vol.1986, no.(187), 1986-02-20
内海 彰 Akira Utsumi 東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科知能システム科学専攻 Dept. of Computational Inteligence and Systems Science Tokyo Institute of Technology
人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (ISSN:09128085)
vol.14, no.4, pp.700-708, 1999-07-01

Although many linguistic and psychological studies have been made on verbal irony, they still cannot distinguish ironic utterances from nonironic ones completely. This paper argues that irony is distinguished from nonirony in accordance with both the ironic environment condition (i.e., irony presupposes a situational setting consisting of the speaker's expectation, incongruity between the expectation and the reality, and the speaker's negative attitude) and the implicit display condition (i.e., irony satisfies at least two of the three features: allusion, pragmatic insincerity and indirect cues). This paper then shows that the argument is empirically supported, especially that ironic environment is a crucial distinctive feature of irony while implicit display suggests a high possibility of irony. It also suggests an interpretation process of irony consistent with these findings.
渡辺 澄夫 Sumio Watanabe 東京工業大学精密工学研究所 Precision and Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Institute of Technology
人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (ISSN:09128085)
vol.16, no.2, pp.308-315, 2001-03-01

The parameter space of a hierarchical learning machine is not a Riemannian manifold since the rank of the Fisher information metric depends on the parameter.In the previous paper, we proved that the stochastic complexity is asymptotically equal to λ log n-(m-1)log log n, where λ is a rational number, m is a natural number, and n is the number of empirical samples.Also we proved that both λ and m are calculated by resolution of singularties.However, both λ and m depend on the parameter representation and the size of the true distribution.In this paper, we study Jeffreys' prior distribution which is coordinate free, and prove that 2λ is equal to the dimension of the parameter set and m=1 independently of the parameter representation and singularities.This fact indicated that Jeffreys' prior is useful in model selection and knowledge discovery, in spite that it makes the prediction error to be larger than positive distributions.
東京工業大学附属科学技術 高等学校

vol.1995, no.(290), 1995-06-26
vol.1995, no.(289), 1995-05-26
佐山 展生 長島 輝幸 Nobuo Sayama Teruyuki Nagashima ユニゾン・キャピタル(株) 東京工業大学社会理工学研究科修士課程 Unison Capital Inc. Division of Decision Science and Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology
管理会計学 : 日本管理会計学会誌 : 経営管理のための総合雑誌 = The journal of management accounting, Japan : JAMA (ISSN:09187863)
vol.6, no.2, pp.75-91, 1998-03-31

新規公開時に企業は,公募増資で資本市場から設備資金など必要な資金を調達し,業容拡大等企業の成長のための資金を使っているはずである.また企業が店頭公開し知名度や社会的信用が向上すれば,資金調達手段や顧客層が多様化し,優秀な人材も採用しやすくなる.このため,店頭公開によって企業は,豊富な資金や優秀な人材を獲得し,店頭公開前よりも収益性を向上させ更に企業を成長させていくことができるはずである.しかし,高成長を遂げた企業が店頭公開すると推測できようが,公開後にも高度な成長を続け,高収益性を維持するとは限らない.店頭公開すること自体が企業の収益性にどのような影響をもたらすかは,店頭公開を目指す企業および店頭公開した企業の将来の業績を予測する上で極めて重要なことである.そこで本研究では,わが国企業の店頭公開前後の収益性を,各種財務データを用いて分析し,店頭公開と企業の業績との関係を示す.そのため,1986年から1991年の間に店頭公開した321社について店頭公開前後の各5年間の財務データを調べ,店頭公開後の企業の収益性が公開前とどのように変化するかを比較する.その結果を分析し,店頭公開し資本市場から資金調達した後,企業の収益性はむしろ低下する傾向にあることを示す.また,この収益性の低下の理由は,主に有形固定資産への投資が増大し,多大な減価償却費にあること,この店頭公開後の収益性の低下傾向は,製造業の方が非製造業よりも著しいこと,しかしながら,キャッシュフローは,非製造業の方の低下の方が著しいことを財務比率の変化等によって説明する.Through Tentou-koukai, companies have access to significant liquidity from the capital market, which can be used for the company's growth. Because companies'-names will be more familiar in the market and their credibility will grow after Tentou-koukai, such companies should be able to enhance their growth and hire good human resources after Tentou-koukai. Therefore, such companies should be more profitable and grow after Tentou-koukai by taking advantage of increased liquidity from the capital market and good human resources. In fact, companies usually have been growing before Tentou-koukai. However, do companies continue the growth trend and sustain high profitability after Tentou-koukai? It is important to know the effects of Tentou-koukai with respect to companies considering Tentou-koukai and to analyze the results after Tentou-koukai. In this article, we will show the effect of Tentou-koukai towards companies'profitability by analyzing various financial data before and after Tentou-koukai. We investigated 321 companies that conducted Tentou-koukai from 1986 to 1991. We analyzed their financial data 5 years before and after Tentou-koukai and examined the difference in profitability. The data shows that profitability decreases after Tentou-koukai. The reason for the decrease in profitability is primarily high depreciation resulting from high post-Tentou-koukai investments in fixed assets. This tendency of decreasing profitability after Tentou-koukai is more significant for manufacturers compared with than non-manufacturers. However, decreasing cash flow is more significant for non-manufacturers.
加藤 由樹 加藤 尚吾 赤堀 侃司 Yuuki KATO Shogo KATO Kanji AKAHORI 東京工業大学 東京工業大学 東京工業大学 Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology
日本社会情報学会学会誌 = Journal of social informatics (ISSN:13440896)
vol.19, no.2, pp.17-33, 2007-09-30

本研究では,電子メールに注目し,電子メールの書き手の性別が読み手の感情面に及ぼす影響について検討した。本研究では,実験Iと実験IIを実施し,それぞれで得られた結果を考察した。実験Iでは,電子メールの書き手の性別がわかっているときの読み手の感情面について分析した。また,実験IIでは,電子メールの書き手の性別がわからないときの読み手による書き手の性別判断と,読み手の感情面について分析した。両実験で得られた主な結果は,顔文字の使用が,性別の差の指標になっている可能性が示唆されたことである。そのため,提示されたメール文の書き手の性別とそのメール文の内容が,合っている場合に快感情を生じ,合っていない場合に不快感情を生じた。また,男性,女性の両被験者において,性別判断の結果に最も影響を及ぼしたのは,メール文における顔文字の有無であった。This study examined the influence of e-mail senders' gender on recipients' emotional aspects using university students, and it is twofold consisting of Experiments I and II. In Experiment I, the authors analyzed the emotional elements related to the e-mail readers with revealing the gender of writers. In Experiment II, the subjects were asked to identify the gender of e-mail writers; here further analysis was done on the ways the readers identified the gender of writers and the emotional elements related to the readers under such a condition. The major finding from the two experiments is the possibility of emoticons serving as index for gender identification. Actually, the existence of emoticons in the e-mails affected the subjects' gender identification most significantly regardless of the subjects' gender. In addition, when the subjects felt that the "assumed" gender of a writer suited the content of corresponding e-mail, pleasant/favorable emotions were generated, whereas when they didn't match, unpleasant/unfavorable emotions were caused.