北村 英哉 三浦 麻子 松尾 朗子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第84回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PC-051, 2020-09-08 (Released:2021-12-08)

高橋 綾子 北村 英哉 桐生 正幸
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第85回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PC-047, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

本研究では,現代の人々において,日本の「伝統的価値観」と「認識」されているものの考え方,感じ方を整理し,それが文化的自己観といかに関係するかを検討する。伝統的価値観は予備調査において取り出すことのできた考えのうち,すでに別領域での研究の多い伝統的性役割観については除いた上で,自分自身の行動指針,行動規範となり得るものに焦点をあてることとした。また,おみくじをひく等の具体的な日常的宗教行為と伝統的価値観がいかに関わるかについても探索する。オンライン調査によって648名(女性430名,男性218名,M=33.94)から得た有効回答を用い,研究1では伝統的価値観尺度,日常的宗教行為尺度を構成し,それぞれ7因子,4因子構造であることと,信頼性・妥当性を確認した。さらに,研究2では文化的自己観との関連を探り,「祟りとばち(a kind of vitalism)」の伝統的価値観が空気信仰を高めることを通して文化的自己観に影響することが確認された。以上の結果から,現代日本においても伝統的価値観が社会的相互作用に対して重要な役割を果たしていることが示された。
小林 麻衣 堀毛 一也 北村 英哉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.6, pp.525-534, 2018 (Released:2018-02-25)
3 1

This two-part study aimed to examine the effects of temptation coping strategies on self-control when faced with a conflict between academic goals and temptations. The results of Study 1 indicated that the general use of temptation coping strategies promoted goal pursuits. Study 2 investigated whether differences in the difficulty of goal achievement had an effect on the effectiveness of temptation coping strategies. Goal Verification, Temptation Avoidance, and Goal Execution, which are subscales of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, were effective strategies to facilitate self-control regardless of the difficulty of goal achievement. However, Mood Changing, which is another subscale of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, was a strategy that did not affect self-control. These findings indicated that the temptation coping strategies were largely effective in academic situations. The implications of adaptive self-control are also discussed.
北村 英哉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.62, no.4, pp.221-228, 1991-10-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

The present study investigated the relationship among construct accessibility, self-schema and person memory. Three hundred and thirty-four subjects received 40 behavioral descriptions of a stimulus person, consisting of eight specific behaviors on each of five trait-dimensions. Subjects also rated personality traits of their acquaintances and themselves on nine-point bipolar scales and ranked the importance of the five trait-dimensions. Weights, which subjects assigned to each of the five dimensions, were calculated as indices of construct accessibility. Self-schema scores of each subject were also calculated based on his/her ratings. Multiple regression analyses indicated that the dimensional weights and selfschema scores were positively correlated with the recall performance of the descriptions of the stimulus person. The schematics recalled significantly more descriptions than the aschematics, whether their self-schema was positive or negative. Subjects who had positive self-schema showed higher construct accessibility than the aschematics. It was argued that the relationship between construct accessibility and self-schema might be affected by motivational factors such as self-esteem.
北村 英哉
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.41, no.2, pp.84-97, 2002
1 3

ポジティブ・ムードが自動的処理を促進し, ネガティブ・ムードが分析的処理を促進するであろうとの仮説を検証するために2つの実験を行なった。実験1では, ポジティブもしくはネガティブ感情を導出した後, 被験者はポジティブ, ネガティブあるいはニュートラル・ムードを誘導する効果があると教示された音楽テープ (実際の効果はない) を聞くという状況で, 商品の魅力を評定した。結果は予測通りに, 割増効果はネガティブ・ムード群においてより顕著であった。<BR>実験2では, 被験者はまず, 無名な企業名のリストを1回ないし4回呈示された。1-2日後, 被験者は以前呈示された企業名と新たな企業名をランダムに呈示されて, 有名か無名かの判断をさせられた。一度目にしたものは親近感が高まり, 有名と誤判断してしまうことが増える。結果は予測通りに, ポジティブ・ムード群の方が有名とする誤判断が多く, 親近感を正確に統制しなかった。これらの結果から, ポジティブ・ムード時において人は自動的処理方略に従事しやすいことが示された。
北村 英哉
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.56, no.2, pp.39-48, 2019-03

According to Just World Theory, good people deserve reward, while bad people would suffer from bad events. In this study, to investigate whether good or bad character information has an impact on the judgment of responsibility of two vignettes describing bad events, seventy-nine participants read vignettes and responded to the items related to causal attribution. Furthermore, the relationship of moral foundations and just world belief with the judgments was tested. In the results, participants in low score on the fairness foundation showed more discrepancy between good target and bad target in dispositional attribution. In bad target condition, low fairness group attributed causation of bad accidents more to the target persons. While high fairness group responded almost the same way whether the target person was good or bad. And resentment scale was found to correlate with immanent justice significantly. The relation of moral and resentment would be discussed.
小林 麻衣 堀毛 一也 北村 英哉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.6, pp.525-534, 2018

<p>This two-part study aimed to examine the effects of temptation coping strategies on self-control when faced with a conflict between academic goals and temptations. The results of Study 1 indicated that the general use of temptation coping strategies promoted goal pursuits. Study 2 investigated whether differences in the difficulty of goal achievement had an effect on the effectiveness of temptation coping strategies. Goal Verification, Temptation Avoidance, and Goal Execution, which are subscales of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, were effective strategies to facilitate self-control regardless of the difficulty of goal achievement. However, Mood Changing, which is another subscale of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, was a strategy that did not affect self-control. These findings indicated that the temptation coping strategies were largely effective in academic situations. The implications of adaptive self-control are also discussed.</p>
小林 麻衣 堀毛 一也 北村 英哉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会

<p>This two-part study aimed to examine the effects of temptation coping strategies on self-control when faced with a conflict between academic goals and temptations. The results of Study 1 indicated that the general use of temptation coping strategies promoted goal pursuits. Study 2 investigated whether differences in the difficulty of goal achievement had an effect on the effectiveness of temptation coping strategies. Goal Verification, Temptation Avoidance, and Goal Execution, which are subscales of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, were effective strategies to facilitate self-control regardless of the difficulty of goal achievement. However, Mood Changing, which is another subscale of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, was a strategy that did not affect self-control. These findings indicated that the temptation coping strategies were largely effective in academic situations. The implications of adaptive self-control are also discussed.</p>
下田 俊介 大久保 暢俊 小林 麻衣 佐藤 重隆 北村 英哉
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.3, pp.294-303, 2014

The Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT) is an instrument for the indirect assessment of positive and negative affect. A Japanese version of the IPANAT was developed and its reliability and validity were examined. In Study 1, factor analysis identified two independent factors that could be interpreted as implicit positive and negative affect, which corresponded to the original version. The Japanese IPANAT also had sufficient internal consistency and acceptable test–retest reliability. In Study 2, we demonstrated that the Japanese IPANAT was associated with explicit state affect (e.g., PANAS), extraversion, and neuroticism, which indicated its adequate construct validity. In Study 3, we examined the extent to which the Japanese IPANAT was sensitive to changes in affect by assessing a set of IPANAT items after the presentation of positive, negative, or neutral photographs. The results indicated that the Japanese IPANAT was sufficiently sensitive to changes in affect resulting from affective stimuli. Taken together, these studies suggest that the Japanese version of the IPANAT is a useful instrument for the indirect assessment of positive and negative affect.