北澤 文章 寺田 智祐 高橋 一栄 松本 繁巳 乾 賢一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.5, pp.337-342, 2009 (Released:2010-07-31)
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The aim of this study was to clarify the influence of renin-angiotensin (RA) system blockers on the anti-cancer effect of chemotherapy with bevacizumab and its adverse effects.Twenty-six patients treated for metastatic colorectal cancer at Kyoto University Hospital between August 2007 and July 2008 were assessed.All of the patients received bevacizumab plus mFOLFOX 6 or FOLFIRI,and were divided into a control group (23 patients) and an RA system blocker group (3 patients).Regarding background factors,which included chemotherapy doses,the only significant difference between the groups was with respect to age.However,hypertension grades in the RA system blocker group were significantly higher than those in the control group,and RA system blockers had no significant antihypertensive effect.There was no severe proteinuria in either group.As for anti-cancer effects,in the control group,6 patients exhibited a partial response and in 16 patients,the disease was stable.In only one patient was the disease progressive.On the other hand,the disease was progressive in all patients in the RA system blocker group.These findings indicate that anti-hypertensive agents which provide better hypertension control than RA system blockers may be necessary as first line medication for the management of bevacizumab-induced hypertension.Although RA system blockers are useful antihypertension agents,they might not be able to control bevacizumab-induced hypertension and proteinuria,and could reduce the anti-cancer effect of bevacizumab.
石塚 良子 深津 祥央 丸山 志穂子 中桐 真樹子 尾崎 淳子 石津 雅弘 乾 賢一 篠山 重威
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.1, pp.57-62, 2001-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Pharmacists play various roles other than merely dispensing test drugs at our hospital for the appropriate performance of clinical trials in accordance with the new GCP guidelines : e.g. do a preliminary review, function as the office of the Institutional Review Board, prepare for monitoring and auditing by the sponsor, conduct the follow-up of patients involved in clinical trials, check for inclusion/exclusion criteria on enrollment. Pharmacists thus contributed to the successful completion of 93 cases from July 1997 to January 2000. The items of management were as follows : 1) the prevention of protocol deviations (46 cases), 2) the follow-up of subjects (22 cases), 3) managing the financial affairs and payments to subjects (14 cases), 4) corresponding to adverse events in subjects (9 cases) etc. Especially, 18 cases of protocol deviation occurred at the time of enrollment, and most of them were a contravention of exclusion criteria such as medication using prohibited combinations. Supports for the appropriate enrollment of patients into clinical trials was thus suggested to be important to ensure the safety of patients. Based on the above information, pharmacists should therefore play an active roll in clinical drug trials since their professional knowledge and skill are often of vital importance.
乾 賢一 矢野 育子 増田 智先

研究代表者等はこれまでに、生体肝移植患者において、シクロスポリンやタクロリムスの標的分子であるカルシニューリンの酵素活性が、これら薬物の免疫抑制効果の指標となり得ることを明らかにしてきた。本研究では、臨床応用可能な迅速かつ高感度な新規カルシニューリン活性測定法の開発を目指して、ELISA法を用いた測定系について検討した。現在までに、カルシニューリンの特異的基質であるリン酸化RIIペプチドに対する抗リン酸化ペプチド抗体の作成に成功し、さらに抗体の特異性が確認された。続いて、抗リン酸化RIIペプチド抗体をプレートに固相化し、FLAG付リン酸化RIIペプチドを標準物質として、サンドイッチELISA測定系を確立した。FLAG付リン酸化RIIペプチドの定量性は、0.125-4ng/mLの範囲であった。本法は、カルシニューリンによるリン酸化RIIペプチドの脱リン酸化反応(ステップ1)と、FLAG付リン酸化RIIペプチドによる反応終了液中に含まれるリン酸化RIIペプチドの定量(ステップ2)を行うことを特徴とし、反応前後のリン酸化RIIペプチドの物質収支からカルシニューリンの脱リン酸化活性が算出できる。本年度は、リン酸化RIIペプチド定量のための条件検討を実施した。まず、ステップ1の停止液のステップ2に対する影響を調べた結果、常用の5%トリクロロ酢酸/0.lMリン酸二水素カリウム溶液を用いた場合、FLAG付リン酸化RIIペプチド(4ng/mL)の検出が不可能であった。そこで次に、5mM EGTA(カルシニューリンの阻害剤)をステップ1の停止液として用いた場合、ステップ2には影響せず、FLAG付リン酸化RIIペプチドの検出が可能であることが示された。今後、開発したnon-RI ELISA測定系の臨床応用に向けて、カルシニューリン活性測定の最適化及び全自動化を目指す予定である。