松原 和夫 外山 聡 佐藤 博 鈴木 洋史 粟屋 敏雄 田崎 嘉一 安岡 俊明 堀内 龍也
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.4, pp.635-641, 2011-04-01 (Released:2011-04-01)
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It is obvious that pharmacists play a critical role as risk managers in the healthcare system, especially in medication treatment. Hitherto, there is not a single multicenter-survey report describing the effectiveness of clinical pharmacists in preventing medical errors from occurring in the wards in Japan. Thus, we conducted a 1-month survey to elucidate the relationship between the number of errors and working hours of pharmacists in the ward, and verified whether the assignment of clinical pharmacists to the ward would prevent medical errors between October 1-31, 2009. Questionnaire items for the pharmacists at 42 national university hospitals and a medical institute included the total and the respective numbers of medication-related errors, beds and working hours of pharmacist in 2 internal medicine and 2 surgical departments in each hospital. Regardless of severity, errors were consecutively reported to the Medical Security and Safety Management Section in each hospital. The analysis of errors revealed that longer working hours of pharmacists in the ward resulted in less medication-related errors; this was especially significant in the internal medicine ward (where a variety of drugs were used) compared with the surgical ward. However, the nurse assignment mode (nurse/inpatients ratio: 1 : 7-10) did not influence the error frequency. The results of this survey strongly indicate that assignment of clinical pharmacists to the ward is critically essential in promoting medication safety and efficacy.
野田 敏宏 新敷 祐士 安西 恵子 川崎 啓子 栗原 智仁 高市 和之 髙野 紀子 中村 峰夫 西野 健三 山田 和也 平井 みどり 田崎 嘉一 松原 和夫 吉山 友二 井関 健
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.36, no.2, pp.93-98, 2013 (Released:2013-07-01)
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要 旨目的 : 本研究ではサプリメント類の利用に関して来局患者および薬剤師両者の意識および実態を明らかにすることにより, サプリメント類利用における薬剤師の関わり方を検討した. 方法 : 東京都・北海道内の14保険薬局にて来局患者1,253人を対象に, サプリメント類に関するアンケート調査を来局時に実施した. また, 薬剤師289人に対してサプリメント類に関する意識および情報収集の実態について, 保険薬局および北海道薬学大会 (2011年・札幌) においてアンケート調査を実施した. 結果 : 来局患者からの回答数1,253人のうち, 約50%は薬剤師にサプリメント類の安全性や効果についての情報提供を望んでいるものの, 実際には薬剤師が来局患者の疑問に答えている例は7.3%にしかすぎないことが明らかとなった.  一方で, 回答を得られた薬剤師289人のうち67.5%の薬剤師は自身がサプリメント類の情報提供者として来局患者に期待されていると認識しているものの, サプリメント類の情報収集に積極的に取り組んでいる薬剤師は約30%であり, さらにその情報内容もインターネット上の情報に頼っていることが示された. 結論 : サプリメント類の説明に対する患者の期待と薬剤師による説明の実態には, 大きな隔たりがあることが分かった. 来局患者の期待に応えるためにも, 薬剤師はサプリメント類に対し科学的根拠に基づく理解を深め, 医薬品との関連を含めた統合管理の必要性が求められる.
早勢 伸正 岩山 訓典 大滝 康一 山下 恭範 粟屋 敏雄 松原 和夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.1, pp.161-168, 2011-01-01 (Released:2011-01-01)

Drugs are sometimes covered with oblate or agar jelly. It is said that the medicinal effect of drugs covered with oblate is slow, but no studies have reported results confirming this. Therefore, we examined the dissolution behavior when the drug was covered with oblate or agar jelly. Three types of commercially available formulations of benzodiazepine were used: medazepam sugarcoated tablets, prazepam uncoated tablets, and clorazepate dipotassium capsules. Dissolution tests were performed using solutions of pH 1.2 and 5.6 to simulate normal gastric juice and gastric anacidity, respectively. Drugs covered with oblate were tested by the paddle method, and those covered with agar jelly were tested using the rotating basket method. Dissolution of clorazepate capsules not covered with oblate increased by approximately 10% when the pH was adjusted from 1.2 to 5.6, while those of medazepam and prazepam tablets decreased by approximately 40-60%. In contrast, the dissolution decreased significantly at both pH values for each drug covered with oblate. Dissolution further decreased when the amount of oblate was doubled. No detectable dissolution of medazepam tablets or of clorazepate capsules occurred when the drug was covered with agar jelly. Dissolution of prazepam tablets covered with agar jelly was only about 10% at the end of the test. These results indicate that dissolution is slowed and prolonged when a drug is covered with oblate or agar jelly, permitting sustained release of the drug. But, it is necessary to improve a suitable method for the dissolution.
清水 惠子 松原 和夫 浅利 優

粟屋 敏雄 長谷部 直幸 梶野 浩樹 石谷 麻里子 山田 武宏 小野 尚志 大滝 康一 山下 恭範 三好 敏之 田崎 嘉一 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.9, pp.615-621, 2009 (Released:2011-01-14)

After an overdosing incident at our hospital,we developed an upper limit alert system that checks doses of injection drugs for individual patients as the physician uses the computerized order entry system.Based on each patient’s converted body surface area (BSA),the upper limit for an injection is estimated through comparison with the standard upper limit in a patient with a BSA of 1.6 m2.This is done automatically in accordance with a compensation formula provided by our hospital’s safety committee.Standard upper limits for each injection are based on past records of actual injection dosages administered in our hospital and discussion with clinical departments.When a physician tries to enter an order for an injection at a dose over the upper limit,the computer system issues the alert“non-enterable”and the order cannot be placed.In the case of a regimen for which there is a legitimate reason for using a dose higher than the upper limit,the physician must explain this to the pharmacist who will then unlock the alert system using a secret password that he or she has designated.Passwords are only valid for one day.As far as we know,this is the first computerized injection dosage upper limit alert system in the world.On doing a search of our database,we found that there had been 742 overdose alerts (0.47% of all injection prescriptions) during the 3 months following its introduction.Owing to the alerts,physicians altered 155 prescriptions (21.1% of all alerts).Our computerized alert system for checking injection dosages has proved to be very necessary in ensuring medication safety.
清水 恵子 斉藤 修 小川 研人 水上 創 上園 崇 塩野 寛 粟屋 敏雄 藤田 育志 松原 和夫
法中毒 (ISSN:09159606)
vol.19, no.2, pp.122-123, 2001-05

森田 真樹子 米澤 淳 森 美奈子 田﨑 嘉一 長屋 健 千石 一雄 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.39, no.8, pp.504-509, 2013-08-10 (Released:2014-08-10)
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Breastfeeding is important in infant rearing. To support safe breastfeeding in a patient using lamotrigine, the transfer of lamotrigine to the infant via breast milk was evaluated in two couples of Japanese mother and infant. The infants took their mothers' milk expressed a day ahead. The plasma and breast milk concentrations of lamotrigine at 4 (or 5) and 89 (or 90) days after the birth were measured by HPLC. The lamotrigine concentrations of the two mothers were 12.63 and 6.21 µg/mL in plasma, 11.50 and 4.13 µg/mL in milk at Day 4. Milk/Plasma ratios (M/P) were 0.91 and 0.67, and the estimated Relative Infant Dose (RID, at Day 5) was calculated to be 12-29%. At 89 and 90 days after birth, the milk concentrations and RID, respectively, were similar to those at 4 days, which indicates that the transfer of lamotrigine into milk is high in Japanese mothers. The infant plasma concentrations of lamotrigine at 5 and 90 days were between 2.8 and 6.7 µg/mL, which was within the therapeutic range in children with epilepsy. Typical adverse effects were not observed in these infants under meticulous surveillance. In conclusion, pharmaceutical healthcare is necessary for lactating mothers using lamotrigine and their infants.
片田 佳希 中川 俊作 田上 裕美 津田 真弘 都築 徹教 端 幸代 小高 瑞穂 米澤 淳 萱野 勇一郎 矢野 育子 南方 謙二 坂田 隆造 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.14-22, 2016-01-10 (Released:2017-01-10)
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Vancomycin (VCM) is a first-line antibiotic used for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is recommended to minimize the risk of nephrotoxicity and ensure successful therapeutic outcomes. In Kyoto University Hospital, we have developed a new approach of pharmacist intervention in the medication with VCM, which is named “Protocol-Based Pharmacotherapy Management (PBPM).” PBPM is based on a protocol approved in a hospital committee, which mentioned that pharmacists could order TDM and propose the most appropriate treatment plans with VCM to surgeons. From April 2011 to September 2014 in Kyoto University Hospital, a total of 54 patients hospitalized for cardiovascular surgeries received VCM without the treatment of hemodialysis. Twenty-nine patients before introducing PBPM were the control group. The VCM treatment according to PBPM was applied to 25 patients (protocol group). The incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) due to VCM therapy, the retention rates of VCM blood concentration maintained in the therapeutic range (10-20 µg/mL) and in the toxic range (over 20 µg/mL) were retrospectively surveyed. The incidence of AKI was significantly lower in the protocol group than that in the control group (8.0% vs 31.0%, P < 0.05). The retention rates maintained in the therapeutic blood concentration range and in the toxic blood concentration range were significantly different between the control group and the protocol group. These results demonstrate that pharmaceutical intervention based on PBPM for MRSA treatment is effective for maintaining VCM blood concentration in the therapeutic range, resulting in a reduction of adverse drug reactions.
松原 和夫 清水 恵子 田崎 嘉一

元井 玲子 矢野 育子 尾崎 淳子 鋒山 香苗 山本 崇 深津 祥央 石塚 良子 松村 由美 谷口 正洋 東村 享治 松原 和夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.10, pp.1177-1184, 2015-10-01 (Released:2015-10-01)
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The use of iodine contrast agents occasionally causes serious allergic symptoms including anaphylaxis. At Kyoto University Hospital to prevent nephropathy we began recommending water intake before and after administration of iodine contrast agents in September 2012. In the present study we investigated the effect of water intake on the incidence of allergy-like events after the use of non-ionic iodine contrast agents. We extracted the occurrence of allergy-like events from the incident report system in our hospital from January 2011 to September 2014, and classified these events into the following 3 grades: 1+ (follow-up); 2+ (medication treatment); and 3+ (hospitalization). The allergy-like incidence rate was calculated for subsequent evaluation according to season and water intake. Allergy-like events significantly decreased from 0.49% before the recommendation of water intake to 0.26% at 1 year and 0.20% at 2 years after implementing the recommendation. The incidence of allergy-like events was significantly higher in summer than in winter before water intake was recommended. After implementing the recommendation, the value for summer significantly decreased to an incidence similar to that of winter. Respiratory and gastrointestinal allergy-like symptoms were dramatically decreased after implementing the recommendation. Water intake may be useful for preventing allergy-like events associated with non-ionic iodine contrast agents, especially during the summer.
山本 譲 粟屋 敏雄 小城 香緒里 森田 真樹子 川守田 早紀 神崎 郁代 小川 聡 板垣 祐一 大滝 康一 山本 久仁子 田﨑 嘉一 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.1, pp.34-42, 2012-01-10 (Released:2013-01-10)
3 2

Shortage of physicians is a serious social issue in Japan. It has become an urgent challenge to support busy physicians. While the number of anesthetists is remarkably insufficient, the number of operations has increased in many hospitals after Diagnosis Procedure Combination (DPC) is implemented. Drugs used in operation rooms include many narcotic analgesic and poisonous drugs, which medical staff are required to strictly control. From the viewpoint of medical safety management, pharmacists should be involved in the management of these drugs. We have started preparation of injections in the operation rooms aiming mainly at supporting anesthetists. Pharmacists make up the anesthetic sets according to anesthetists' order by the evening of the previous day. The pharmacists carry the sets from the pharmacy to the operation room on a wagon. On the early morning of the operation day, two pharmacists mix the injection drugs, fill the syringes, attach the labels, assemble the routes, and check the completed sets in each operating room according to the list. All pharmacists in our pharmacy department engage in this service. We have conducted opinion surveys of pharmacists and anesthetists on this service. Although the workload of pharmacists increased, most pharmacists thought it was worthwhile. Most anesthetists evaluated that this service has improved medical safety. However, there were many requests that the pharmacists should be further involved throughout the entire operation. It is important to support physicians with services such as this by the pharmacist based on pharmaceutical knowledge. This service has a beneficial impact on healthcare professionals.
塩野 寛 清水 惠子 松原 和夫 浅利 優 安積 順一 清水 惠子 塩野 寛

除草剤として世界的に広く使用されているパラコート(PQ)は、急性毒性として肺及び肝腎障害を生じ、慢性毒性(環境毒性として)では中枢神経障害を生じることがしられている。マウスを用いた実験から得られた生存曲線より、各種抗酸化剤及びACE阻害薬は、PQ毒性を抑制し生存率の向上が認められた。一方、PQによる中枢神経障害を抑制したドパミン作動薬やドパミントランスポーター阻害薬は、肺障害にはむしろ促進的に作用した。ACE阻害薬は、抗酸化作用があることが知られている。ACE阻害薬によるPQ毒性軽減には、酸化的ストレス抑制が関与していると考えられる。そこで、この機構を解明するために、PQ投与後2日及び4日後の肺組織ホモジネートについて、SDS-PAGEを行った。Cleaved caspase-3及びnitrotyrosine抗体によって、ウエスタンブロットを行い、抗体で染色された蛋白量はアクチンを指標として半定量化した。PQによって、nitrotyrosine抗体に反応する蛋白質が著明に増加し、PQ肺毒性に一酸化窒素による酸化的ストレスの関与が示唆された。このnitrotyrosine抗体に反応する蛋白質を免疫沈降法を用いて精製したところ、Mn-SODと考えられた。Mn-SODは、活性中心tyrosine残基を有し、ニトロ化されると活性を消失することが知られている。従って、PQによる酸化ストレスはさらに増大されることが示唆された。一方、アポトーシスの指標であるCleavedcaspase-3は、PQによって、わずかに検出された。この変化はPQ投与後2日後から著明に観察された。Captoprilによって、これらの蛋白質の出現が著明に減少した。従って、ACE阻害薬はPQによる酸化障害を防御し、PQ中毒時の治療薬として期待できる可能性が示唆された。
千葉 薫 宮崎 勝巳 板谷 幸一 佐藤 誠二 高橋 保志 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.1, pp.41-46, 2002-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Hospital pharmaceutical preparations (HPP) are used in patients whose complications are not well controlled by the commercially available drugs or injections. The use of HPP is effective when HPP are proposed through clinical pharmacy services. A questionnaire was developed to evaluate the use of HPP and then was sent to 49 hospital pharmacies who belong to the Hokkaido Association for Hospital Pharmaceuticals.As a result, 32 institutions replied to questionnaire, thus indicating a recovery rate of 65%. HPP, including mixtures of injectable drugs, were used at 30 out of 32 institutions. According to the questionnaires, 11 hospitals manufactured 24 HPP which were used during clinical pharmacy services. Half of these preparations were used to care for adverse symptoms, such as stomatitis, induced by the cancer chemotherapy.The use of HPP prepared by clinical pharmacy services is closely related to patient's symptoms. The practical use of HPP is not only considered to improve drug compliance and the QOL of patients, but are also thought to enhance the general capabilities of pharmacists in clinical pharmaceutical practice.
清水 惠子 浅利 優 奥田 勝博 田中 宏樹 塩野 寛 松原 和夫
法医病理 (ISSN:13415395)
vol.23, no.1, pp.11-19, 2017-07

ここに掲載した著作物の利用に関する注意 本著作物の著作権は法医病理研究会に帰属します。本著作物は著作権者である法医病理研究会の許可のもとに掲載するものです。ご利用に当たっては「著作権法」ならびに「日本法医病理学会倫理綱領」に従うことをお願いいたします。 Notice for the use of this material: The copyright of this material is retained by the Japanese Society for Forensic Pathology (JSFP). This material is published on this web site with the agreement of the author(s) and the JSFP. Please be complied with Copyright Law of Japan and the Code of Ethics of the JSFP if any users wish to reproduce, make derivative work, distribute or make available to the public any part or whole thereof. All Rights Reserved, Copyright the Japanese Society for Forensic Pathology「酔っぱらって記憶が無い」という現象は、アルコール飲料による一過性前向健忘であり、誰もが知るところである。犯罪者達は、少量の睡眠薬単独で、又は少量のアルコールとの併用で、被害者に一過性前向健忘が生じることを知っている。この知識は、医療関係者にはよく知られているが、捜査関係者を含む日本の一般社会には普及していない。被害者は女性とは限らない。捜査機関は、「渡された飲料を飲んだ後の記憶がない。その間に被害(準強姦や準強制わいせつ、昏睡強盗)に遭ったようだ」という事件の相談に困惑する必要はない。"睡眠薬による一過性前向健忘により、事件当時の記憶が欠落する"という知識が、捜査機関及び法医学者に普及し、被害者の人権が適切に守られることを希求している。
粟屋 敏雄 大滝 康一 石原 昌司 小野 尚志 千葉 薫 板垣 祐一 山田 武宏 須野 学 早勢 伸正 田崎 嘉一 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.6, pp.425-434, 2005-06-10
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清水 恵子 斉藤 修 小川 研人 水上 創 上園 崇 塩野 寛 粟屋 敏雄 藤田 育志 松原 和夫
法中毒 (ISSN:09159606)
vol.19, no.2, pp.122-123, 2001-05

雑誌掲載版 これ迄に起きた標記犯罪例として,部活顧問の高校教師による猥褻事件,軟派した女性への強姦,眠剤服用者による放火,飲酒者に対する強姦の4事例を提示し,自施設で行った健忘機構の行動薬物学的・神経化学的研究を紹介した.この研究により酒とベンゾジアゼピン系薬物との併用による前向健忘の機構は,両薬剤がGABA神経の活性化を介して海馬におけるプレシナプティックなグルタミン酸放出を抑制することで記憶障害を惹起する可能性が示唆された