西岡 伸 鳥居 拓馬 楠本 拓矢 松本 渉 和泉 潔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.5, pp.AG16-C_1-10, 2017-09-01 (Released:2017-09-01)

In recent financial market, high frequency traders (HFTs) and dark pools have been increasing their share. Financial analysts have speculated that they might decrease market transparency and malfunction price discovery, and their interaction would make the situation worse.To validate speculations, artificial market simulation is a tool of study by constructing virtual markets on computers. In this research, by constructing an artificial market simulation, we analyzed how the interaction between HFTs and a dark pool impacts on the market efficiency (in the sense of price discovery) of a (lit) stock market. In simulations, two types of trader agents enter the market. A market maker agent, a representative strategy of HFTs, submit orders to the lit market. We analyzed the market maker's interest rate spread, or simply the spread, as a key parameter for their strategy. Stylized trader agents submit orders to either the lit market or the dark pool with some probability given as a parameter.The simulation results suggest that on the condition that market makers have little impact to market pricing (having a large spread), moderate use of dark pools can promote market pricing. On the other hand, on the condition that market makers have big impact to market pricing, excessive use of dark pools can inhibit market pricing, while using dark pools do not have bad influence when the rate of use is not high. On the influence of market makers, our results suggest that the bigger the impact to market pricing (a small spread), the more it can promote market pricing.
前田 忠彦 松本 渉 高田 洋 伏木 忠義 吉川 徹 加藤 直子

松本 渉
情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要 (ISSN:1341156X)
vol.54, pp.81-93, 2022-01-30

松本 渉
情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要 (ISSN:1341156X)
no.41, pp.85-105, 2014-08

調査を複数回行う場合や複数の既存の調査の結果を比較して利用しようとする場合,関心のある質問の結果を比較しやすいように同一の質問文を常に使用できるとは限らない.自らの調査の改良のために質問文を改訂する場合もあるし,既存の調査の結果を比較検討する場合,同じ趣旨だが厳密には表現が異なる質問文を用いた調査の結果を利用せざるを得ない場合もある.既存研究の多くは,質問文を変更して結果が大きく変わることを示しているが,そこで示される例は,変更によって結果に影響がでることが理論的に明らかなものが多い.影響が出ることを期待して質問文のワーディングを違えてあるといってもよい.しかし,質問文の改善のためにワーディングや構造をやむをえず修正したような場合では,どの程度の影響があると考えられるのだろうか.本稿では,日本人の国民性調査を含む4つの調査の比較を通じて,質問文のワーディングや構造の変更を行った場合に調査の結果に与える影響の程度について検討した.具体的には,まず相対度数分布の変化という観点から, 4つの調査における似て非なる質問文による結果の類似性を検討した.その結果,ワーディング・時期がほぼ同一で調査条件が似ている調査AとBの間のほかに,モードや構造が大きく異なる調査CとDの間でも度数分布の差が小さく,調査A・Bと調査C・Dの間の方が度数分布に乖離が見られた.これは,改訂する前の質問の回答分布に無回答が多かったためであった.次に,性・年齢・学歴といった項目とともに多重対応分析を行った結果,細かい点では各調査間に異なる特徴がみられるものの,大まかな傾向としては4つの調査の結果の間で共通性があることがうかがえた.以上から,質問文の変更といっても,変更による直接の回答分布への影響よりも無回答による誤差を小さくする場合があることと,属性変数との関連性などの構造的な特徴においては全体的には安定した結果を保つことができる場合があることがわかった.Many previous studies have shown that changes to questions influence results; however the examples at those studies were usually prepared in the hope of proving that the changes will exert a certain effect on the responses. On the other hand, questions used in real comparative surveys often use different wording or structure to minimize the nonresponse error on the results although having essentially the same meaning.This paper addresses influences on the results of the surveys where wording or structure of questions have been changed for the improvement in expression. Specifically, this paper examines the similarity in the relative frequency distribution produced by four surveys that used close but not exactly the same questions, and confirms stable structural feature among the four survey results using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). First, an examination of the distribution revealed that any discrepancy of the distribution was relatively small when the item nonresponse error was small, while it was relatively large when the itemnonresponse error was large even if both wording and structure were the same. Second, MCA showed that there remained rough commonality in the structural feature, such as associations with the demographic variables, among the four surveys despite different expression. Therefore, it was found that modification of the wording and structure of questions can reduce itemnonresponse error rather than directly influence relative distribution of its response, and that rough commonality can be broadly preserved despite such the change.
西岡 伸 鳥居 拓馬 楠本 拓矢 松本 渉 和泉 潔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
vol.32, no.5, pp.AG16-C_1-10, 2017

<p>In recent financial market, high frequency traders (HFTs) and dark pools have been increasing their share. Financial analysts have speculated that they might decrease market transparency and malfunction price discovery, and their interaction would make the situation worse.To validate speculations, artificial market simulation is a tool of study by constructing virtual markets on computers. In this research, by constructing an artificial market simulation, we analyzed how the interaction between HFTs and a dark pool impacts on the market efficiency (in the sense of price discovery) of a (lit) stock market. In simulations, two types of trader agents enter the market. A market maker agent, a representative strategy of HFTs, submit orders to the lit market. We analyzed the market maker's interest rate spread, or simply the spread, as a key parameter for their strategy. Stylized trader agents submit orders to either the lit market or the dark pool with some probability given as a parameter.The simulation results suggest that on the condition that market makers have little impact to market pricing (having a large spread), moderate use of dark pools can promote market pricing. On the other hand, on the condition that market makers have big impact to market pricing, excessive use of dark pools can inhibit market pricing, while using dark pools do not have bad influence when the rate of use is not high. On the influence of market makers, our results suggest that the bigger the impact to market pricing (a small spread), the more it can promote market pricing.</p>
吉野 諒三 松本 渉 林 文 山岡 和枝 鄭 躍軍 佐々木 正道 林 文 山岡 和枝 佐々木 正道 鄭 躍軍 前田 忠彦 土屋 隆裕
