関 清秀 五十嵐 日出夫 黒柳 俊雄 三谷 鉄夫 山村 悦夫 加賀屋 誠一
環境科学 : 北海道大学大学院環境科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:03868788)
vol.1, pp.i-47, 1978-03-25

押谷 一 山村 悦夫
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.27, no.1, pp.121-132, 1996

The objective of this paper is to summarize an affective measure for industrial water pollution issues in the Philippines on the Model Reference Adaptive Theory.<br>Nowadays, a developing country such as Asian countries are success in modernization and industrialization. However, there are some seriousness of industrial pollution issues, such as water contamination. We can find some difficulty investment for environmental management in developing countries, because those countries prefer to enjoy there profit.<br>We summarize a current state in water pollution problems in the Philippines as example of the developing countries.<br>They believe such investment for environment is not be able to give any profit. We have to realize some environmental damage will bring a some economic restriction. We have an experience on industrial pollution in 1960's and '70's in Japan. We concur the industrial pollution in not only own measure in industrial sector but also some industrial and environmental policy. From our experience in the industrial pollution issues, legislative functions and some investment are required.<br>The Model Reference Adaptive Theory can provide most useful information from experiences as some models, as well as the theories assist to adapt to the developing countries to solve an industrial pollution issue.<br>We would like to suggest that to summarize that re-use of industrial water is secure not only to minimize a discharge a waster water but also to minimize a pollution control cost. It is true that systematic analysis which combined with policy-guided and investment of industries in Japanese experience on the industrial pollution measures.<br>1) input unit of resources in changing industrial structure and changing of environmental quality<br>2) strengthening on environmental regulation due to their aggravation on environmental quality and investment and some affection on economy<br>3) investment for R&D in industry and their effect<br>4) some incentives for environmental conservation and their effect<br>5) creation of environmental business from aggravation of environmental quality and strengthening on environmental regulation<br>We also would like to suggest to set those comprehensive programs from Japanese experience on measure on water pollution.<br>1) Comprehensive program for water usage<br>2) Monitoring plan for water quality<br>3) Comprehensive master plan for environmental management
佐藤 博樹 矢部 光保 山村 悦夫
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-14, 1997

In order to reduce municipal waste generation at the source, it is important for the recycling rate and in-home disposal rate to rise. With regards to recycling, with the implementation of new systems in recent years, a generally supportive social consensus has formed. On the other hand, with regards to raising the in-home disposal rate, because of many factors that vary from region to region, it is difficult to achieve uniform progress in this area across the nation. Moreover, apart from regional differences there is also a certain amount of user opposition to be expected against efforts to transfer some of the burden of waste management costs to the individual user. In order for policy in this area to make progress, along with continuous development of waste management technology, it is important to make users aware of the costs involved and encourage them not just to consider waste management as a no-cost municipal service.<br>Using the Double-Bounded DCCVM (Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method), we have attempted to elucidate the value in monetary terms at which the users, or the demand side, estimate household solid waste disposal services to be worth-services which have been treated up until now as non-marketable. We have also attempted to elucidate factors that influence users' assessment of the benefit value of the services and to what degree these factors influence their willingness to pay for them.<br>According to the results of this evaluation, the following points became clear. First, since waste management service is considered in economic terminology, as a superior goods of high necessity, the amount respondents were willing to pay tended to increase with income level. Secondly, there was a tendency for respondents who actively practiced waste reduction and who recognized waste disposal problems as serious to be more willing to pay for such services than those who did not. Also, respondents living in single dwelling unit homes displayed a lower willingness to pay than those living in multiple dwelling unit complexes such as apartments. Third, the factor of possible extended future benefit from the services (long term residence in Kitami City), proved to have a significant influence on the amount respondents were willing to pay for waste disposal services. Fourth, when the average amount that respondents indicated in the survey, they were willing to pay for waste disposal services was compared to the actual expenditure per household of Kitami City on household solid waste disposal, the former was found to be higher by an estimated absolute value of equivalent surplus of ¥12, 167 per household per year.
メンサボンス アイザックF 加賀屋 誠一 山村 悦夫
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.1995, no.506, pp.119-127, 1995

本件級は, 地方道路投資のための意思決定モデリングにおいて2つの顕著な問題を扱っている. すなわち, 公平性と効率性のトレードオフ問題と意思決定での受益者参加の問題である. このような, 問題を統合化するモデリング手法の開発と, その地方道路投資問題への適用がここでの目的で, それらの問題は, 多基準数理計画プログラミング問題としてモデル化された. そして, それは投資によるアクセスビリティの増加量を最大化する目的と, 分布するアクセスビリティ格差最小の目的を同時に満たすように表現, 定式化された.ε制約法が, 非劣解の集合を一般化するために用いられ, また選好解の決定は, 地方開発機関に対する各リンクの重要度の情報を集約し, その重要度を基にして非劣解から選好するプロセスを導入することでおこなわれた. その結果, 道路投資のための意思決定で, 各機関の参加が図られた. このような方法は, ガーナオフィンソ地区に適用され, 実証分析がおこなわれた. その結果, 開発途上国の道路投資決定法に有効であることが明らかにされた.
川嶋 辰彦 平岡 規之 山村 悦夫 田中 伸英 平岡 夫之
