8.00 m/s with age. Step frequency increased, while step length and step length/body height ratio showed no significant change. The increase in running speed resulted, therefore, from the increase in step frequency rather than the step length. 2. MAnP increased from 766.0 W to 823.6 W with age, but no noticeable change occurred in the MAnP/body weight. 3. At each age, significant correlations were found between step frequency, step length,and step length/body height except step length/body height of fifteen year old boys. Furthermore, running speed and variables for physical fitness such as MAnP showed significant correlations. Running speed and MAnP/body weight showed a significant correlation for each age group. 4. The relationship between running speed and the CG motion indicated that it was important to shorten support time, increase step frequency and reduce the bouncing motion of the CG in order to improve running speed. The relationship between running speed and the motion of the lower limbs suggested that motion of the toe relative to the hip during support phase, forward motion of the free leg and backward swing motion of the toe prior to foot contact at high speed help to improve running speed. 5. Based on the averages and the standard deviations of variables examined for each age group, running performance was classified into five categories. Averages of step frequency, step length, step length/body height, MAnP/body weight, vertical jump and long jump for the categories were listed in Table 6. This will be useful to evaluate the running performance of students and teach sprint running in physical education classes.