田邉 剛 山口 奈津 奥田 昌之 石丸 泰隆 髙橋 秀和
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.2, pp.115-119, 2015 (Released:2015-05-21)
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Environmental pollutants (such as diesel exhaust particles and silica) cause disorders ranging from bronchial asthma to malignant tumors. In recent years, it has been reported that some of the signaling pathways in which environmental contaminants act in vivo are associated with innate immunity. Innate immunity recognizes ligands and induces inflammation. Those ligands are pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs: e.g., lipopolysaccharide) and danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs: e.g., cholesterol crystallization or uric acid crystal). Activation of innate immunity stimulates the acquired immunity system. Therefore, innate immunity regulates the strength of the general immune system. Furthermore, crystal silica, which is an environmental pollutant, activates innate immunity as a ligand. Innate immunity involves the membrane-bound Toll-like receptors (TLR) and cytoplasm-localized nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLR). We reported the innate immunity-system-related diseases such as Crohn’s disease, Blau syndrome, myelogenous leukemia, and sarcoidosis. An inflammasome complex containing NLR has attracted attention owing to its correlation with the onset of several diseases. It is reported that the inflammasome activation is related to the development of lifestyle-related diseases such as myocardial infarction and fatty liver. It is also reported that the mechanism by which crystal silica and asbestos cause inflammation involves the inflammasome activation. Analyzing the genes of innate immunity contributes to the clarification of the mechanism of disease onset caused by environmental pollutants.
中村 一平 奥田 昌之 鹿毛 治子 國次 一郎 杉山 真一 藤井 昭宏 松原 麻子 丹 信介 芳原 達也
山口医学 (ISSN:05131731)
vol.53, no.6, pp.279-289, 2004-12-31
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正村 啓子 岩本 美江子 市原 清志 東 玲子 藤澤 怜子 杉山 真一 國次 一郎 奥田 昌之 芳原 達也 Keiko MASAMURA Mieko IWAMOTO Kiyoshi ICHIHARA Reiko AZUMA Reiko FUJISAWA Shinichi SUGIYAMA Ichirou KUNITSUGU Masayuki OKUDA Tatsuya HOBARA 山口大学医学部保健学科・医学科 山口大学医学部保健学科 山口大学医学部保健学科 山口大学医学部保健学科・医学科 山口大学医学部保健学科・医学科 山口大学医学部医学科 山口大学医学部医学科 山口大学医学部医学科 山口大学医学部医学科 Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Health Science Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Health Science Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
山口医学 (ISSN:05131731)
vol.52, no.1, pp.13-21, 2003-04-30

The purpose of this study was to investigate the stress level and resources of student's nurse engaged in clinical practice and examine the relationships between their stress and daily life. Data were obtained by self-report questionnaires from 63 nurse students who had just finished the clinical practice component of a Junior College Diploma Course. A 59-item questionnaire, that investigated the student's nurse stress (55-items) and their daily life (4-items), as well as a demographic data questionnaire was used. Data were analyzed via t-tests and factor analysis. The findings revealed that the student nurses found the time required to write practical records after school and conflicts with nurses to be the most stressful aspect of their clinical practice experience. Factor analysis revealed that the stress level of the students who were living with family was lower than that those living by themselves (p<0.1). In addition, the stress level of the students having interchange with other students' was significantly lower than that of the students having little interchange with other students (p<0.05). These findings suggest that the stress level of nursing students may be decreased through decreased paperwork requirements of the practical records form and by encouraging interchange between students.
田中 愛子 後藤 政幸 岩本 晋 李 恵英 杉 洋子 金山 正子 奥田 昌之 國次 一郎 芳原 達也 Aiko TANAKA Masayuki GOTOH Susumu IWAMOTO Keiei LI Yoko SUGI Masako Kanayama Masayuki Okuda Ichiro KUNITSUGU Tatsuya HOBARA 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 和洋女子大学短期大学部 元山口県立大学看護学部 岡山大学大学院法医生命倫理学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Health and Nutrition Wayo Women's University Formerly of School of Nursing Yamaguchi Prefectural University Department of Legal and Bioethics Graduate School of the University of Okayama Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
山口医学 (ISSN:05131731)
vol.50, no.4, pp.697-704, 2001-08-31

In order to explore how to provide death education according to age groups, we examined the differences in the awareness of death between the adolescent and the middle age groups. A questionnaire survey was conducted using the Death Concern Scale. The subjects were students (n=627) aged between 19 and 29 (i.e. the adolescent group), company workers (n=149) and visiting nurses (n=94) aged between 30 and 64 (i.e. the middle age group). First, the question items were analyzed by content analysis and confirmed by factor analysis. Two factors were extracted from the Death Concern Scale:"thinking about death " and "anxiety and fear of death". Secondly, the data from both age groups were analyzed and compared by using the Mean Structure Model. The factor "thinking about death" had a greater value for the adolescent group than for the middle age group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the factor "anxiety and fear of death". These results imply that death education carries more importance for the adolescent group than for the middle age group.
奥田 昌之 芳原 達也 國次 一郎 杉山 真一

コメットアッセイ(single gel electrophoresis)による毒性評価は細胞DNAの障害性をとらえることができ、様々な臓器や動物種に応用されている。本研究では労働衛生の現場で利用される化学物質でも損傷をとらえることができるのか、またどのような損傷をとらえることができるかを明らかにするという研究を計画するに至った。まず化学物質による健康被害の報告が有り、その化学物質に特異的な臓器の障害が明らかである物質として、ブロモプロパンに注目して実験研究を行うこととした。ラット(Wistar系)精巣から取り出した精祖細胞、精母細胞に短時間のブロモプロパンを曝露させると、濃度依存的、時間依存的にコメットアッセイによるDNA損傷がおきた。また、ブロモプロパン類のなかでもBr基を多く持つ化合物の方がDNA障害を起こすことがわかった。産業現場で用途が似ているトリクロロエチレンとの同時曝露を行うと、ブロモプロパンによるDNA障害は軽減された。この機序については今後詳細に検討する必要が有る。DNAの加水分解を起さない条件下でコメットアッセイを行ったところ、コメットの形成は明らかではなかった。また精巣から抽出したDNAを用いた実験では、アポトーシスを起すと報告されているzealarenoneと比べて、ラダー形成は顕著なものではなかった。酸化的ストレスの指標である80HdGを測定したところ、初代培養細胞および組織のDNAにおいてブロモプロパン高濃度曝露で80HdGが上昇していた。これらの結果は、コメットアッセイでDNA障害性を検知することができるとともに、コメットアッセイを行う条件を変えることでアポトーシスによる損傷と区別することができることを意味する。コメットアッセイの実験方法を工夫することにより簡便な毒性の評価方法、スクリーニング方法となりえるという知見を得た。