川瀬 豊子

ペルセポリス出土の城砦文書は、イラン高原南西部パ-ルサ地方を中心とした王室経済圏における諸活動を記録する。近年あらたに利用することが可能となったこの新史料は、女性が男性と同様に生産活動の重要な一翼を担っていたこと、男性と比較した場合女性に対する労働評価は相対的に低いものの、特殊な技術や経験を有する女性に対しては男性を上回る高い評価が与えられていたのみならず、男性をも含む所属集団統轄の責務が委ねられることもあったことを明らかにする。労働者の家族生活は基本的に保証されていたようであるが、とりわけ女性労働者に対して産後1ヵ月間労働が猶予されていたことが注目される。この措置は「経血のタブ-」と結びついたものと考えられるが、結果として産褥期間にある母体の保護となったことは間違いない。こどもは一定の年齢に達するまでは、原則として母親の労働集団の所属し、先行するオリエント諸国家(たとえばシュメ-ル)におけるような幼児段階での母子分離の政策はとられていない。一方王族の女性に関しては、彼女達が自らの所領、労働者をもち積極的に経済活動に参加し、時には不在の王の代理として祭儀を主宰していたこと等を確認することができる。同様の事例は、同時代のバビロニア出土の経済文書によっても検証される。ハカ-マニシュ朝(アカイメネス朝 前550ー330)治下のペルシア人社会では、女性は必ずしも社会生活から隔離された存在ではなかった。同時代市民階級の女性を公的領域からほぼ完全に追放し、彼女達を生殖と家内労働の担い手としかみなさなかった民主政期のポリス社会の価値観に基づくギリシア人史家がくり返すハカ-マニシュ朝の宮廷におれる女性の政治介入、陰謀加担に関する報告も、むしろこの観点からみなおすべきである。
前川 和也 川瀬 豊子 寺村 裕史 森 若葉 春田 晴郎

川瀬 豊子 Toyoko Kawase
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.4, no.1, pp.43-78, 1979-07-30

Persepolis Fortification Tablets (PFT) deal with administrativetransfers of foodstuffs from 509 to 494 B.C., i.e., from thethirteenth to the twenty-eighth year of Darayavau-I. Throughthe investigation of these tablets, this essay attempts to reconstructtentatively the major outline of the royal management of UDU.NITA.Ninety-three texts referring to UDU.NITA were extractedfrom PFT, to which was added Fort. 6764, published by G. G.Cameron. The following facts emerged from the detailedanalysis of the texts:1) The royal nutanus (stockyard) was the central organization ofUDU.NITA breeding in the royal economy;2) Breeding was based on the consignment system;3) A form of cattle tax (bazis) was levied by the royal court;4) The use of meat and hides is confirmed by the texts, whereasthat of wool and milk is only suggested, as for products derivedfrom UDU.NITA. In additon, UDU.NITA were rituallysacrificed.5) The consumption of UDU.NITA, was apparently restrictedin daily life, and evidently, the interest of the royal court centeredon increase of UDU.NITA and utilizing them alive. It is thoughtthat UDU.NITA were not regarded as consumer goods, butrather as savings;6) The consignment system and the levy of bazis seem to haveshared the functions of linking the royal economy with the cattlebreeders, from which it may be concluded that in addition totheir economic functions, the consignment system and the levy ofbazis aimed at the close interaction with the cattle breeders.
川瀬 豊子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.21, no.1, pp.71-90, 1978-09-30 (Released:2010-03-12)

Persepolis Fortification Tablets deal with administrative transfers of food comodities from 509 to 494B. C., that is, from the thirteenth to the twenty-eighth year of Darayavau-I. It is the main purpose of this paper to find some tentative solutions about the problems of the relations between the rites in Persepolis and the royal economy through the investigation of these texts.The writer extracted 103 texts referring to the religious life in Persepolis and then classified them into two groups according to the text styles as below.Group I; rations for gods, that is, rite expensesGroup II; rations for individuals with religious functionsAfter having analyzed them, I could get the following facts.1) The rites were subjected to the royal economy in the respect of the material sources and man-power.2) The royal economy showed positive concern in extending its control over the administration of rites.3) The distinction between religious and secular circle was not so clear-cut, because there seems to have been considerably high level of mobility between them. I could recognize the two streams of the people; the outflow of priests into officials and vice versa.4) It was Persian kara-, the main power of the conquest movement, that profited from these processes.In principle, this was based on the request of the state at the turning point from war to peace. Haxamaniš- needed not only to rearrange the administrative system but legitimately to absorb Persian kara- into it. In fact, Darayavau-I had already declared that he would protect the profits of Persian kara- in order to maintain the Haxamaniš- dynasty.
川瀬 豊子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-40, 1987-09-30 (Released:2010-03-12)

The Persepolis Fortification texts, which cover the period from the 13th to the 28th year of Darayavau- I (509-494 B. C.), are very helpful source materials for elucidating the management of horses in the possession of the royal household.The Persepolis public administration of this period showed positive concern about control of horses. They were an indispensable factor in organizing and maintaining the far-flung empire.The Fortification texts record that horses were fed with barley fodder. Each adult horse consumed 3-10 QA of barley per day, and each foal 1-3 QA. These texts refer to the extra ration of grain, wine, beer and other food products, amount of which is much smaller than that of the regular daily ration.The public administration assigned the men called mudunra horses for official affairs, and stationed the mudunra men in grazing land near the districts where horses would be more frequently needed. The mudunra men were engaged in taking daily care of horses, by themselves or with their assistants. In order to meet the changing demand for horses, the public administration sometimes moved the mudunra men and the horses under their charge to other areas. Evidently the mudunra men played a key role in establishing the effective system for the use of horses as the means of traffic and communication.