鎌田 東二 島薗 進 津城 寛文 河合 俊雄 永澤 哲 井上 ウィマラ 鶴岡 賀雄 野村 理朗 倉島 哲 稲葉 俊郎 古谷 寛治 奥井 遼 林 紀行 町田 宗鳳 棚次 正和 篠原 資明 齋木 潤 金 香淑

本科研研究プロジェクトは、「こころの荒廃」から抜け出るための手がかりを瞑想や修行や儀礼や芸能などの「身心変容技法」という宗教的リソースに求め、その意味・意義・機能・はたらき・諸相を明らかにしようとするものである。2017年度は、9回の定例公開研究会(第56回身心変容技法研究会~第63回身心変容技法研究会)、2回のフィールドワーク(2017年5月の東北被災地追跡調査(第12回目目)と2018年2月の天河大辨財天社の鬼の宿・節分祭・立春祭調査)、多摩美術大学芸術人類学研究所との特別合同シンポジウム「大地の記憶を彫る」、毎月1度の定例分科研究8「世阿弥研究会」を行ない、その成果をHP:http://waza-sophia.la.coocan.jp/と、2018年3月発行の科研成果報告書『身心変容技法研究第7号』(全272頁)に掲載し、社会発信した。そこで問いかけた諸問題は、①オウム真理教事件を事例とする霊的暴力や魔や悪魔の問題、②身心変容(技法)と芸術・芸能との関係、③身心変容(技法)の科学、④身心変容(技法)の哲学、⑤身心変容(技法)と教育、⑥身心変容(技法)と聖地ないし場所などなどの諸問題である。こうして、「身心変容(transfomation of body & mind)」や「霊的暴力(spiritual violence)」や「霊的虐待(spiritual abuse)」の概念を明確にしつつ、その負の局面を分析・考察した。カトリックや禅や瞑想「悪魔」や「魔境」やバランスの崩れの問題を問いかけるとともに、縄文時代の身心変容や古代の洞窟(洞天)が果たした象徴機能や役割やそこにおける諸種の身体パフォーマンスについて考察の目を向け、理論的研究と事例的研究と認知神経科学的な実験的研究の突合せと整理を行ない、認知神経科学における「畏怖・恐れ」の問題の実験的研究に一歩踏み込んだ。
奥井 遼
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.111-124, 2011-04-25

This paper aims to reconsider the education of the body, by referring to the phenomenological framework of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961). Many interests in the body among educational studies have been given to changing bodies or improving performances as the education of “through the body.” On the other hand, works of the body, according to Merleau-Ponty’s framework, are the base of the experience of the world, which has already moved before a reflective subject thinks about world. If it is so, we can understand that these works of the body have been beyond our educational attempts or intentions. In this paper, I describe these works of the body, which provides a perspective to its education. To explain this perspective, I first consider the influences of Husserl to Merleau-Ponty, who expands and deepens the basic framework proposed by the Husserl’s phenomenology, especially about the idea of“ Lebenswelt” transforming to“ le monde vécu.” Second, I investigate the concept of “intercorporéité, ” which is regarded as a key concept in describing the experience of the world. In conclusion, I reconsider the education of the body by claiming the educational significance of the concept of “intercorporéité” and the phenomenological mode of thought in educational studies.
奥井 遼
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.57, pp.111-124, 2011

This paper aims to reconsider the education of the body, by referring to the phenomenological framework of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961). Many interests in the body among educational studies have been given to changing bodies or improving performances as the education of "through the body." On the other hand, works of the body, according to Merleau-Ponty's framework, are the base of the experience of the world, which has already moved before a reflective subject thinks about world. If it is so, we can understand that these works of the body have been beyond our educational attempts or intentions. In this paper, I describe these works of the body, which provides a perspective to its education. To explain this perspective, I first consider the influences of Husserl to Merleau-Ponty, who expands and deepens the basic framework proposed by the Husserl's phenomenology, especially about the idea of" Lebenswelt" transforming to" le monde vécu." Second, I investigate the concept of "intercorporéité, " which is regarded as a key concept in describing the experience of the world. In conclusion, I reconsider the education of the body by claiming the educational significance of the concept of "intercorporéité" and the phenomenological mode of thought in educational studies.
奥井 遼
メルロ=ポンティ研究 (ISSN:18845479)
vol.25, pp.89-107, 2021 (Released:2021-11-06)

La communication au service de l’acquisition du geste artistique est un processus co-construit par l’enseignant et l’apprenant, processus au sein duquel les mots et les gestes s’avèrent être inextricablement liés. En se concentrant sur la formation menée au Centre National des Arts du Cirque, en France, cet article décrit un cas de communication enseignant-étudiant lors de l’entraînement aux acrobaties par trois élèves, gestes dont la réussite requiert d’importants efforts coopératifs. Certains concepts de Merleau-Ponty permettent d’éclairer cette communication, au prix d’un remaniement plus ou moins conséquent. Premièrement, enseignant et élèves tentent de renouveler leurs expériences corporelles par une « imitation » gestuelle qui fonctionne selon un principe de réciprocité. Deuxièmement, en cas de réussite d’une nouvelle technique difficile, réussite conditionnée par la reconfiguration du schéma corporel, les élèves font ce qui s’apparente à l’expérience d’un « projet ». Cette expérience d’apprentissage est aussi celle d’un désap- prentissage : pour réussir les prouesses attendues, en effet, les élèves doivent abandonner la façon dont ils maintenaient auparavant leur équilibre, et oser prendre le risque de l’échec. La communication déployée au cours de l’entraînement soutient précisément cet effort pour faire abandonner des habitudes précédemment formées.
奥井 遼
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.58, pp.183-193, 2012

This paper proposes that the theory of phenomenology constructed by Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) represents an effective method to analyze body-knowledge. In recent years, many educational researchers have paid attention to body-knowledge or tacit knowledge because it differs from intellectual knowledge, which modern educational studies have regarded as useful means to improve children's abilities in school. Those researchers who criticize learning by an intellectual method as "representationalism" regard learning through bodies, actions, or tasks as important for comprehensive education. However, to seek to means of sharing tacit knowledge among people, it is necessary to rely on language or the representation itself. To a complex relationship between actions and representations, I take the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty. In response to Saussure's initial insight, Merleau-Ponty claims that meaning of words arises not through concepts that pre-exist in language but through language as a system of differences. For Merleau-Ponty, there is no meaning before the speakers start to speak, just a "silence." The meaning emerges from the paradoxical relation between existing and not-yet-expressed meaning, through the expressive field situated between speakers, signs, and prior language use and current speech; all of these things are anchored by bodily intentionality ("l'intentionalité corporelle"). In light of this view of Merleau-Ponty, we can consider how we could express body-knowledge apart from the representational use of language.