入山 茂 池間 愛梨 桐生 正幸
法と心理 (ISSN:13468669)
vol.17, no.1, pp.95-101, 2017 (Released:2019-01-01)

縊死偽装事例では、自殺と関連しやすい情報が含まれることにより、確証バイアスが生じ、死因 の鑑別を誤る可能性がある。特に、検視官と比較して、法医学の専門的な訓練を受けていない司法 警察員における確証バイアスの影響は大きい可能性がある。本研究では、過去の縊死偽装事例の分 析を行うことにより、心理学の領域でほとんど検討されていない、縊死偽装事例に関わった司法警 察員における確証バイアスの影響について、研究の手掛りとなる知見を提供することを目的とした。 テキストマイニング手法を援用し、縊死偽装事例 1 例の検視に関わった元検視官、元法医学者、元 司法警察員の出版された記録から、遺体の部位や状況、遺体に付随する物品に関する単語および熟 語(以下、遺体情報)を抽出し、χ 2 検定および残差分析を行った。分析の結果、他殺と鑑別した元検 視官、元法医学者と比較して、自殺と鑑別した元司法警察員は、着眼する遺体情報の種類が少なく、 索状物、頸部圧迫、体重といった縊死と関連する遺体情報に着眼していた。
田口 真二 桐生 正幸 伊藤 可奈子 池田 稔 平 伸二
犯罪心理学研究 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-13, 2007 (Released:2018-06-30)

A projective questionnaire for measuring male sexual desire was developed. In Study 1, the original Sexual Desire Scale for Males (SDS-M) was developed by referring to information on sexual activities on the Internet, as well as to prior studies on sexual offenders and their victims. The original SDS-M requested participants to judge whether they agreed or disagreed with sentences regarding various sexual behaviors and objects of sexual desire. SDS-M did not inquire about the frequency of sexual activities or the strength of sexual desire. The original SDS-M was administered to 140 males. The factor analysis of their responses revealed that the SDS-M had a 5-factor structure: daily sexual desire, h omo-hetero sexual desire, penis oriented sexual desire, intercourse oriented sexual desire and abnormal sexual desire. Cronback's alpha indicated satisfactory internal consistency and reliability. Study 2, investigated the stability and the validity of the SDS-M. It was administrated to 274 males, and based on the results of confirmatory factor analysis using Structural Equation Modeling, the SDS-M was divided into two subscales: a general sexual desire subscale consisting of the four factors with the exception of the Abnormal factor, and an Abnormal sexual desire subscale. The goodness of fit index of each subscale indicated satisfactory factor validity. Moreover, the SDS-M had reasonable test-retest reliability and satisfactory correlations with the Sexual Attitudes Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory.
桐生 正幸
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.61, no.3, pp.344-358, 2018 (Released:2020-01-18)

In recent years, offender profiling research has played a substantial role in criminal psychology. To date, criminal etiology and the psychology of delinquency have been the focus of criminal psychology. These methods were demonstrated to be useful in criminal investigations involving psychological analysis of criminal behavior. This may be evaluated as taking after the reasoning method of Sherlock Holmes, the fictional master detective. This article discusses the historical development and present state of offender profiling and its future, with reference to the Sherlock Holmes period and reasoning method. The history of criminal profiling can be broadly divided into three periods: before the FBI (the period of Holmes); the development and implementation of FBI methods; and the current period, in which statistics are used. This can also be called the history of transition from a period that focused on psychiatry and clinical psychology to one focusing on social psychology and environmental criminology. The main analyses of this method are “linkage analysis,” “criminal profile assumption,” and “geographical profiling,” as well as statistical analyses, which comprise multidimensional scaling and decision trees, among others. In modern-day Japan, analytical findings from offender profiling are used in investigating officers’ decision-making in the same way as eyewitness reports, information regarding criminal techniques, and information obtained from forensic data. Psychological techniques have been utilized in the criminal investigation setting since “polygraph tests” that test for the presence or absence of recollection. However, currently, analytical findings are provided only as investigation support information, which can hardly be described as ideal. In general, criminal profiling has not reached the wisdom displayed by Holmes. Ideal criminal profiling entails an “investigating officer” deciding on an investigation plan founded on various types of analytical information. This practice demonstrates “abductive reasoning,” wherein the truth is uncovered while a hypothesis is being repeatedly formulated. This necessitates future methods entailing statistical abductive reasoning using Bayesian inference, among others, and a multi-disciplinary research environment.
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
vol.13, pp.221-228, 2012-03-31

本研究の目的は,大学にて犯罪心理学を専攻した学生の卒業研究を調査することである。 調査内容は,研究課題と調査方法に関して行った。結果は以下の通り。1) 多くの調査対象と主題が「非行」であった。 しかし,多様な主題も見られた。2)調査方法は,「質問紙法」であり,調査の対象は「学生」であった。
高橋 綾子 北村 英哉 桐生 正幸
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第85回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PC-047, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

本研究では,現代の人々において,日本の「伝統的価値観」と「認識」されているものの考え方,感じ方を整理し,それが文化的自己観といかに関係するかを検討する。伝統的価値観は予備調査において取り出すことのできた考えのうち,すでに別領域での研究の多い伝統的性役割観については除いた上で,自分自身の行動指針,行動規範となり得るものに焦点をあてることとした。また,おみくじをひく等の具体的な日常的宗教行為と伝統的価値観がいかに関わるかについても探索する。オンライン調査によって648名(女性430名,男性218名,M=33.94)から得た有効回答を用い,研究1では伝統的価値観尺度,日常的宗教行為尺度を構成し,それぞれ7因子,4因子構造であることと,信頼性・妥当性を確認した。さらに,研究2では文化的自己観との関連を探り,「祟りとばち(a kind of vitalism)」の伝統的価値観が空気信仰を高めることを通して文化的自己観に影響することが確認された。以上の結果から,現代日本においても伝統的価値観が社会的相互作用に対して重要な役割を果たしていることが示された。
田口 真二 桐生 正幸 伊藤 可奈子 池田 稔 平 伸二
犯心研 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-13, 2018-06-30

<p>A projective questionnaire for measuring male sexual desire was developed. In Study 1, the original Sexual Desire Scale for Males (SDS-M) was developed by referring to information on sexual activities on the Internet, as well as to prior studies on sexual offenders and their victims. The original SDS-M requested participants to judge whether they agreed or disagreed with sentences regarding various sexual behaviors and objects of sexual desire. SDS-M did not inquire about the frequency of sexual activities or the strength of sexual desire. The original SDS-M was administered to 140 males. The factor analysis of their responses revealed that the SDS-M had a 5-factor structure: daily sexual desire, h omo-hetero sexual desire, penis oriented sexual desire, intercourse oriented sexual desire and abnormal sexual desire. Cronback's alpha indicated satisfactory internal consistency and reliability. Study 2, investigated the stability and the validity of the SDS-M. It was administrated to 274 males, and based on the results of confirmatory factor analysis using Structural Equation Modeling, the SDS-M was divided into two subscales: a general sexual desire subscale consisting of the four factors with the exception of the Abnormal factor, and an Abnormal sexual desire subscale. The goodness of fit index of each subscale indicated satisfactory factor validity. Moreover, the SDS-M had reasonable test-retest reliability and satisfactory correlations with the Sexual Attitudes Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory.</p>
桐生 正幸
no.14, pp.243-252, 2013-03

本研究では,身近で発生した殺人事件が,地域防犯への関心や,犯罪に対するリスク認知と不安感に及ぼす影響について検討した。2007年10月に幼女が殺害された加古川市にて活動する防犯ボランティアが研究対象である。この殺人事件は,彼女の家の前にて刃物で刺された未解決事件である。調査は,兵庫県の5市にて行った。加古川市と他の市は,防犯活動が活発な地域である。調査回答者は,全部で361名(女性130名,男性231名。平均年齢67.3歳)のボランティアであった。調査結果は次の通りである。加古川市のボランティアは他の市よりも,1)治安悪化を認識し,2)高い犯罪不安感を感じていた。This study examined the effect of a neighbouring murder case on risk perception, anxiety about crime, and concerns about crime prevention. A volunteer crime prevention group in Kakogawa city, where a little girl murder occurred in October 2007 was examined. This case involved the stabbing of a victim in front of her home, which has remained unsolved. The investigation involved five cities in Hyogo prefecture. In Kakogawa city and other cities, the anticrime activity was active. There were 361 volunteers involved in the survey. 130 are women while 231 are men and the average age is 67.3 years old. The survey results indicated that the volunteers in Kakogawa had higher perceptions than the volunteers in other cities in 1) recognizing that the public peace has worsened; and 2) feeling of anxiety for the increased in crimes.