長尾 和宏 篠村 恭久 東本 好文 安永 祐一 宮崎 義司 金山 周次 石川 秀樹 藪 道弘 垂井 清一郎
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.33, no.2, pp.291-298_1, 1991-02-20 (Released:2011-05-09)

10カ月の経過観察中に自然消失した胃底腺ポリポージスの1例を経験した.症例は53歳女性.検診時,胃X線検査で胃体部を中心に分布する計30~40個の直径5~6mm大,山田II型のポリープを指摘された.組織学的にポリープの構成主体は胃底腺であり,背景粘膜に萎縮を認めないことより胃底腺ポリポージスと診断した.しかし10カ月後の胃X線検査にて,多発性ポリープはほぼ完全に消失しており,胃体部粘膜の生検組織像は著明な細胞浸潤を伴った胃底腺の萎縮と変性を呈していた.また,酸分泌能の低下と高ガストリン血症が認められた. 胃底腺ポリポージスの自然消失に関する報告例は少なく,ポリープ消失前後の胃粘膜像もほとんど検討されておらず,消失機序は不明である.ポリープ消失前後における背景粘膜像の比較検討より,本例のポリープは,短期間に進展した胃体部を中心とする萎縮性胃炎に伴って消失したと考えられた.
島 健二 沢崎 憲夫 森下 寿々枝 垂井 清一郎
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.16, no.5, pp.435-440, 1973-09-30 (Released:2011-08-10)

Experiments have been carried out to determine whether a stimulatory effect of glucose administerd orally on the secretion of gut glucagon was associated with the absorption process of glucose from the intestine. For this purpose, oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests were performed in gastrectomized subjects treated 60 minutes previously with phenformin (DBI) which has been reported to cause an impairment of intestinal absorption of glucose, and changes in blood sugar, IRI, total IRG and pancreatic glucagon levels were compared with those obtained during the control experiment in which no DBI was administered previously.DBI pretreatment flattened the blood sugar and IRI responses to oral glucose significantly but did not alter the response to the intravenous glucose. The drug produced no significant changes in basal plasma pancreatic glucagon and total IRG levels. Thirty minutes after the oral glucose alone, the total IRG level rose to a peak of 1.55±0.17ng/ml, a value being not different from the maximum level of 1.67±0.18ng/ml observed during the test pretreated with DBI. However, the mean total IRG levels obtained 120 and 180 minutes after the oral glucose with DBI were significantly higher than the corresponding values without DBI which seemed to be attributed to glucose retention in the gut caused by the drug. No significant changes in mean plasma levels of pancreatic glucagon were noted after the oral glucose with and without DBI. The intravenous injection of glucose caused a slight decline in total IRG concentration to the same extent in the both occasions.These results suggest that gut glucagon is released in response to contact of glucose with the intestinal mucosal surface rather than the intestinal absorption of glucose.
赤沼 安夫 繁田 幸男 井村 裕夫 七里 元亮 垂井 清一郎 馬場 茂明 堀野 正治 兼子 俊男 三村 悟郎 清水 直容 内藤 周幸 中川 昌一 工藤 守 久保田 奉幸 阿部 祐五 王子 亘由 鍋谷 登 河原 啓 安東 千代 陣内 冨男 小坂 樹徳 後藤 由夫 葛谷 健 平田 幸正 伊藤 徳治 梶沼 宏 堀内 光 坂本 信夫
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.27, no.1, pp.9-18, 1984

ブタインスリンの化学的修飾によつて酵素学的畔合成されたHuman Momcomponent Insuliれの安全性, 有効性および免疫学的推移を精製ブタインスリンを対照薬剤とした二重盲検法にて検討した. 用いた製剤はいずれもActrapidおよびMonotard製剤である. 治験は96週間の予定にて実施進行中であるが, 今回は24週間まで投与し得ている症例を対象とした中間成績である. 対象は, 精製ブタインスリン製剤のみで治療されているType IおよびType II糖尿病患者153例であった. 解析は除外症例8例を除いた145例にて実施された.<BR>患者の年齢, 糖尿病病型, 肥満度, 糖尿病発症年齢, 糖尿病罹病期間および糖尿病性合併症など背景因子に明らかな偏りはなかった.<BR>全般改善度, 有用度とも精製ブタインスリン群の方で改善および有用と判定する傾向があった (0.05<p<0.1).<BR>インスリン1日用量, 空腹時血糖値およびヘモグロビンAiでは両薬剤群間に有意な差は認められなかった. 体重, 抗インスリンIgG抗体およびインスリン特異性IgE抗体でも両薬剤群間に差を認めなかった. インスリンアレルギーが治験開始1ヵ月頃に, リポアトロフィーが12週間頃に各1例ずつ認められたが, いずれも治験はそのまま継続し得た. これら以外に副作用は認めなかった. 臨床検査成績に治験薬剤によると思われる直接的な影響は認められなかった.<BR>以上より, Human Monocomponent Insulinは, 精製ブタインスリンとほぼ同様の安全性, 有用性を有しており, 糖尿病治療上, 有用なインスリンであると判断された. しかしながら両者間には作用特性に多少の差異がみられる可能性は残る. この点に関しては今後さらに検討される必要があろう.
清水 孝郎 桑島 正道 河野 典夫 垂井 清一郎
一般社団法人 日本臨床化学会
臨床化学 (ISSN:03705633)
vol.10, no.1, pp.1-8, 1981-03-25 (Released:2012-11-27)
市原 紀久雄 島 健二 黒田 耕平 野中 共平 垂井 清一郎
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.16, no.6, pp.498-504, 1973-11-30 (Released:2011-08-10)

Although diet regulation is a basal therapeutic means for diabetes, little is known about its primary effect on diabetic metabolism, including insulin secretion. The purpose of this investigation is to throw a light on this problem.Twenty-two non-ketotic diabetics were selected for study, who were newly-diagnosed or had interrupted the treatment of diabetes for long time, having no other diseases which might affect carbohydrate metabolism.In these patients, blood glucose, FFA and IRI response to oral loading of 100 g glucose were compared before and after 4 week diet regulation. The diet which was indicated to them was composed of 60% carbohydrate, 15-20% protein and 20-25% fat. The total calorie was restricted in relation to their weight and physical activity. The patients were asked to weigh their daily food. 24h intake of carbohydrate, protein and fat, and total calorie were calculated as accurately as possible. According to this calculation, dietetic intakes of seven of these twenty-two patients were found not to be significantly changed between before and after the instruction of diet regulation. Therefore, we divided all patients studied into two groups, namely control group (7 cases) and diet treatment group (15 cases).After the diet regulation in the latter group, fasting glucose was decreased from 164.1±14.6 mg% to 121.7±7.1 mg%(p<0.01), glucose tolerance was significantly improved and insulin response estimated by measuring the area under the curve was increased from 6, 807±958 μU·min/m/ to 10, 392±1, 657 μU·Eminim/(p<0.01) in spite of lowered level of blood glucose. However, the sluggishness in early insulin response to glucose was not markedly changed. Insulinogenic index was also significantly increased at 180 minutes after oral glucose loading. Plasma FFA response to oral glucose was ameliorated at 120 minutes.On the other hand, the control group did not show any significant changes in blood glucose and IRI and FFA response to glucose loading before and after 4 week observation periods.Therefore, the metabolic effects of the diet regulation should be at least in part ascribed to the increased secretion of insulin. These results support the classical concept, “Resting the Pancreas”, brought about by caloric restriction.