田城 翼 浦辺 幸夫 内山 康明 山下 大地 前田 慶明 笹代 純平 吉田 遊子
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.33, no.6, pp.935-940, 2018 (Released:2018-12-21)

〔目的〕大殿筋および股関節外旋筋群への静的ストレッチングがしゃがみこみ動作に及ぼす影響を検証した. 〔対象と方法〕対象はしゃがみこみ動作が不可能な健常大学生26名として,大殿筋のストレッチングをする群(SGM群)13名と,股関節外旋筋群のストレッチングをする群(SER 群)13名に分けた.セルフストレッチングを各群で1週間実施し,しゃがみこみ動作時の股関節屈曲角度,安静時股関節屈曲角度,指床間距離,椎体間距離を測定した. 〔結果〕介入後,しゃがみこみ動作が可能となった者はSGM群3名,SER群9名であった.SER群は,SGM群と比較して, しゃがみこみ動作時の股関節屈曲角度が有意に増加した.〔結語〕SERは, SGMに比べてしゃがみこみ動作の獲得に効果が期待できることが示された.
緒方 博紀 飯塚 太郎 安藤 良介 山下 大地 尾崎 宏樹
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.11, pp.38-51, 2023 (Released:2023-08-08)

In this case report, we examined the performance changes during tapering in two badminton athletes (one male and one female) who advanced to the finals at the World Championships (WC). Furthermore, the significance of a resistance priming session implemented during tapering was discussed. Both athletes participated in a pre-competition training camp in Japan before the WC. A resistance priming session was scheduled one and two days before the WC for the male and female athletes, respectively. Non-countermovement jump (NCMJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) were measured using a linear position transducer to monitor performance responses from the camp to the WC final. The baseline of the jump performance was given from 15 days (male) and 151 days (female) prior to the WC final. In the male athlete, the mean power of NCMJ decreased 7 days before the finals. This result may be attributed to accumulated fatigue caused by high volume training in the training camp and the short taper period as well as long travel to the host city. In the female athlete, the mean velocity and power of CMJ were the same as baseline before the semi-final. That is, the quarter-final match, where she competed for 85 minutes-the longest game time among the previous matches, may have affected her fatigue. Regardless of these findings, both athletes showed higher jump performance than at baseline just before the final because the matches likely played a role in tapering. In addition, both athletes recorded their personal best jump height just before the final. These findings may indicate that jump performance can be an indicator of tapering and peaking. The findings of this report also demonstrate that athletes may maintain resistance training adaptations by taking advantage of resistance priming for peaking and tapering.
山下 大地 島田 結依 増田 雄太
一般社団法人 日本アスレティックトレーニング学会
日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌 (ISSN:24326623)
vol.6, no.2, pp.133-139, 2021-04-30 (Released:2021-08-19)

山下 大地 西牧 未央 長尾 秀行 池田 道生 沼田 幹雄 井上 謙二 西口 茂樹
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.6, pp.33-43, 2020

Wrestlers are categorized into a series of weight classes to ensure fair competition. Since the implementation of new rules in January 2018, weight categories and the timings of weigh-ins have changed. The purpose of the study was to establish baseline physical profiles, such as body composition, muscle strength, power, and endurance for Japanese elite freestyle wrestlers in each of the new weight classes. We collected a total of 242 data points from 70 elite Japanese male freestyle wrestlers at 14 training camps over two years. Body composition measurements, one-repetition maximum tests (bench press, parallel back squat, one-handed dumbbell snatch, and weighted chinup) and muscle endurance tests (pull-up) were performed. Body fat percentages for wrestlers in the 86-kg class or below were from 9.1% to 11.6%, whereas body fat percentages for wrestlers in the 92-, 97-, and 125-kg classes were 14.0 ± 3.5, 19.8 ± 6.9, and 26.6 ± 3.4%, respectively. This result suggests that the wrestlers in the heavier weight classes have a higher capacity to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass, which is essential if they improve strength and power. Absolute muscle strength and power performance tended to increase with heavier classes (the major results were as follows: 1RM bench press: 88.0 ± 13.0 kg in the 57-kg class and 142.0 ± 13.0 kg in the 125-kg class), whereas these relative values tended to decrease with heavier classes. Muscle endurance performance tended to decrease with heavier classes (the pull-up test: 23.8 ± 1.5 repetitions in the 61-kg class and 10.0 ± 5.4 repetitions in the 125-kg class). This study provides baseline data that can be used in the prescription of individual training programs for wrestlers, assessing areas of strength and weakness, and developing the wrestler's technical-tactical strategies.
山下 大地 荒川 裕志 有光 琢磨 河野 隆志 和田 貴広 清水 聖志人
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.202_1-202_1, 2016

<p> 日本レスリング協会と国立スポーツ科学センターはこれまで日本代表選手の体力測定およびフィードバックを実施し、国際競技力の向上を図ってきた。近年では育成世代にも一貫した発掘・育成システムの構築を推進しており、同様の測定方法にて形態・体力測定を実施している。本研究では、育成世代の男子エリートレスリング選手の体力水準を明らかにすることを目的とした。2013年度から2015年度にかけて、各世代の育成キャンプに招集された延べ219選手を対象に、形態・体力測定を実施した。測定項目は身長、体重、体脂肪率、背筋力、握力、腹筋テスト、ロープ登りテスト、300mインターミッテントテストであった。出場階級をもとに軽量級、中量級、重量級に分け、各階級(軽・中・重)および世代(U-20・U-17・U-15)を要因とする二元配置分散分析をおこなった。U-20世代の軽量級は他世代の軽量級と比較して筋力、疾走能力が高かった。一方、U-20世代の重量級は、他世代の重量級より筋力は高値を示すものの、体脂肪率が高く、腹筋、疾走能力が低値を示した。これらの結果は、選手の発掘や育成システム構築に必要な指針となりうるものである。</p>