松田 達郎 Tatsuro MATSUDA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.20, pp.1755-1767, 1964-02

The writer tried to investigate the social life of the wintering party of the 5th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. 1. The relation between the kinds of recreation or play of the wintering members and their working hours was studied. The members having night duty had less kinds of recreation or play than the other members. 2. The words in vogue were recorded and their origins were analysed. It was known that the word in vogue originated mainly from the favorite saying or a slip of the tongue made by a party member. 3. The nickname related to the age of the party member. The youger members were apt to be called frequently by their nicknames. 4. It was recognized that at meals the age of the member and his working hours related to the sitting position at table. The position of the member was generally arranged in the order of the age of the member and it was noted that the position of the member having night duty was not stable. 5. Psychological experiment was tried by food-test. The cakes or confections sufficiently prepared on the table were taken casually by about 45% of party members who happened to be present at tea time.
松田 達郎
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.20, pp.1755-1767, 1964-02

The writer tried to investigate the social life of the wintering party of the 5th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. 1. The relation between the kinds of recreation or play of the wintering members and their working hours was studied. The members having night duty had less kinds of recreation or play than the other members. 2. The words in vogue were recorded and their origins were analysed. It was known that the word in vogue originated mainly from the favorite saying or a slip of the tongue made by a party member. 3. The nickname related to the age of the party member. The youger members were apt to be called frequently by their nicknames. 4. It was recognized that at meals the age of the member and his working hours related to the sitting position at table. The position of the member was generally arranged in the order of the age of the member and it was noted that the position of the member having night duty was not stable. 5. Psychological experiment was tried by food-test. The cakes or confections sufficiently prepared on the table were taken casually by about 45% of party members who happened to be present at tea time.
末岡 茂 田上 高広 堤 浩之 長谷部 徳子 田村 明弘 荒井 章司 山田 隆二 松田 達生 小村 健太朗
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.1, pp.84-101, 2010-02-15 (Released:2010-05-21)
9 8

Quantitatively estimating denudation is generally difficult because it essentially involves the removal and loss of materials in situ. The denudation rate of mountainous areas in Japan has commonly been studied from the volume of sediment in a basin or catchment. Nonetheless, the availability of these methods is constrained spatially by upstream area and temporally by depositional age. In the last few decades, thermochronometric methods that evaluate thermal history using radiometric-dating methods have been used to evaluate the denudation and tectonic history of orogenic belts around the world. The advantages of thermochronometric methods are that we can calculate the denudation rate at each sampling point and that combining multiple methods and/or target minerals enables us to calculate denudation rates in multiple periods. However, thermochronometric methods have been applied to areas with extraordinarily high denudation rates in island arc areas such as Japan. Thus, the effectiveness of thermochronometric methods for estimating denudation rates in island arc areas has not been demonstrated. We applied apatite and zircon fission-track thermochronometry to granitic rock samples collected from outcrops and a borehole to estimate the tectonic history of the Rokko area, southwest Japan. Previous studies suggested that the Rokko Mountains have been uplifted by active faulting along their northern and southern margins during the Rokko movements, a Quaternary tectonic movement in the Kinki district. However, the tectonic history of the Rokko area prior to 1 Ma has not been revealed due to a lack of prevalent geologic markers. We estimated average denudation rates in various periods based on apatite and zircon FT ages and previously reported radiometric ages. We obtained denudation rates at about 0.04-0.10 mm/yr after about 30 Ma, 0.05-0.7 mm/yr during 50-30 Ma, 0.7-4.0 mm/yr during 70-50 Ma. The denudation rate after the deposition of the Kobe Group (36.9-30.4 Ma) is estimated to be in the 0.01-0.1 mm/yr order, while bedrock uplift rate after about 1 Ma is estimated to be about 0.5 mm/yr. Thus, the tectonic activity of the Rokko Mountains area prior to 1 Ma has been relatively low.
松田 達希
法政大学大学院紀要. 情報科学研究科編 = 法政大学大学院紀要. 情報科学研究科編 (ISSN:24321192)
no.11, pp.1-6, 2016-03-24

This paper describes a query language and a complex event processing (CEP) system over multiple continuous XML data streams. First, multiple stream processing is formulated in algebraic expressions for stream filtering, union, activation, decomposition and partition. Next, a query language, called QLMXS, over XML streams is defined on all functions of the algebraic models in an SQL-like form. Finally, a CEP system is proposed for processing QLMXS queries. The performance of the system is dominated by parsing XML documents and finding specific sequences of events. The former is resolved by adopting VTD parser, which is a modern XML parser and faster than the traditional technologies of DOM, SAX and StAX. The latter is achieved by a finite state automaton (FSA) that determines the acceptance of the event sequences represented in QLMXS queries. Experimental results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed QLMXS system becomes 1.7 times faster than the previous implementation which used the StAX parser and the visibly pushdown automaton (VPA) as cores of the analytical engines.
松田 達郎 Tatsuro MATSUDA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.31, pp.87-93, 1968-03

The experimental cultivation of vegetables was carried out at Syowa Station by the wintering party of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. Vegetables were cultivated in the room, using an artificial light and chemical fertilizer, with artificial soil or with sand taken from the vicinity of Syowa Station. Radish was the main species of cultivated vegetables and the cultivation was continued throughout the wintering season. The fresh vegetables gave variety to daily meals, but a more important fact was that the wintering party members very much enjoyed growing plants in such a barren environment.
松田 達也

(1)粒子法による津波-構造物-支持地盤連成解析手法の開発および拡張 : 粒子法のひとつであるSPH法を用いて、津波・海岸構造物・海底地盤の力学的相互作用に着目した、大変形問題に適用可能な解析手法の開発および拡張を行った。津波浸透による支持地盤の強度低下に加え、越流水塊により支持地盤の状態変化を考慮して安定性を検討した結果、越流および浸透により地盤内に過剰間隙水圧が発生し、支持地盤表層付近で液状化に似た状態となることがわかった。この現象により、支持地盤の強度低下に伴って支持力の不安定化が3割増加することを明らかとした。また、地盤の大変形と破壊後の剥離・接触問題へと適応可能な解析手法の開発を試み、防波堤構造が津波外力を受けて、防波堤が大きく滑動する様子や防波堤がマウンドにめり込む様子が再現可能となった。(2)海岸構造物における耐震・耐津波化に向けた抜本的対策工法の考察 : 本研究により明らかとなった混成堤の被害メカニズムより、抜本的な耐震・耐津波化対策として既存の液状化対策を施すことが有用であると考えた。そこで、液状化対策工法と期待できる効果に分類した。特に、構造条件は新設および既設に分け、地盤改良については改良効果ごとに分類した。また、ケーソンの滑動および転倒に対して対策効果が想定される抑え盛土およびアンカー、洗掘防止策として被覆工にっいても対策工法として示した。各工法にっいて破壊制御設計の概念を踏まえた上で、より有用な対策手法について検討した。(3)性能設計に向けた現行の設計を援用した設計チャート : 地震動レベル1や発生頻度の高い津波に対しては、これまでの設計手法により構造物の安定性を検討することが十分可能である。地震+津波については従来と同様に動的判定を行い、地震動・液状化による構造変形を考慮した形状に津波外力を作用させて安定性を検証するという従来の設計法を援用する方法と地震動・液状化によって損傷した地盤に津波の波力・越流・浸透の作用を連続的に検討する方法の二通りの検討チャートを設けた。
松田 達郎
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.84, 1985-03

みずほ基地(昭和基地より270km南東氷床上)の維持のために, 燃料や食糧などの物資を積んだそりを2-4台けん引した雪上車隊が, 年に2回以上往復旅行をする。往復旅行を春夏季, 秋冬季に分けて実際にかかった日数を算出し, 第11次観測隊(1970)から第23次観測隊(1982)までを比較した。冬は気温が低く, ブリザードなど悪天候が多く人間生存の限界と思われる環境になる。したがって夏季より冬季の所要日数が多くなってくる。次に, 各隊の平均往復日数を比較すると, 全体的にみて, 近年になるにしたがい早くなっている。それは道路標識の確立, ルートについて詳細な伝承がなされていることが一つの要因である。しかし, 第13次から第19次観測隊頃まではその速度はかえって遅くなっているが, その後急に早くなっている。それは雪上車の型式を新しいものにするまで, 旧型のしかも中古車を修理しつつ使用しなければならなかったことに原因がある。第21次観測隊からはレーダーも使用されるようになり, ますます早くなっている。以上, 雪上車旅行行動を分析し, 人々の伝承, 天候, 使用する道具によって往復の速度が変動していることを示した。