山田 悟史 藤井 健史 宗本 晋作
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.727, pp.2083-2093, 2016 (Released:2016-09-30)
5 7

In recent years, there have been a number of social initiatives related to improving the environment in city landscapes. Green space is becoming a tool to enhance the comfort of city space. "The Basic Plan for Green of Kyoto City" is one such example, where the ratio of visible green space is being used as a tool to improve the city environment. Many studies are being carried out to support this initiative and this study is one of them. The purpose of this study was to: 1) present a method to measure the location/angle specific ratio of green spaces in the omnidirectional visibility rate using a three-dimensional model of the target location, 2) create a perception deduction model based on Self-organizing Maps and 72 variables of visible green space in omnidirectional visibility rate, and 3) statistical verification of the accuracy of the perception deduction model. There are 72 categories of green space in the omnidirectional visibility rate. These categories are based on the location- and angle specific ratio of these spaces. Six of these categories were used for the location specific measurement, namely, "tall trees", "medium trees", "shrubs", " implantable ", "ground cover", and "others". Twelve angle specific measurements for every fifteen degrees were used and eight perception estimation parameters were selected. The perception estimation parameters included: “many or less", "satisfied or not satisfied", "pleasant", "serene", "covered (wrapped)", "close by or far", " surrounded by", "refreshing” and “widely spread". In this paper, we present results from the "ratio of visible green space in the omnidirectional visibility rate map”, the “self-organizing map" and the "perception estimation value map”. During the verification of the perception estimation model (the primary objective of this study), we compared the estimated perception values with the survey based observed values associated with a location of green space that was not included in the model creation. When we compared them statistically, we confirmed a significant correlation (n=32, p<0.05) between the estimated values and observed values (Pearson's correlation). We noted that the strength of the correlation was moderate but significant (correlation coefficient values around 0.6), with when we used the lower significance level (p<0.001). Taking into account effect size from psychological statistics, the average difference between the estimated and observed values of perception can be considered small for the parameters "many or less" "satisfied or not satisfied", "pleasant", "serene", "covered (wrapped)", "close by or far" and" surrounded by". However, the average difference was moderate for “Refreshing” and “Widely spread” and a significant difference between observed and estimated perception values was noted for these parameters in a paired t-test. Consequently, this perception deduction model is able to predict low and high values of “Refreshing” and “Widely spread", however, we need to be aware of the one degree difference, which happens to be the width of the confidence interval and may affect the estimated values.
山田 悟郎

新井イスマイル 福嶋徹 内藤岳史 土川洋史 比嘉信 釣健孝 佐々木智大 大島秀樹 渥美清隆 松野良信 千田栄幸 山田悟 今井一雅 牛丸真司 金山典世 仲野巧 寺元貴幸 脇山俊一郎 中尾充宏 村本健一郎
vol.2013-IOT-23, no.10, pp.1-5, 2013-09-20

独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構法の施行に伴い、平成 16 年 4 月 1 日に全国の国立高等専門学校 (以下、国立高専) が独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構 (以下、高専機構) 1 法人に集約され、現在 51の国立高専を運営している。独法化前は各高専にて個別にネットワーク運用・調達が任されていたが、運営費交付金が毎年削減されることを考慮し、独法化後は高専機構のスケールメリットを活かした効率的なネットワーク運用・調達に挑戦している。本稿では、平成 24 年度までに得られた、(1) 歴史的 PI アドレスの集約による年間費用削減、(2) 機器・ソフトの一括調達による費用削減、(3) ノウハウ・人材の共有の成果について報告する。
高橋 啓一 添田 雄二 出穂 雅実 青木 かおり 山田 悟郎 赤松 守雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.43, no.3, pp.169-180, 2004-06-01
1 8

1998年8月に北海道網走支庁湧別町の林道脇の沢から発見されたナウマンゾウ右上顎第2大臼歯化石の記載と,気候変化に伴ってマンモスゾウとナウマンゾウの棲み分けが北海道で入れ替わった可能性を報告した.臼歯化石の年代測定結果は30,480±220yrs BP(未補正<sup>14</sup>C年代値)であった.臼歯が発見された沢には,臼歯化石の年代とほぼ同じ時代に噴出した大雪御鉢平テフラ(Ds-Oh)を含む地層が分布していることから,この臼歯はこの沢に堆積する地層から洗いだされた可能性が高いと推定した.<br>今回の標本も含め,これまで北海道で発見されているナウマンゾウとマンモスゾウの産出年代およびその当時の植生を考えると,地球規模の気候変動とそれに伴う植生の変化に合わせて,2種類の長鼻類が時期を変えて棲み分けていたことが推定された.同時に,約3万年前のナウマンゾウ化石の発見は,MIS3の頃の北海道にナウマンゾウが津軽海峡を渡って来ることができたか,どうかという議論の一材料を提供することとなった.
山田 悟資 角替 敏昭
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05869943)
vol.32, pp.15-27, 1998-12-01

The Zimbabwe Craton, which is a typical Archean granite-greenstone terrane, contains two different types of granitoids ; older gneiss (3500~3000 Ma) and younger granite (2900~2600 Ma). This study focused on morphological characteristics of zircons in the older gneiss and the younger granite to understand mineralogical and petrological differences between the two granitoids.13; All samples examined in this study have two types of zircon. One is an elongated, fine-grained, and euhedral zircon (Type-A). The younger granite contains many Type-A zircons without any resorption texture, because the granitoid did not suffer later metamorphism and/or partial melting. The other type is a coarse-grained zircon with overgrowth texture around older core (Type-B). This type is abundant in the older gneiss. For example, sample ZC10A, which is a typical older gneiss, contains many Type-B zircons. We considered that the core of the zircons was formed during crystallization stage of the protolith of the older gneiss. The rock was then metamorphosed and/or partly molten and formed overgrowth texture. Presence of both euhedral and anhedral zircons in one specimen may imply that euhedral zircons were included in earlier-stage minerals(ex.biotite) before the last stage of metamorphism and/or melting.13; The younger granite contains Type-B zircons smilar to the older gneiss, although their amomt is little. We thus regard the origin of the younger granite as a partial melting of the older granite. Some zircons of the older gneiss have thus survived during later thermal event and now present in the younger granite.