新山 喜嗣
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.33, pp.30-40, 2015-09-30 (Released:2018-02-01)

We are afraid that our non-existence continues forever after our death. Lucretius spoke on this fear, stating, "Because no one fears the eternal nonentity which is in front of our birth, it isn't also necessary to fear the eternal nonentity in our after death," as a way to convince people to be rid of this fear. This statement is called Lucretius' "symmetry argument". Yet despite this, almost all modern debaters have insisted that the relation between pre-birth non-existence and post-mortem non-existence is asymmetrical. The main purpose of this article concerns the following two points about this statement of asymmetry; namely, that this statement is premised on a specific view of metaphysics and that the meaning of the claim of asymmetry must be examined from a viewpoint of metaphysics as it relates to time and the world. In this study, I first pointed out that the opinion of debaters included the assumption that we ourselves could identify non-existence. Next, I pointed out that the disputants would actually be insisting that the dead continue to exist in some form. Third, I examined which specific theories on time from twentieth-century analytic philosophy suited the disputants' opinion, and found that no ideas on time were entirely consistent with their view. Lastly, I examined non-existence before birth and non-existence post-mortem from a viewpoint of the possible worlds semantics of analytic philosophy. From this, both non-existences are located in their own possible worlds, and in addition to this, there is the real world in which the subject is alive. My examination concluded that there is a difference in existence qualification between a possible world and the real world, but that there was no such difference between two possible worlds. This suggests that the relationship between pre-birth non-existence and post-mortem non-existence is neither symmetrical nor asymmetrical.
新山 喜嗣
秋田大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:13478664)
vol.13, no.2, pp.31-39, 2005-10-31

新山 喜嗣
医学哲学医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
no.25, pp.99-109, 2007-10-18

Patients with Capgras syndrome complain that real persons close to them have been replaced by identically looking imposters. This syndrome is interpreted as the total replacement of the "haecceity" that is distinct from one's attributes. Capgras syndrome suggests that possible worlds around a person come in two different series: one of possible worlds in which the attributes of the real person change in a variety of forms with his "haecceity" unchanged, and the other of possible worlds in which the "haecceity" of the real person is replaced by something else with his attributes unchanged. Possible worlds involving these two series could develop without limitations, and hence impart unlimited diversity to the variants of myself living in possible worlds. Thus, the variants in possible worlds must include some who possess both haecceity and attributes that are identical to those of others in the real world. It can thus be speculated that others in the real world are nothing but variants of myself who have turned up in the real world from possible worlds they originally inhabited. In this context, it may be assumed that I am keeping in touch with my own variants every day here in this real world. In the real world, I myself always create a singular point characterized as "I," "now," and "here". In a certain possible world, however, another person generates this singular point. As a result, I myself become the other to him. Such worlds where I turn up as the other probably include ones whose contents are exactly the same as those of the real world. Because these worlds are perfect mirror images of the real world, we mistakenly assume that they are the same one world. Because of this confusion, we see many generators of the singular points coexisting in the real world.
新山 喜嗣
生命倫理 (ISSN:13434063)
vol.24, no.1, pp.186-196, 2014-09-26 (Released:2017-04-27)

新山 喜嗣 Niiyama Yoshitsugu
秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 (ISSN:18840167)
vol.26, no.2, pp.21-32, 2018-10-31

自分は死によって,「完全な非在」となるのか,それとも,「不完全な非在」として残存するかを論点とした.始めに,仮に自分の死が完全な非在になるとしたとき,自分の死を意味する「私はいない」という本来は語用論的に誤りとなるべき語りが,いかにしてわれわれの日常会話の中で成立しうるのかを検討した.この過程において,カプグラ症候群がもつ臨床的特徴から,二人称には 「このもの性」を持つときと持たないときの二重性があることを確認した.この二重性は,一人称としての語りである 「私はいない」という語りが,あたかも成立するかのような錯覚をもたらすことになる.結局,「私はいない」という語りは錯覚としてしか成立しえず,自分の完全な非在は実のところ二人称の他者の死を意味するものである.次に,自分の死が不完全な非在であるとしたとき,そのような不完全な非在が,他者の死としての他の不完全な非在と融合せずに,独立して存在できるか否かを検討した.この過程において,ドッペルゲンガーが持つ臨床的特徴から,存在者の同一性は原始的な原理であることを確認した.このことから,自分の不完全な非在は,生あるときの単独性を持つ自分と同一性という原始的な原理で連結し,結局,自分の不完全な非在にも単独性という性質がもたらされることになる.よって,自分の死が不完全な非在であるとしたとき,その自分の 不完全な非在は,死後も独立した個別者として存続することになる.Is death“complete non-existence”or“incomplete non-existence”? First of all, assuming my own death will be“complete non-existence”, the utterance“that I am not”would be an error from the perspective of pragmatics. In everyday conversation, however, this seems as if it were not a mistake. Let us examine why. In this process, from the viewpoint of the clinical features of Capgras syndrome, the second person has duality; in other words, there are two cases—one where the second person has“haecceity”and one where the second person does not have“haecceity”. This duality creates the illusion that the utterance“that I am not”is established. Ultimately, the utterance“that I am not”cannot be established, and “complete non-existence”in fact means not my own death but the deaths of others. Next, let us assume that my own death will be“incomplete non-existence”. At that time, could the“incomplete nonexistence”of my own death exist independently without fusing with the“incomplete non-existence”of others’deaths? In this process, from the viewpoint of the clinical features of Doppelgänger syndrome, the identity of the existence is confirmed as a fundamental principle. From this, my“incomplete non-existence”would link with my living“uniqueness”by the fundamental principle of identity and this identity brings the property of“uniqueness”to“incomplete nonexistence”. Therefore, my“incomplete non-existence”will continue to be a full independent existence after death.
新山 喜嗣
生命倫理 (ISSN:13434063)
vol.17, no.1, pp.82-92, 2007-09-20 (Released:2017-04-27)

雄鹿 賢哉 新山 喜嗣 OGA Kenya NIIYAMA Yoshitsugu
秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 (ISSN:18840167)
vol.23, no.2, pp.129-137, 2015-10-31

統合失調症患者へ音楽活動を提供するにあたり, 「生演奏」と「録音演奏」との間での音楽聴取形態の違いに着目し, 「生演奏」によって, ノンバーバルな水準での治療者と患者の間での相互交流が形成されるか否かを検討した.対象は, 精神科病棟に入院中で, 本研究の目的と方法を説明した上で同意・署名を得られた, 明らかに認知機能障害や精神遅滞を有さない統合失調症患者53名とした.音楽形態における生演奏(セラピストによるエレクトーン演奏) と録音演奏(エレクトーン演奏を同装置から再生)との間の比較を主眼とし, 同じ3曲15分間を, それぞれの音楽形態で聴取した. 評価指標は, 心理状態の測定として気分調査票The Mood Inventory (以下MOOD) を行った.生演奏聴取前後を比較した結果, 生演奏聴取後の「爽快感」と, 「くつろいだ気分だ」の項目に有意な改善が得られた(P<0.01, 0.05). また生演奏では, 対象者が演奏のたびに拍手や声援をセラピストに送る様子が見られた. この結果から, 精神科作業療法における音楽活動を実践する際には, 生演奏はバーバルな水準での関与が困難な患者に対しても有効な, 治療導入時の手段やセラピストと患者間の関係作りとなりえる可能性があり, さらには外部からの感覚入力の手段としても有効であることが推測された.
田中 元志 矢島 拓明 新山 喜嗣
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.141, no.6, pp.720-726, 2021

<p>Eye movement was measured when food and wear pictures that consisted of four items with different positions were subjectively evaluated by seven-grade scale (like - dislike), and the relationship between the subjective evaluation and feature parameters obtained from eye fixation and scanpath was investigated. In results, a significant relationship between the saliency of pictures obtained by GBVS and the normalized total fixation time was not observed. And the eye movement at the initial state might be similar, independent of the saliency of items in the pictures. The fixation time to the item of the negative `dislike' evaluation became relatively longer, when the evaluation was negative irrespective of the experimental condition. These feature parameters would be useful for quantifying the evaluation of the pictures.</p>
新山 喜嗣
生命倫理 (ISSN:13434063)
vol.24, no.1, pp.186-196, 2014

新山 喜嗣
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.25, pp.99-109, 2007-10-18 (Released:2018-02-01)

Patients with Capgras syndrome complain that real persons close to them have been replaced by identically looking imposters. This syndrome is interpreted as the total replacement of the "haecceity" that is distinct from one's attributes. Capgras syndrome suggests that possible worlds around a person come in two different series: one of possible worlds in which the attributes of the real person change in a variety of forms with his "haecceity" unchanged, and the other of possible worlds in which the "haecceity" of the real person is replaced by something else with his attributes unchanged. Possible worlds involving these two series could develop without limitations, and hence impart unlimited diversity to the variants of myself living in possible worlds. Thus, the variants in possible worlds must include some who possess both haecceity and attributes that are identical to those of others in the real world. It can thus be speculated that others in the real world are nothing but variants of myself who have turned up in the real world from possible worlds they originally inhabited. In this context, it may be assumed that I am keeping in touch with my own variants every day here in this real world. In the real world, I myself always create a singular point characterized as "I," "now," and "here". In a certain possible world, however, another person generates this singular point. As a result, I myself become the other to him. Such worlds where I turn up as the other probably include ones whose contents are exactly the same as those of the real world. Because these worlds are perfect mirror images of the real world, we mistakenly assume that they are the same one world. Because of this confusion, we see many generators of the singular points coexisting in the real world.
新山 喜嗣 NIIYAMA Yoshitsugu
秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 (ISSN:18840167)
vol.24, no.2, pp.1-13, 2016-10-31

地球上に生命が誕生してから37億年になるが, 実のところその半分以上を占める20億年の間は生物の死は絶対的なものではなかった. 生物に寿命としての絶対的な死が伴うようになったのは, 生物が原核生物から真核生物に進化してからのこの17億年間のことである. この絶対的な死をもたらす要因の一つに, ヘイフリック限界の名で呼ばれる細胞分裂の回数制限がある. さらに, 生物は加齢に伴って生存に不適切な細胞が増えるが, そのような細胞はアポトーシスと呼ばれるメカニズムによって秩序正しく除去される. このように, 生物には身体の内部に積極的に死をもたらす仕組みがあるが, 一定の期間を越えて個体が生存しないことが種の存続という点では有利であることから, そのような生物種のみが現在まで地球上に残っているのかもしれない. しかし, 将来には予想外の科学技術の進歩によって,生存期間に制限がない生物種が存在しても種の存続に不都合が生じない可能性がある. もっとも, 現代の宇宙物理学が示すところでは, 生物の身体を構成する原子が宇宙に存在できるのも永遠ではない. このことからすれば, 自然科学の中で生命を捉える限り, 「永遠の生命」はあくまで相対的なものとなる.