尹 大栄 加藤 明
経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 (ISSN:09188215)
vol.20, no.2, pp.1-19, 2008-03

尹 大栄
地域イノベーション (ISSN:18833934)
no.4, pp.13-21, 2011

静岡は、国内はもとより、世界的にも「プラモデルの街」として知られている。大半のメーカーが静岡市内に集積し、一大産地を形成している。毎年 5月には、昨年 (2011年)で第 50 回目となる世界最大の見本市(「静岡ホビーショー」)が開催され、国内外から大勢の業界関係者が静岡に集まってくる。特定地域(静岡)に産地が形成され、日本が世界的な競争力をもつ産業であるが、いままでプラモデル産業に関する体系的な研究調査はほとんど行われてこなかった。 この小論では、関連文献・資料のレビューと聞き取り調査で得られたデータをもとにプラモデル産業の歴史と現状について概観し、主に、なぜ静岡という地域が世界的なプラモデル産業の中心地となったのか、どのような産業構造の特徴があるのか、どのような課題に直面し、その課題解決のカギとは何か、について考察する。Shizuoka is known as "a town of the plastic model" in the world as well as in the country. Most manufacturers are accumulated in Shizuoka city and form a major producing center of the plastic model. In May of every year, the world's largest trade fair ("Shizuoka Hobby Show") is held in Shizuoka. In last year (2011), the 50th show is held and a large number of industry people flocked from home and abroad. The major producing center was formed in specific area (Shizuoka) and it is the global competitiveness of Japan, but the systematic research about the plastic model industry has not been done until now. In this paper, the history and the present conditions of the plastic model industry was surveyed based on data provided by the review of related documents and interview. Mainly, the following questions were surveyed. Why did an area called Shizuoka become the center of global plastic model industry? Are there any features of the industrial structure? What challenges have the industry faced and what is the key to solve the problem?
尹 大栄
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.48, no.3, pp.314-333, 2010-12-31 (Released:2017-10-31)

Who was Kim Yung-kun? What made him devote himself to so many things for which he worked in the 1930s and the 1940s? And how should we comprehend the significance of his efforts to blaze a trail in the field of Vietnamese research? These three inquiries are pursued serially in this study. Born in 1910 and graduating in 1927 from Gyeongseong Second Superior School, Kim Yung-kun came to Hanoi in 1931 as an assistant librarian, an experience that would give him a deeper understanding of Vietnamese history and culture with which he might be unfamiliar. Ten years later, he left Indochina and returned to Korea in order not to be involved in the Japanese military occupation of Vietnam. Back in his country, Kim Yung-kun tried to apply himself to Korean studies, strongly influenced by Mun Il-pyeong and some other Koreanologists. However, after joining in with other leftists, his desire arose for a more active social and political engagement in order to deal with acute n ational problems. Since that time Kim Yung-kun endeavored to integrate academic work with concrete social and political engagement, leading to a number of action research studies covering Korean history, tendency literature, criticism of arts and so forth. These academic interests and militant engagement have originated from Kim Yung-kun’s experiences in Vietnam. Having devoted a part of his life to Hanoi earned Kim Yung-kun the reputation of being an expert on Vietnamese studies and won him the enduring friendship of Lê Dư. In the early 1940s, the Korean Vietnamologist also published in a book his earlier works on Japanese relations with Vietnam, Champa and Cambodia, which he had been continuously writing since about 1936. Years later, he met with numerous difficulties when carrying out a study of Vietnam as he was deeply involved in various political movements. And so, his vision of Southeast Asia turned out to be incomplete.
尹 大栄
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織科学 (ISSN:02869713)
vol.47, no.1, pp.28-39, 2013
