鶴岡 賀雄
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.18, pp.1-14, 2001-03-31

Mysticism is an ambiguous term, no definition of which has ever gained general acceptance among scholars, notwithstanding its fairy frequent use in both academia and the public sphere. In this paper I attempt to examine the "historicities" of this term, in order to illuminate its historical determinations and to make evident its "genealogical" origins. Such examinations are required, I believe, if we are to continue to employ this term and evaluate it as meaningful to contemporay religious studies. In this paper, I will outline several distinct strata within a perceivable "historicity of mysticism." I designate historicity-0 as the essential factual positivity of mystics" activities in particular historical situations. I then designate the temporal dimension of history as historicity-1, in which chronological presentation of mystics becomes possible. However, a more or less "eternal" (i.e. a-historical) essence of mysticism - a variety of neo-platonistic metaphysics, a universal core of mystical experiences, etc. - is generally presupposed behind this "historicity" of mysticism. From the viewpoint of historicity-2 we can postulate significant divisions within history, because here mysticism is understood to change in value and status according to the nature of each era's knowledge and power. I hypothecize that the history of western mysticism can be divided into seven distinct periods, and outline them in detail. Historicity-3 is concerned with genealogy, where the manner in which mysticism emerges in a particular historical situation is analyzed. Here I point out two historical stages of the formation of mysticism, highlighting the parallels between them. The first is the 17th century when some advocates of theologia mystica "created" the tradition of Christian mysticism through reverence of ancient, medieval and contemporary saints and mystics, in whom the "eternal" essence of Christianity was supposedly realized. The second is the period from the latter part of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, when historians of religions developed the notion of mysticism as being the essence of all religion. Finally, I situate myself on the level of historicity-4, where we are obliged to be fully aware of these strata of historicity and of the fact that our considerations about them are also historically conditioned. From this location I posit some conditions in which a new evalutation of the nature of mysticism may be investigated. Throughout this paper I refer to Michel de Certeau's studies on modern Western mysticism, which provide a perspicacious and uniquely "postmodern" view of this subject.
鎌田 東二 島薗 進 津城 寛文 河合 俊雄 永澤 哲 井上 ウィマラ 鶴岡 賀雄 野村 理朗 倉島 哲 稲葉 俊郎 古谷 寛治 奥井 遼 林 紀行 町田 宗鳳 棚次 正和 篠原 資明 齋木 潤 金 香淑

本科研研究プロジェクトは、「こころの荒廃」から抜け出るための手がかりを瞑想や修行や儀礼や芸能などの「身心変容技法」という宗教的リソースに求め、その意味・意義・機能・はたらき・諸相を明らかにしようとするものである。2017年度は、9回の定例公開研究会(第56回身心変容技法研究会~第63回身心変容技法研究会)、2回のフィールドワーク(2017年5月の東北被災地追跡調査(第12回目目)と2018年2月の天河大辨財天社の鬼の宿・節分祭・立春祭調査)、多摩美術大学芸術人類学研究所との特別合同シンポジウム「大地の記憶を彫る」、毎月1度の定例分科研究8「世阿弥研究会」を行ない、その成果をHP:http://waza-sophia.la.coocan.jp/と、2018年3月発行の科研成果報告書『身心変容技法研究第7号』(全272頁)に掲載し、社会発信した。そこで問いかけた諸問題は、①オウム真理教事件を事例とする霊的暴力や魔や悪魔の問題、②身心変容(技法)と芸術・芸能との関係、③身心変容(技法)の科学、④身心変容(技法)の哲学、⑤身心変容(技法)と教育、⑥身心変容(技法)と聖地ないし場所などなどの諸問題である。こうして、「身心変容(transfomation of body & mind)」や「霊的暴力(spiritual violence)」や「霊的虐待(spiritual abuse)」の概念を明確にしつつ、その負の局面を分析・考察した。カトリックや禅や瞑想「悪魔」や「魔境」やバランスの崩れの問題を問いかけるとともに、縄文時代の身心変容や古代の洞窟(洞天)が果たした象徴機能や役割やそこにおける諸種の身体パフォーマンスについて考察の目を向け、理論的研究と事例的研究と認知神経科学的な実験的研究の突合せと整理を行ない、認知神経科学における「畏怖・恐れ」の問題の実験的研究に一歩踏み込んだ。
鶴岡 賀雄
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.19, pp.13-28, 2002 (Released:2019-03-21)

How is the term “mysticism” used today? Does this term remain scientifically or philosophically significant? Michel de Certeau’s works on the mysticism (la mystique) are provocative attempts to confront this problem. In this paper I recapitulate Certeau’s concept of mysticism, by examining (in chronological order) his important texts on the subject. Though his manner of writing and methodological procedures became progressively more sophisticated and his analyses of the historical contexts of both past mystics and contemporary scholars developed over time, I believe that his understanding of the nature of mysticism remained essentially the same from his earliest treatise to his last. For Certeau, mysticism is the “impossible investigations” of individuals who are seized by a desire to situate the ineffable encounter with the Infinite (what Christians may call God) in the historical reality of this world, through language, action and interaction. However, Certeau maintains that mystical endeavours are always doomed to fail, as the Infinite can never be completely situated in this world. Thus, driven by a desire to fill the void created by the absence of the ineffable, mystics cannot avoid going beyond conventional representations (theories, practices, institutions, experiences, etc.) of the Infinite in order to find more adequate means of expression. This conceptualization of mysticism that does not emphasize the moment of presence of the Infinite in mystical experiences but rather stresses a profound sense of its absence, provides new ways in which to interpretate the writings and actions of mystics, and new ways in which to further consider the nature of the Infinite itself.
池澤 優 近藤 光博 藤原 聖子 島薗 進 市川 裕 矢野 秀武 川瀬 貴也 高橋 原 塩尻 和子 大久保 教宏 鈴木 健郎 鶴岡 賀雄 久保田 浩 林 淳 伊達 聖伸 奥山 倫明 江川 純一 星野 靖二 住家 正芳 井上 まどか 冨澤 かな

鶴岡 賀雄
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.81, no.4, pp.849-869, 2008

鶴岡 賀雄
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.28, pp.1-18, 2010

Spanish mysticism constitutes an indispensable chapter in the history of Christian mysticism. Two 16th century Carmelite mystics, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, are its most eminent representatives. However before they came to gain such high esteem there were historical stages in which their mystical teachings and writings were authorized and incorporated into early modern Catholic orthodoxy. In the first section of this article I briefly epitomize these ical stages in the formation process of the Carmelite school of "mystical theology", which was concluded with its complete scholastization in the 18th century. In the following two sections I analyze fundamental characteristics of the early modern Catholic mystical theology by introducing two Carmelite theologians from first half of the 17th century: Juan de Jesús María (Calagurritano) and Tomás de Jesús. The former's Theologia Mystica is a typical work that delineates clearly the nature and the objective of "mystical theology" as an independent division of Christian theology. Juan de Jesús María is also regarded as a representative figure of the "mystical theologian", i.e. a eologian who is a eoretical specialist in mystical theology but who himself is not a mystic (Section 2). It was by the theologians of this kind that early modern Catholic mystical theology was constructed. Tomás de Jesús, a contemporary of Juan de Jesús María, is known for having introduced the notion of contemplatio acqusita (acquired contemplation) which is distinguished from contemplatio infusa (infused contemplation). His idea has caused controversies about its nature and existence, which lasted until the 20th century. Beneath the idea of this problematic notion one can find, in my view, his intention to make contemplation, a higher way of mental prayer, "practicable" for ordinary monks and nuns, and further to "administrate" the religious life of prayer in the Carmelite order (Section3). The endeavor of these "mystical theologians" achieved ambivalent results. It succeeded in authorizing the paradoxical, and sometimes "dangerous" teachings of such mystics as Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross within Catholic orthodoxy. But at the same time it might have concealed, or even obliterated the properly "mystical" moment of their writings which attracts universal interest outside the Catholic church.論文/Articles
鎌田 東二 河合 俊雄 鶴岡 賀雄 棚次 正和 町田 宗鳳 津城 寛文 井上 松永 倉島 哲 篠原 資明 斎木 潤 乾 敏郎

「身心変容技法」とは[身体と心の状態を当事者にとってよりよいと考えられる理想的な状態に切り替え変容・転換させる諸技法/ワザ]を指すが、本科研では祈り・祭り・元服・洗礼・灌頂などの伝統的宗教儀礼、種々の瞑想・イニシエーションや武道・武術・体術などの修行やスポーツのトレーニング、歌・合唱・ 舞踊などの芸術や芸能、治療・セラピー・ケア、教育プログラムなどの領域の領域で編み出され実践されてきた身心変容技法を文献・フィールド・臨床・実験の4手法によって総合的に研究し、その成果を研究年報『身心変容技法研究』(1~4号、2012~15年)にまとめ、国際シンポジウムと大荒行シンポジウムで総括し、社会発信した。
下田 正弘 小野 基 落合 俊典 蓑輪 顕量 永崎 研宣 宮崎 泉 鶴岡 賀雄 中村 雄祐 MULLER Albert 苫米地 等流 三宅 真紀 田畑 智司

鶴岡 賀雄
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.1, pp.27-37, 1984-02-21

「暗夜noche oscura」という言葉ないしイメージは,十字架のヨハネ全テクストの中でもとりわけ重要な位置を占めている。"Eu una noche oscura / con ansias en amores inflamada / odichosa ventura / sali sin ser notada / estando ya mi casa sosegada (ある暗い夜/愛の思いに これが燃えて/ああ なんという幸せ/気づかれずに 脱れ出た/わが家はもう 静まっていた)",とはじまる,「暗夜」と通称される彼の最も有名な詩の冒頭は,ヨハネの神秘思想全休の出発点であり,またそれの展開する場を開いて行く言葉であると言える。現代的な十字架のヨハネ研究の嚆矢となった大著『十字架の聖ヨハネと神秘経験の問題』において,すでにジャン・バリュジは,この「夜」という言葉をヨハネの「ユニークな「象徴(シンポル)」」とよんで,そこに,彼の著作にふんだんに見られる他の諸々のイメージ,アレゴリー等と区別された特別な重要性を見ている。この「象徴」は,バリュジによれば,それ以外の一般的概念に翻訳不能な,ヨハネの神秘経験自体と不可分なまでに結びついた言葉である。「象徴」という語は,しかし,バリュジの,またその後の様々な言語学的・哲学的考察の努力にもかかわらず,その内容が余りに一般的ないし多義的であって,宗教思想研究のための有効な概念とは未だ十分になりえていないと考えるが,ここでの「夜」という言葉に対するバリュジの着目と評価自体はたしかに正当なものと思われる。そこで,以下小論では,バリュジが「象徴」という語で捉えようとした,「暗夜」という語,イメージがヨハネの著作全休において有する意義を,筆者なりに探ってみたいと思う。これはしたがって,「暗夜」ということに焦点を当てた-しかもとくに,ヨハネの神秘思想の根本構造のごときものが提示されていると考える『カルメル山登攀』および『霊魂の暗夜』のはじめの数章に主に基いた-,筆者なりのヨハネ解釈の試みであるが,それはまた,バリュジにおいてすでにそうであったように,すぐれた意味で「宗教的」ないし「神秘的」とよばれうる言葉の一つのあり方を,その具体的な姿において,捉えてみたいという関心を背景としたものである。そしてこの視点はさらに,神秘家であるとともに詩人でもあったヨハネの研究における大きなプロブレマティックとなっている詩的な言葉と神秘思想との関係の問題とも,必然的に関わって行くこととなる。