川本 芳 川本 咲江 川合 静 白井 啓 吉田 淳久 萩原 光 白鳥 大祐 直井 洋司
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.23, no.2, pp.81-89, 2007-12-20 (Released:2009-03-13)
6 7

We examined a total of 20 blood samples for assessment of the degree of hybridization between introduced rhesus macaques and native Japanese macaques in the Bousou Peninsula. Each individual was characterized by different kinds of genetic markers (two protein loci, mtDNA and one Y chromosome DNA) in order to evaluate paternal and maternal origin and the degree of hybridization. The sample individuals contained one adult male Japanese macaque, and all others were rhesus or rhesus hybrid born in the study population. Of these 19 natal, at least 15 (78.9 per cent) were hybrids. The estimated frequencies of Japanese macaque genes were 0.342 and 0.857 for autosomal and Y chromosomal genes, respectively. This result revealed a high degree of hybridization in the introduced rhesus population. A test for random mating suggested that the two species were intermixing without reproductive defects. As the habitat of native Japanese macaque troops on the peninsula are very close, removal of the hybrid population is urgently required to prevent the transfer of their genes into the Japanese macaque population. It is also important to begin monitoring for further potential gene flow between rhesus and Japanese macaques in the peninsula.
牛山 素行 吉田 淳美
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.24, no.4, pp.487-497, 2006-02-28

A heavy rainfall caused by typhoon No. 0514 (Nabi, GLIDE: TC-2005-000154-JPN) and a stationary front occurred in Japan from September 4 to 8, 2005. A 1238-mm, 48-hour precipitation was recorded at Mikado in Miyazaki prefecture. This was the highest recorded precipitation of all observatories administered by the Japan Meteorological Agency since 1979. Based on data from the agency, the highest 24-hour precipitation records in the last 25 years were revised at 56 observatories, and the highest 48-hour precipitation records were revised at 64 observatories as a result of this rainfall. However, there was no observatory where the highest 1-hour precipitation was revised. In this heavy rainfall, 2,834 houses were destroyed and 21,834 houses were inundated; most of the property destruction was caused by inundation. In total, 29 persons were killed or missing in 8 prefectures: 13 in Miyazaki prefecture, 5 in Kagoshima, 4 in Ohita, 3 in Yamaguchi and 4 in others. Of these deaths, 22 were attributable to sediment disaster. On the other hand, in Hinokage town, Miyazaki prefecture, there were no deaths even though a large number of houses were destroyed. This is because all the residents had taken refuge at least 6 hours before the flood and debris flow occurred. It should be noted that in Miyazaki city, an electronic bulletin board system (BBS) administered by the city office was helpful. Whenever a resident used the BBS to ask a question, the city office replied within several minutes. With this system, information was exchanged efficiently and there were no incidences of online vandalism. This example showed the potential for official disaster BBSs in Japan.
遠西 昭壽 川上 昭吾 大高 泉 吉田 淳 平野 俊英 楠山 研 森本 弘一 磯崎 哲夫 橋本 健夫 劉 卿美 遠西 昭壽

アジアの中で発展が急な韓国、中国、台湾、シンガポール4ヶ国、中国については教育特区の北京、上海、香港の理科教育の実態を調査した。アジア各国は例外なく理科教育の充実に努めている。特に、韓国では英才教育院、科学英才教育院において英才教育が進められていること、シンガポールでは2007年に「シンガポール大学附属理数高校」(National University of Singapore High School of Math and Science)、理数教育に特化した高校が開校していることが特記すべきことである。コンピュータ教育の充実も盛んに行われている。特に、シンガポールでは国が力を入れ、コンピュータはインターネット、電子黒板等多面的に利用されている。いじめがあるのは日本で、韓国では問題になりつつある。その他の国ではこの問題はない。3年間の本研究で、韓国、中国(北京、上海、香港)、台湾、シンガポールの研究者との交流を深めることができ、国際シンポジウムを開催することもできて、今後の研究交流の基盤が整備されたことは、大きな成果であった。
丹後 弘司 重松 敬一 大竹 博巳 山田 篤史 荒井 徳充 大竹 真一 勝間 典司 加畑 昭和 川口 慎二 黒田 大樹 小磯 深幸 河野 芳文 酒井 淳平 辻 幹雄 槌田 直 中井 保行 二澤 善紀 長谷川 貴之 横 弥直浩 吉田 明史 吉田 淳一
