橋本 ゆかり 髙井 舞 中村 衣里 松浦 寿喜
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.23, no.3, pp.113-117, 2016 (Released:2016-12-22)

In recent years, many medical institutions have begun using water-soluble dietary fiber (WSDF) as a deglutition aid to improve oral medication compliance. WSDF has been reported to adsorb carbohydrates and lipids, and lower blood levels of glucose and lipids. Thus, dietary fiber could potentially adsorb drugs in a similar manner, thereby decreasing the amount of a drug absorbed and attenuating its efficacy. In the present study, we used the ultrafiltration method to assess the drug adsorption of three types of WSDFs with different physicochemical properties. Each WSDF was incubated with the various drugs in a 37ºC thermostatic bath for 10, 30, 60, 120, 240, and 360 minutes and then subjected to ultrafiltration to elute the unadsorbed drug, which was measured by HPLC. Glucomannan showed higher drug adsorption than the other types of WSDF. The adsorption of atorvastatin calcium hydrate to glucomannan and pectin was about 60%, which showed almost no change from 10 to 360 minutes after the start of incubation. On the other hand, the adsorption to xanthan gum was increased from 22% at 10 minutes to 47% at 360 minutes. The present results demonstrate that there are cases of time-dependent increases in drug adsorption depending on the WSDF and drug combination.
中村 衣里 上田 友佳子 橋本 ゆかり 和田 宏美 松浦 寿喜
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.21, no.3, pp.163-168, 2014-12-24 (Released:2017-01-27)

The present study compared differently grades of powdered green tea (matcha) in order to clarify the relationship of matcha grade with their chemical constituents and functionality. The inhibitory effects of matcha on intestinal absorption of sucrose were examined in rats using portal cannulae. The contents of theanine, arginine and glutamic acid showed positive correlations with the quality of matcha. On the other hand, comparison of the catechin contents of differently grades of matcha revealed negative correlations between the quality of matcha and EGC, EC and EGCG content. Functionality was determined based on the duration of glucose absorption inhibition following matcha intake in portal vein-cannulated rats. Comparison between the high quality and low quality of matcha revealed a significantly reduced blood glucose concentration was observed with the low quality matcha as compared with the high quality of matcha, confirming glucose absorption inhibition. In the present study, we have shown that the relationship of quality of matcha with their chemical components and functionality.
木戸 和貴子 吉川 友佳子 中村 衣里 橋本 ゆかり 戸根 瑛美 松浦 寿喜
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.19, no.3, pp.185-190, 2012-12-21 (Released:2017-01-27)

The inhibitory effects against hyperglycemia of "alleged health foods" containing mulberry leaves as an ingredient were compared using an experimental model of digestion and absorption in rats. Rats, after gastric and portal venous catheterization, were continuously fed an aqueous sucrose solution by intragastric administration, and portal venous glucose concentrations were maintained at a constant level. The rats were administered either five types of mulberry leaf tea or three types of mulberry leaf granules, and the time period during which the portal venous glucose concentration showed levels significantly lower than baseline, i.e., the duration of the inhibitory effect on hyperglycemia, was compared. The results showed that although all of these health foods demonstrated an inhibitory effect against hyperglycemia, a comparison of the efficacy based on the duration of this inhibitory effect revealed large disparities among the products, of a magnitude of 17-fold among the mulberry leaf teas and 11-fold among the granular mulberry leaf products. This discrepancy in the efficacy of these types of products could not be discerned by analogy based on the label or the ingredients described on the product. Although alleged health foods are ordinary foods, and efficacy is not demanded, a uniform level of quality assurance is necessary, given that the general consumer purchases these products in expectation of a certain level of effect.
松浦 寿喜 吉川 友佳子 升井 洋至 佐野 満昭
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.124, no.4, pp.217-223, 2004-04-01 (Released:2004-03-27)
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The inhibitory effects on the intestinal digestion and absorption of sugar of health teas that claim beneficial dietary and diabetes-controlling effects were compared in rats using portal cannulae. The measured durations were the times during which the elevation of portal glucose levels resulting from continuous intragastric infusion of sucrose or maltose was suppressed by concentrated teas. The teas investigated included salacia oblonga, mulberry, guava, gymunema, taheebo, yacon, and banaba. The duration of the inhibitory effect on the sucrose load of salacia oblonga, mulberry, and guava were 110 min, 20 min, and 10 min, respectively. In contrast, gymunema, taheebo, yacon, and banaba had no significant effect on the continuous infusion of sucrose. These results suggest that there is considerable difference in the efficacy of commercial health teas in influencing glucose absorption.
内田 三香子 村上 亜由美 松浦 寿喜 市川 富夫
武庫川女子大学紀要. 自然科学編 (ISSN:09163123)
vol.44, pp.35-41, 1996

本研究は,生体内酵素においての水解活性が極めて低いとされるトレハロースに注目し,ラットのカルシウム吸収に及ぼす影響を検討した.1)in vitroでのラット小腸アセトン粉末による糖の消化分解性を検討した.37℃3時間反応ではトレハロースはシュクロース同様,殆どが消化分解された.ラクトースでは15%しか消化されなかった.2)5週齢SD系雄ラットを1群6匹の3群に分け,15%シュクロース飼料,15%ラクトース飼料,15%トレハロース飼料でそれぞれ23日間飼育後解剖した.飼育期間中に2回の出納実験を行い,カルシウム吸収に及ぼす影響を検討した.解剖時には臓器および大腿骨を摘出し,盲腸については盲腸内pHおよび盲腸内揮発性脂肪酸量を定量し,大腿骨についてはカルシウム含有量を測定した.(1)カルシウム吸収率ならびに体内保留率はラクトース群で有意に高くなり,トレハロースによる影響は見られなかった.(2)ラクトース群はシュクロース群,トレハロース群よりも2倍以上もの盲腸重量を産出した.また,ラクトース群は盲腸内pHを有意に低下させ,揮発性脂肪酸量は有意に高値を示した.トレハロースはシュクロース同様,差は見られなかった.以上から,トレハロースは小腸内で殆どが消化分解された可能性があり,カルシウム吸収には影響を及ぼさなかったと考えられる.