新城 正紀 有泉 誠 等々力 英美 恩河 尚清 金城 英子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.63, no.6, pp.362-373, 1997-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

Analyzing the records kept in Koza Public Health Center, this study aimed to elucidate tuberculosis (TB) control in Okinwa after World War II. The records included each patient's registration year, name, sex, date of birth, address, occupation, disease classification, treatment classification, bacterial tests, type of chemotherapy, surgical history, length of chemotherapy and ambulatory treatment. Pulmonary TB cases, 5, 289 in total, were the subjects of the present analyses . Based on the date of registration, the patients were assigned to phase I(1952-1961) or phase II (1962-1971), since the treatments changed from the concomitant use of 2 medications (isoniazid and pyrazinamide) in the former to that of 3 medications (streptomycin in addition to the above 2) in the latter . From the viewpoint of public health, medical care for TB patients was markedly improved from phase I to phase II, as exemplified by the decrease in the mean medication period from 3.9 years to 3.1 years and the decrease in the mean control period from 4 .8 years to 4J years. It is concluded that the home therapy system which was introduced to TB contorl in Okinawa in the postwar period to cope with insufficient medical resources, particularly in health centers, functioned effectively.
井奈波 良一 中村 秀喜 古野 利夫 有泉 誠
一般社団法人 日本痛風・核酸代謝学会
尿酸 (ISSN:03884120)
vol.8, no.2, pp.165-167, 1984 (Released:2012-11-27)

We measured the levels of serum uric acid and serum lipid peroxides generated by oxygen radicals in 19 healthy young males.There were no significant correlations between serum uric acid levels and body weights, nor between serum blood urea nitrogen levels and serum creatinine levels. However, there was a significant correlation between serum uric acid levels and serum lipid peroxides levels. As uric acid is thought to be an important scavenger of singlet oxygen and radicals, these results suggests that serum uric acid competes with the increase of serum lipid peroxides.
水野 徳美 岡本 学 有泉 誠 野原 聖一 岡田 晃
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.44, no.4, pp.158-164, 1978 (Released:2010-06-28)

Shiramine is an isolated mountain village located in Ishikawa prefecture. The study was done to find the relationship of the geographical distribution of marriage on traffic development and other factors. The results were as follows. 1) The rates of marriages between the same villagers about 80% showed little change from 1868 to 1925. After 1926 they decreased slowly, and after 1955 they markedly decreased. 2) The spread of the geographical distribution of marriages took about thirty years after traffic development. And it was almost in parallel with the spread of newspapers and telephones from 1955 to 1965. 3) In Kuwajima district of Shiramine village there is a high rate of marriage between the same villagers, while in Shiramine distrct there is a low rate of marriage between the same villagers. It meant that Shiramine and Kuwajima district people did not marry with each other. But after 1955 when marriages between the same villagers decreased, marriages between the same district residents also decreased rapidly after 1971. The two district people then began to marry with each other after 1971. 4) The geographical distribution of marriage of old traditional well established families expanded earlier than the poor working class.
小川 寿美子 等々力 英美 有泉 誠 吉田 朝啓 糸数 公 鄭 奎城 崎原 盛造

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