山本 珠美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.36, pp.465-473, 1996-12-20

Public Museums, born in modern times, contain two dilemmas. One dilemma is "Who owns a museum?" Generally, a museum forms its collection according to academic elites'value system, so only parts of the public go there. Lately many museums attempt to have various communitiesjoin in planning exhibition for democratization of culture and equality of cultural opportunity. But ironically this causes the crisis of museum identities.The other dilemma is "Is a museum a temple or a forum?" Museological changes transfer "a museum as a temple" into "a museum as a forum" , where visitors analyze the displey while going through the hall. But the general public tend to consider a museum as a temple, where they celebrate the display without critical perspectives. The same dilemmas were seen in the U.S.National Air and Space Museum (NASM) . Froml993 to 1995, the planned Enola=Gay exhibition, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of the World War II , provoked rage around the country. "Which owns NASM, academic elites or retired soldiers?" "What is the goal of NASM, education or celebration?" The Enola=Gay controversy throws fundamental problems to American museum world.
山本 珠美
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.21, pp.47-55, 1997-03-31

In the Meiji era the fruits of science and technology were seen only in public enterprises, while in the Taisho era they started to affect home life. The impact of WWI caused science boom in the political, the business, the academic circles. At the same time, new attention was paid to home life. For example, home life was displayed in many kinds of expositions, which were held originally for the development of domestic industries. Then the connection between science and life was completed. The concrete examples were (1)special exhibitions in Tokyo Educational Museum about health and sanitation, efficient homework (food, clothing, shelter, and bringing up a child), and economical life through; (2)many kinds of articles in Friend of housewives (Shufu no tomo) , Scientific Knowledge (Kagaku Chishiki) etc. In this phase, women were expected to carry out "Saientification of Life". Though they were named 'science', many of them were how-to instructions about daily life. First of all, 'Scientification of Life' meant a source of national wealth and power, and secondary the presentation of civilization. But women regarded it as an almighty means for an achievement of enjoyable and beautiful life. There was a gap between scientists and women, but they had agreement in that science would make up desirable future.
山本 珠美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.40, pp.261-270, 2001-03-15

"Public Understanding of Science (PUS)" has been paid attention to in many countries since 1980s. PUS tends to be confused with public acceptance of science, but it contains both getting correct information and decision-making based on informed decision. Science museums have been regarded outside politics, but their shortness of representation about social context and uncritical attitude to scientific progress are criticized from a view of PUS. Recently, science museums have challenged to represent contemporary science and technology. Their aim is to offer a basis for visitors to make up their own minds. The principle of learning/education about controversial science and technology is an open end process.
堀 幸雄 西本 佳代 葛城 浩一 山本 珠美 今井 慈郎
研究報告エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2010, no.16, pp.1-4, 2010-08-16

本研究は近年、注目を集めているご当地検定といわれる地域独自の文化や歴史などの知識を測る試験を大学紹介に応用した香川大学検定について述べる.香川大学検定は,学生が主体的に学習を進めるとともに,問題作成に関わることで学生同士が協調して検定問題を作成し,大学の文化や歴史を楽しみながら知ることのできるものである.本稿では香川大学検定の特徴を説明し,その効果について報告する.In recent years, a local quiz much attention as one of guide book in Japan. In this paper, we report a quiz system for kagawa university guide. We have conducted this system which can create quizzes collaboratively by students. We also describe the characteristic of this system and the effectiveness of this system as university guide.
山本 珠美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.40, pp.261-270, 2001-03-15

"Public Understanding of Science (PUS)" has been paid attention to in many countries since 1980s. PUS tends to be confused with public acceptance of science, but it contains both getting correct information and decision-making based on informed decision. Science museums have been regarded outside politics, but their shortness of representation about social context and uncritical attitude to scientific progress are criticized from a view of PUS. Recently, science museums have challenged to represent contemporary science and technology. Their aim is to offer a basis for visitors to make up their own minds. The principle of learning/education about controversial science and technology is an open end process.