川上 恵 北田 徳昭 米澤 淳 岡村 みや子 尾崎 淳子 池見 泰明 中川 俊作 今井 哲司 中川 貴之 土井 恵太郎 秋月 修治 武藤 学 寺田 智祐
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.25, no.2, pp.83-90, 2023-08-31 (Released:2023-09-15)

Objective: In patients with specific backgrounds, comprehensive identification of health problems and proactive pharmacist intervention are crucial to providing safe and effective medical care. However, there are insufficient reports on chemotherapy regimen selection and supportive care management in patients taking immunosuppressants. In this study, to circumvent adverse events, pharmacists intervened with a patient administering tacrolimus (TAC) using known information, focusing on multiple factors attributable to the patient in addition to drug interactions.Methods: The patient was a male in their 70s who received palliative chemotherapy for gastric cancer during their dermatomyositis treatment with TAC. Pharmaceutical support for cancer chemotherapy was provided using the following four procedures: (1) Patient information was collected from interviews and electronic medical records to identify patient-specific problems; (2) Basic pharmacological information was collected from tertiary sources, focusing on the interaction between TAC and aprepitant (APR). Furthermore, clinical reports were collected, and the pharmacokinetic drug interaction significance classification system was used for quantitative predictions; (3) The information obtained in steps 1) and 2) was evaluated, and comprehensive proposals linked to the patient information were presented; (4) Adverse events, TAC blood level, and patient outcomes were monitored after treatment initiation.Results: A chemotherapy regimen consisting of S-1/oxaliplatin therapy without APR was selected. The adverse effects were controllable, and the treatment was completed without many adverse events. Meanwhile, TAC adherence was unaffected by cancer chemotherapy, and the TAC blood concentration or dose ratios were controlled within the same range as previously reported.Conclusion: In cancer chemotherapy, for cases with limited evidence or information, comprehensive pharmaceutical support was provided using known patient information, considering multiple patient factors. This report is beneficial as an example of supportive care management by a pharmacist and contributes to providing optimal service in cases with specific backgrounds.
元井 玲子 矢野 育子 尾崎 淳子 鋒山 香苗 山本 崇 深津 祥央 石塚 良子 松村 由美 谷口 正洋 東村 享治 松原 和夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.10, pp.1177-1184, 2015-10-01 (Released:2015-10-01)
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The use of iodine contrast agents occasionally causes serious allergic symptoms including anaphylaxis. At Kyoto University Hospital to prevent nephropathy we began recommending water intake before and after administration of iodine contrast agents in September 2012. In the present study we investigated the effect of water intake on the incidence of allergy-like events after the use of non-ionic iodine contrast agents. We extracted the occurrence of allergy-like events from the incident report system in our hospital from January 2011 to September 2014, and classified these events into the following 3 grades: 1+ (follow-up); 2+ (medication treatment); and 3+ (hospitalization). The allergy-like incidence rate was calculated for subsequent evaluation according to season and water intake. Allergy-like events significantly decreased from 0.49% before the recommendation of water intake to 0.26% at 1 year and 0.20% at 2 years after implementing the recommendation. The incidence of allergy-like events was significantly higher in summer than in winter before water intake was recommended. After implementing the recommendation, the value for summer significantly decreased to an incidence similar to that of winter. Respiratory and gastrointestinal allergy-like symptoms were dramatically decreased after implementing the recommendation. Water intake may be useful for preventing allergy-like events associated with non-ionic iodine contrast agents, especially during the summer.
治田 匡平 市田 裕之 石樋 康浩 宇髙 歩 日笠 真一 尾崎 淳子 大槻 真央 矢倉 裕輝 吉野 宗宏 古西 満 杉山 幸正
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.44-53, 2019-01-10 (Released:2020-01-10)

Pharmacists' interventions are considered to be important at the time of starting anti-HIV therapy or changing treatment in outpatient care for HIV infection. We conducted a questionnaire survey to clarify patients' assessments of pharmacists' interventions in outpatient care for HIV infection. The survey was conducted at seven AIDS treatment center hospitals in the Kinki region, and the analysis was performed on 112 patients receiving the initial treatment and 79 patients experiencing treatment change. Pharmacists' interventions were found to be helpful by 97.3% of the initial treatment patients and 96.2% of the treatment change patients; the former often found it helpful in understanding the “necessity of receiving drugs” and “failure in taking drugs and acquisition of resistance”, while the latter often found it helpful in understanding the “difference of the new drug from the previous one” and “side effects”. Pharmacists' interventions relieved anxiety in 89.3% of the initial treatment patients and 89.9% of the treatment change patients, and produced good overall effects such as “relieving anxiety as regards receiving drugs”, “facilitating communication with doctors”, and “reducing questions for doctors”. The survey results showed that pharmacists' interventions at the time of starting anti-HIV therapy or changing treatment met patients' needs and contributed to improving the quality of medical care, such as reducing patient anxiety and the burden on doctors.
石塚 良子 深津 祥央 丸山 志穂子 中桐 真樹子 尾崎 淳子 石津 雅弘 乾 賢一 篠山 重威
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.1, pp.57-62, 2001-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Pharmacists play various roles other than merely dispensing test drugs at our hospital for the appropriate performance of clinical trials in accordance with the new GCP guidelines : e.g. do a preliminary review, function as the office of the Institutional Review Board, prepare for monitoring and auditing by the sponsor, conduct the follow-up of patients involved in clinical trials, check for inclusion/exclusion criteria on enrollment. Pharmacists thus contributed to the successful completion of 93 cases from July 1997 to January 2000. The items of management were as follows : 1) the prevention of protocol deviations (46 cases), 2) the follow-up of subjects (22 cases), 3) managing the financial affairs and payments to subjects (14 cases), 4) corresponding to adverse events in subjects (9 cases) etc. Especially, 18 cases of protocol deviation occurred at the time of enrollment, and most of them were a contravention of exclusion criteria such as medication using prohibited combinations. Supports for the appropriate enrollment of patients into clinical trials was thus suggested to be important to ensure the safety of patients. Based on the above information, pharmacists should therefore play an active roll in clinical drug trials since their professional knowledge and skill are often of vital importance.