鎌田 東二 島薗 進 津城 寛文 河合 俊雄 永澤 哲 井上 ウィマラ 鶴岡 賀雄 野村 理朗 倉島 哲 稲葉 俊郎 古谷 寛治 奥井 遼 林 紀行 町田 宗鳳 棚次 正和 篠原 資明 齋木 潤 金 香淑

本科研研究プロジェクトは、「こころの荒廃」から抜け出るための手がかりを瞑想や修行や儀礼や芸能などの「身心変容技法」という宗教的リソースに求め、その意味・意義・機能・はたらき・諸相を明らかにしようとするものである。2017年度は、9回の定例公開研究会(第56回身心変容技法研究会~第63回身心変容技法研究会)、2回のフィールドワーク(2017年5月の東北被災地追跡調査(第12回目目)と2018年2月の天河大辨財天社の鬼の宿・節分祭・立春祭調査)、多摩美術大学芸術人類学研究所との特別合同シンポジウム「大地の記憶を彫る」、毎月1度の定例分科研究8「世阿弥研究会」を行ない、その成果をHP:http://waza-sophia.la.coocan.jp/と、2018年3月発行の科研成果報告書『身心変容技法研究第7号』(全272頁)に掲載し、社会発信した。そこで問いかけた諸問題は、①オウム真理教事件を事例とする霊的暴力や魔や悪魔の問題、②身心変容(技法)と芸術・芸能との関係、③身心変容(技法)の科学、④身心変容(技法)の哲学、⑤身心変容(技法)と教育、⑥身心変容(技法)と聖地ないし場所などなどの諸問題である。こうして、「身心変容(transfomation of body & mind)」や「霊的暴力(spiritual violence)」や「霊的虐待(spiritual abuse)」の概念を明確にしつつ、その負の局面を分析・考察した。カトリックや禅や瞑想「悪魔」や「魔境」やバランスの崩れの問題を問いかけるとともに、縄文時代の身心変容や古代の洞窟(洞天)が果たした象徴機能や役割やそこにおける諸種の身体パフォーマンスについて考察の目を向け、理論的研究と事例的研究と認知神経科学的な実験的研究の突合せと整理を行ない、認知神経科学における「畏怖・恐れ」の問題の実験的研究に一歩踏み込んだ。
棚次 正和

棚次 正和
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.33, pp.1-14, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-03-10)

Theories of mind-body relationship can be classified into two ideal types: a mind-body separate theory and a mind-body integrative one. The former asserts that mind exists separated from body, and the latter that mind and body must be integrated into one. In modern French thought, Henri Bergson's philosophy belongs to the former, and Gabriel Marcel's philosophy the latter. Bergson affirmed that through his philosophical investigation of this matter and studies of Christian mysticism as well as acoustic memories of words, mind was independent from body including brain, therefore life probably survived after death, whereas Marcel analyzed existence, that is, the fact of living here and now in terms of ‘incarnation’ and ‘itinerary,’ and attempted to elucidate human-beings inevitably united with body as homo viator making a journey looking up to Being as ‘promised land.’ We think it is possible to unify the mutual opposite theories mentioned above if we take ‘body as mind’ into account. Among the clues to find a solution is the transformation of prayer. It has, at least, two meanings. One is the transformation of prayer itself. As prayer gets deeper, Negai(wish) is being changed to Inori(proclamation of life). The other is the mind-body transformation through prayer. Such a consideration as this will be able to lead us beyond the mind-body dichotomy.
棚次 正和
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.15, pp.30-47, 1998 (Released:2019-03-20)

The objective of this paper is to elucidate Katsumi Takizawa’s view of healing and the human by referring to his last manuscript, which was published after his death under the title Medical treatment and Religion in the Modern Times. The attempt here is part of our project to analyze the basic traits borne by the modern view of healing and the human. Takizawa suffered from serious eye-disease in the late period of his life, but miraculously recovered from it through ‘jôrei no waza’ practiced by a member of Seimeikyô (one of the new rising religions in Japan). He wrote and left this manuscript, trying to understand how he was healed. We will concentrate on two topics which he discussed, and consider their meaning in Takizawa’s perspective ‘pure theo-anthropology.’ The topics are ‘reishu taijû’ (the correspondence between the spirit and the body, the former preceding and leading the latter), and ‘jôrei no waza’ (the work of purifying mental or physical disharmony by spiritual power). ‘Reishu taijû’ has a direct relationship to the structure of human beings, and ‘jôrei no waza’ is connected with the view of healing and the criticism of modern medical treatment which depends upon medicines. Continuing to investigate these two issues, we will surely find ourselves situated on the frontier, where we can inquire about the ground of being and the source of life.
棚次 正和
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.9, pp.30-50, 1992 (Released:2018-03-21)

The position of P. Tillich’s theology is symbolically shown by the expression “on the boundary.” His theological thought gains its depth and width, in his standing on the several boundaries between ‘theology and philosophy,’ ‘church and society,’ and ‘religion and culture,’ etc. According to his book Dynamics of Faith (1957), faith is defined as the ultimate concern. Faith should not be considered only as a cognitive function nor as an emotional action, but is the most centered act of the human mind. In the act of faith, what is the source of this act is present beyond the cleavage of subject and object. Tillich understands that the act of faith is derived from the position of being human; namely, one’s standing between one’s finitude and one’s potential infinity, and from there necessarily come doubts, distortions and symbols that appear in the act of faith. Tillich supposes that there are at least two types of faith, among the many forms of living faith. One is the ‘ontological type’ as the presence of the holy here and now, and the other is the ‘moral type,’ in which the holy is the judgment over everything that is. The former is related to the holiness of being, and the latter to the holiness of what ought to be. The dynamics of faith within and between the religions are largely determined by these two types, their interdependence and their conflicts. It seems that the diversity of faith denies the claim of truth in the act of faith. This is what has been called the matter of ‘faith and reason.’ Tillich suggests that, if reason is regarded as the meaningful structure of mind and reality, not as a technical tool, reason is the precondition of faith; faith is the act in which reason reaches ecstatically beyond itself. One criterion of the truth of faith is whether its symbols are alive or not, and the other criterion is that symbols express the ultimate which is really ultimate, not idolatrous. Through the encounter of the world religions and dialogues with them, Tillich’s theology is led to put itself in an open field of spirituality. To take some examples, he searches of a direction of Christianity to negating itself as a particular religion and realizing its true universalism, and intends to apply the method used in studies of the history of religions to systematic theology.

1 0 0 0 OA 「言霊」試論

棚次 正和
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.1, pp.69-84, 1984 (Released:2017-12-29)

In this essay, we take the position that we should consider “kotodama” not as a primitive faith, but as a primitive fact, by which all other facts are possible. “Kotodama” is etymologically composed of koto (language) and tama (spirit). The moment of koto is concerned not only with the fields of linguistics in the narrow sense, but widely with the dimension of epistemological articulation, including the conflicts of koto (words) with koto (happenings or acts). On the other hand, the moment of tama is related to the dynamics of the spirit or the soul, especially its ontological transformation.
鎌田 東二 河合 俊雄 鶴岡 賀雄 棚次 正和 町田 宗鳳 津城 寛文 井上 松永 倉島 哲 篠原 資明 斎木 潤 乾 敏郎

「身心変容技法」とは[身体と心の状態を当事者にとってよりよいと考えられる理想的な状態に切り替え変容・転換させる諸技法/ワザ]を指すが、本科研では祈り・祭り・元服・洗礼・灌頂などの伝統的宗教儀礼、種々の瞑想・イニシエーションや武道・武術・体術などの修行やスポーツのトレーニング、歌・合唱・ 舞踊などの芸術や芸能、治療・セラピー・ケア、教育プログラムなどの領域の領域で編み出され実践されてきた身心変容技法を文献・フィールド・臨床・実験の4手法によって総合的に研究し、その成果を研究年報『身心変容技法研究』(1~4号、2012~15年)にまとめ、国際シンポジウムと大荒行シンポジウムで総括し、社会発信した。
棚次 正和
