小畠 翼 林 容市 高見 京太
スポーツパフォーマンス研究 (ISSN:21871787)
vol.15, pp.388-400, 2023 (Released:2023-12-07)

本研究では,中学生年代の陸上競技の中・長距離種目の競技者を対象に,3000 m 走Time Trial(以下,TT)に向けた7 日間のテーパリングを実施し,テーパリング開始から4 日目または6 日目というタイミングで1000 m走の刺激練習を実施した場合の3000 m走タイムおよび心理的な疲労の変化を比較した.刺激練習を3000 m 走の自己最高タイムの110%の強度で実施した結果,テーパリング期間の4 日目または6 日目に刺激練習を行っても,その後に実施した3000 m 走TT タイムには有意な差異は認められなかった.また,テーパリング期間の4 日目または6 日目に刺激練習を行っても気分プロフィール検査(POMS2)で測定した3000 m 走TT 当日の疲労尺度の得点が,テーパリング初日と比較して,有意に小さい値を示していた.これらから,中学生年代の競技者が,7 日間のテーパリングの中で4 日目または6 日目に刺激練習を行っても,TT 実施日には心理的な疲労度に差がなく,走パフォーマンスを維持できる可能性が示唆された.そのため,個人の疲労度などに応じて刺激練習の実施タイミングを柔軟に決定する必要性が示唆された.
林 容市 岡野 亮太 平林 正晴 片山 靖富 沼尾 成晴 松尾 知明 中田 由夫 田中 喜代次
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.2, pp.197-206, 2008-04-01 (Released:2008-08-13)

The aim of this study was to examine a weight reduction program and residual effects, through confirming the relationship between changes in the morphological and psychological indices including personality and self-efficacy (SE) of the participants. Twenty-five middle-aged women were divided into two groups based on type of weight reduction program intervention. Thirteen women participated in a 3-month diet-only weight reduction program (DO group, 53.3±7.4 yr), and 12 women took part in a 3-month diet and aerobic exercise program (DE group, 48.3±9.6 yr). After the programs, the compatibility score of personality in the DO group was negatively correlated to SE that is indicated as confidence in ability to maintain decreased body weight at 2, 3, and 4 years after the program (r=-0.69, -0.58, and -0.60). It can be seen that personality has an effect on the results of the DO group weight reduction program. Additionally, despite a significant decrease in body-weight and %fat in both groups, only the change of %fat significantly correlated with SE. On the basis of these correlations, the changes of %fat that related to the movability perception of body movements has a greater effect on SE after the program than the information only of weight loss. The results of this study suggest that personality and SE accounted for weight maintenance, and were associated with the results of the weight reduction program.
若田部 舜 林 容市
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.20070, (Released:2021-01-15)

The purpose of this study was to compare the ability to control elbow joint angle in imposed external load condition and in no load condition, and to provide fundamental data for the ability to control elbow joint angle that imposed external load. Fourteen male college students (21 .4 ± 0 0.7 yr s) participated in the experiment experiment. The participantparticipants attempted to flex their elbow to a target angle with their eyes closed closed, with and without external load load. Under the external load condition condition, 6 levels of external load starting at 10 %1RM with 10 10% increments up to 60 60%1RM were applied applied. The target angles were 15º , 30º , 45º , 60º , and 90º . We calculated the difference between the target angle and actual joint angle angle. As a result, r egardless of the external load load, participant s we re able to control their elbow joint angl e at the stages of target angles angles. They were able to grade their elbow joint angle angle. In target 15º , the absolute error was bigger than in the target 30º . %iEMG of biceps and triceps were smaller as target angles became bigger bigger, and %iEMG were bigger as external loads became bigger bigger. It was suggested that external load could not influence on the ability to control elbow joint angle.