田口 真二 桐生 正幸 伊藤 可奈子 池田 稔 平 伸二
犯罪心理学研究 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-13, 2007 (Released:2018-06-30)

A projective questionnaire for measuring male sexual desire was developed. In Study 1, the original Sexual Desire Scale for Males (SDS-M) was developed by referring to information on sexual activities on the Internet, as well as to prior studies on sexual offenders and their victims. The original SDS-M requested participants to judge whether they agreed or disagreed with sentences regarding various sexual behaviors and objects of sexual desire. SDS-M did not inquire about the frequency of sexual activities or the strength of sexual desire. The original SDS-M was administered to 140 males. The factor analysis of their responses revealed that the SDS-M had a 5-factor structure: daily sexual desire, h omo-hetero sexual desire, penis oriented sexual desire, intercourse oriented sexual desire and abnormal sexual desire. Cronback's alpha indicated satisfactory internal consistency and reliability. Study 2, investigated the stability and the validity of the SDS-M. It was administrated to 274 males, and based on the results of confirmatory factor analysis using Structural Equation Modeling, the SDS-M was divided into two subscales: a general sexual desire subscale consisting of the four factors with the exception of the Abnormal factor, and an Abnormal sexual desire subscale. The goodness of fit index of each subscale indicated satisfactory factor validity. Moreover, the SDS-M had reasonable test-retest reliability and satisfactory correlations with the Sexual Attitudes Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory.
平 伸二
生理心理学と精神生理学 (ISSN:02892405)
vol.27, no.1, pp.57-70, 2009-04-30 (Released:2010-12-28)
3 2

本稿は,脳機能の指標として記録される,事象関連電位(ERP)と機能的核磁気共鳴画像(fMRI)によるconcealed information test(CIT)に関する最近の研究を主に論述した。ERPによるCIT研究によると,犯罪捜査への実務応用に最も有望な指標は,被験者の課題に関連し,まれで有意味な事象に対して生起するP300である。しかしながら,ERPによるCITに対するカウンタメジャーへの対抗策と個別判定の基準が,犯罪捜査に応用する前に確立されなければならない。fMRI研究のほとんどは,被験者が本当のことを言うより,嘘をつくときに前頭前野の大きな賦活を示している。しかしながら,これらの研究は,2つの目的に分かれており,1つ目が嘘に伴う機能的な神経解剖学と認知処理への関心,2つ目がCITをさらに洗練させることに向けられている。今後,CIT手続きに基づく研究が,犯罪捜査のために必要であろう。
平 伸二
日本鑑識科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:13428713)
vol.3, no.2, pp.21-35, 1998 (Released:2010-06-17)
4 4

This article reviewed previous studies concerning psychophysiological detection of deception in which event-related brain potential(ERP) had been recorded as a response index. The usual dependent measures in detection studies are autonomic activities such as respiratory, electrodermal, and cardiovascular responses that are assumed to be correlates of the emotional state induced by crime relevant questions. Recently, however, researchers in this field have emphasized the importance of cognitive factors rather than emotional ones to detect guilt and this trend facilitates the use of ERP as a detection measure.   Several ERP components have been identified and each functional significance during human information-processing has been well described. In the ERP-based detection studies, a component such as P3, N400, or CNV(contingent negative variation) have been used as a detection index. The P3 is elicited by rare and meaningful events that are relevant to the participant's task. The N400 component is elicited by semantic anomalies such as words that complete sentences falsely. The CNV has been variously described as related to expectancy, motivation, and attention. Although these three ERP components seem valid detection measures, the most promising index in the field practice is the P3 component because of its relative ease of recordings and large amplitudes. Moreover, in laboratory studies, correct detection rates by the P3 component are slightly higher than the rates by the conventional autonomic measurements.   Several merits of using an ERP component as a detection index are summarized as follows: 1) advancement and elaboration in judgment of test results because ERP are specifically time locked to an event, 2) an improvement of the correct detection rate, 3) an improvement of test objectivity and reliability, and 4) counteracting countermeasures. Before the practical use of ERPs in the psychophysiological detection of deception, however, a method of artifact-free measurement of ERPs and a definite criterion of judgment for individuals must be established.
中平 伸二 金子 国雄 田中 耕作
Japan Poultry Science Association
日本家禽学会誌 (ISSN:00290254)
vol.27, no.1, pp.47-51, 1990-01-25 (Released:2008-11-12)

鶏の長腓骨筋の死後硬直の過程を連続的に測定する方法を考案した。すなわち,筋肉ストリップ(5×25mm)を注射筒内に糸で吊し,流動パラフィンを注入して嫌気的条件にしたのち,ストレインゲージトランスジューサーに連結して筋肉の張力を測定した。この方法を用い,各種処理がその後の筋肉硬直に及ぼす影響を観察した。なお,特に述べないかぎりは,嫌気的条件で筋肉の動向を観察したものである。1) 本実験装置を用いた方法は,鶏筋肉の死後硬直過程を長時間継続して観察するのに有効であることが認められた。2) 嫌気的条件下で17°Cの温度におくと硬直は約2時間後にピークに達した。一方,好気的条件下では硬直は顕著で長時間継続した。3) 超音波処理を25°C-10分間行うと,硬直の程度は弱くなることが観察された。4) EGTA処理によってカルシウムイオンを除去すると硬直は起こらなかった。5) 下垂体除去約1日後屠殺した場合,死後硬直の程度は,正常鶏の場合とほぼ同様であったが,屠殺前麻酔処理を行うときわあて緩慢な経過で硬直の現象がみられた。6) 嫌気的条件下で筋肉を18.5時間0°Cで保存するとその後温度を17°Cに上げても硬直は起こりにくいという結果が得られた。
田口 真二 桐生 正幸 伊藤 可奈子 池田 稔 平 伸二
犯心研 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-13, 2018-06-30

<p>A projective questionnaire for measuring male sexual desire was developed. In Study 1, the original Sexual Desire Scale for Males (SDS-M) was developed by referring to information on sexual activities on the Internet, as well as to prior studies on sexual offenders and their victims. The original SDS-M requested participants to judge whether they agreed or disagreed with sentences regarding various sexual behaviors and objects of sexual desire. SDS-M did not inquire about the frequency of sexual activities or the strength of sexual desire. The original SDS-M was administered to 140 males. The factor analysis of their responses revealed that the SDS-M had a 5-factor structure: daily sexual desire, h omo-hetero sexual desire, penis oriented sexual desire, intercourse oriented sexual desire and abnormal sexual desire. Cronback's alpha indicated satisfactory internal consistency and reliability. Study 2, investigated the stability and the validity of the SDS-M. It was administrated to 274 males, and based on the results of confirmatory factor analysis using Structural Equation Modeling, the SDS-M was divided into two subscales: a general sexual desire subscale consisting of the four factors with the exception of the Abnormal factor, and an Abnormal sexual desire subscale. The goodness of fit index of each subscale indicated satisfactory factor validity. Moreover, the SDS-M had reasonable test-retest reliability and satisfactory correlations with the Sexual Attitudes Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory.</p>
平 伸二
