田中 喜代次 中田 由夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.3, pp.209-212, 2017-06-01 (Released:2017-05-17)

Most people who go to fitness clubs or sports gyms for weight control, and many co-medicals and physicians believe that an increase in muscle mass and/or basal metabolic rate (BMR) is possible through a combination of regular exercise and optimal protein intake during weight loss. This seems a myth, and the reasons are discussed in this article. First, muscle mass is quite difficult to quantify. The limitations of body composition measurement should be well understood. Second, increasing muscle mass during weight loss is difficult. This might be attained through strict implementation of a protein-rich, low-carbohydrate diet; high-intensity resistance training; and aerobic exercise for a long duration. However, such a strict regimen is not feasible for most people. Finally, a 1-kg increase in muscle mass corresponds to an increase of only 13 kcal of BMR per day. Thus, an increase in muscle mass of 1 kg is difficult to achieve, while the gained BMR is approximately equivalent to a decrease of 13.5 kcal of BMR according to a 3-kg decrease of adipose tissue. Weight loss, unless through an extremely sophisticated weight control program, contributes to a decrease in BMR. However, it is an accomplished fact that women with significantly less muscle mass and lower BMR live longer than men with more muscle mass and higher BMR, regardless of ethnicity. Maintaining activities of daily living and daily activity function might be more essential.
中野 聡子 奥野 純子 深作 貴子 堀田 和司 藪下 典子 根本 みゆき 田中 喜代次 柳 久子
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.42, no.6, pp.511-518, 2015-10-20 (Released:2015-10-20)

【目的】介護予防教室参加者の運動継続にかかわる要因を明らかにし,効果的に支援する方法を示すこと。【方法】介護予防教室に参加した65 歳以上の高齢者309 名を対象とし,基本属性,身体機能,社会参加,心理的要因の質問紙調査と,5 m 歩行等の身体機能を測定した。統計学的検討は運動状況別に3 群に分類し比較した。さらに運動継続の有無を従属変数とした多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った。【結果】運動状況による3 群間の比較では社会参加等で有意差が見られた。運動継続には運動の生活パターンへの組みこみ(OR: 10.04, 95% CI: 3.36–30.03),何回か休んでも再開する自信(以下,Re-SE)(OR: 2.36, 95% CI: 1.26–4.42)等が関連していた。【結論】介護予防教室参加者が運動を継続するためには,運動を生活パターンに組みこむような行動プランの提示と,Re-SE を高めることが重要であることが明らかとなった。
高松 薫 石井 直方 田中 喜代次 後藤 一成

田中 喜代次 中田 由夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.3, pp.209-212, 2017

<p>Most people who go to fitness clubs or sports gyms for weight control, and many co-medicals and physicians believe that an increase in muscle mass and/or basal metabolic rate (BMR) is possible through a combination of regular exercise and optimal protein intake during weight loss. This seems a myth, and the reasons are discussed in this article. First, muscle mass is quite difficult to quantify. The limitations of body composition measurement should be well understood. Second, increasing muscle mass during weight loss is difficult. This might be attained through strict implementation of a protein-rich, low-carbohydrate diet; high-intensity resistance training; and aerobic exercise for a long duration. However, such a strict regimen is not feasible for most people. Finally, a 1-kg increase in muscle mass corresponds to an increase of only 13 kcal of BMR per day. Thus, an increase in muscle mass of 1 kg is difficult to achieve, while the gained BMR is approximately equivalent to a decrease of 13.5 kcal of BMR according to a 3-kg decrease of adipose tissue. Weight loss, unless through an extremely sophisticated weight control program, contributes to a decrease in BMR. However, it is an accomplished fact that women with significantly less muscle mass and lower BMR live longer than men with more muscle mass and higher BMR, regardless of ethnicity. Maintaining activities of daily living and daily activity function might be more essential.</p>
重松 良祐 中垣内 真樹 岩井 浩一 藪下 典子 新村 由恵 田中 喜代次
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.2, pp.173-186, 2007-03-10 (Released:2007-06-21)
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To encourage older adults to participate in exercise, it is important for self-governing bodies to divide them into subgroups according to exercise habit and to determine facts such as what they think about exercise and what type of programs would help them most. In Japan, however, few such schemes have been reported. This study aimed to clarify the process of ascertaining the characteristics of older adults and to establish a challenging means of encouraging continued exercise. The eligible study population was all residents aged 65-69 years living in Isobe town, Mie Prefecture, Japan (n = 675) , 460 (68.1%) responded to our questionnaire during a two-month period (November-December) in 2003. The respondents were divided into subgroups according to exercise frequency: those exercising twice a week or more (21.1%, Group A) , once a week (6.3%, Group B) , once or twice a month (7.6%, Group C) , and no exercise (65.0%, Group D) . Group A exercised because they believed they became healthier or achieved an improved fitness level. Group B undertook exercise as they regarded rapport as important, i.e. making friends at group exercise classes. To the question “Why don't you exercise?” Group C noted the lack of an exercise companion, and Group D noted low motivation. From the responses to “What type of approaches do you look for so that you might start exercise?” Group C suggested approaches such as an invitation to join an exercise class, or an introduction to an exercise instructor, and Group D suggested an exercise program that they could perform at home. Based on these results, a challenge for each group was established: to maintain the exercise frequency (Group A) , to increase awareness of the effects of exercise (Group B) , to participate more in group exercise sessions (Group C) , and to experience an easy-to-use home exercise program (Group D) . Future research is required to ascertain the effects of such challenges on exercise habit in older adults.
武田 紘平 田中 喜代次 麻見 直美 沼田 治 笹井 浩行 武政 徹
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.3, pp.199-205, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-05-13)

Mitochondria activation factor (MAF) which is high-molecular weight polyphenol contained in black tea and oolong tea can increase the mitochondrial membrane potential. MAF supplementation to mice facilitates endurance running performance after 9-week endurance training and muscle hypertrophy induced by synergist ablation. In this study, we examined the effect of oral MAF supplementation on overall physical fitness (expressed as physical fitness age) in physically active middle-aged and older women. This study is a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial implemented between January and May 2019 at three fitness facilities in Ibaraki, Japan. Seventy middle-aged women aged 55 to 69 years were randomly assigned into placebo (n = 35) and MAF groups (n = 35). The placebo participants took cornstarch-containing capsules, and the MAF participants took MAF-containing capsules twice a day for 80 days consecutively. During the intake period, all participants were instructed to follow 30-min circuit training program at least twice a week. Physical fitness age was computed with eight physical fitness items assessing upper-extremity muscle strength, locomotion, and postural change. The physical fitness age decreased by 1.48 years (95% confidence interval [CI]: -2.66, -0.30) in the placebo group and 3.01 years (95% CI: -4.16, -1.86) in the MAF group. The reduction was greater in the MAF group, but did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.06). The combination of 80-day of MAF intake and circuit exercise showed beneficial results. However, our results did not indicate clear effects on physical fitness age because of low statistical power. Further studies are necessary to reveal the effects of MAF supplementation.
竹島 伸生 小林 章雄 田中 喜代次 新畑 茂充 渡辺 丈真 鷲見 勝博 鈴木 雅裕 小村 堯 宮原 満男 上田 一博 加藤 孝之
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.38, no.5, pp.197-207, 1989-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究は, 中高年ランナーに対して自転車エルゴメーター作業を負荷することにより, LTおよびall-out時でのVo2, HR, SBP, DBPを測定し, これらの加齢変化やトレーニング内容などとの関係について検討した.その結果は, 次のように要約できる.1.身長, 体重, %fat, 体格指数は, 年代間で有意な差は認められず, すべての年代のランナーは類似の痩身体型であった.週当りの走行距離時間, 頻度などは個人差が大きいが, 平均値でみると年代間に有意な差は認められなかった.ランナーとしての経験年数も年代間に有意な差は認めちれなかった.しかし, 加齢に伴い走パフォーマンスは著明に低下した.2.年齢とVo2@LTとの間には有意な相関 (r=-0.686) がみられた.しかし, %Vo2max@LTは, 各年代でほぼ同値であり, 年齢との間に一定の関係は認められなかった.3.年齢とHR@LTとの間には有意な相関がみられたが, %HRmax@LTは%Vo2max@LTと同様に年齢とは無関係であった.4.SBP@LT, DBP@LTについては年代間に有意な差は認められず, 年齢との関係は明らかでなかった.5.加齢による変化は, Vo2@LT (0.5ml/kg/min/yr) よりもVo2max (0.7ml/kg/min/yr) の方が大きかった.6.Vo2maxの加齢による変化は, 既報の一般人やランナーと比べて大きかった.しかし, 各年代でのVo2maxは, 一般人に比べ平均で50~60%高く, 例えば70歳代ランナーのVo2maxは一般人の40歳代に相当した.7.Vo2maxとトレーニングの経験年数との間には有意な関係はみられなかったが, ランナーとしてのトレーニング開始年齢とVo2maxとの間には, 有意な相関が認められた.8.HRmaxは, Vo2maxと同様に加齢による低下を示し, 同性同年代の一般人と比べて有意差はみられなかった.9.推定HRmaxと実測したHRmaxとの間には, 有意な相関 (r=0.600) がみられたものの, 個人差が大きく±10拍/分以上の誤差を生じた者が約32%いた.10.SBPmax, DBPmaxは, 年代間で有意な差はみられず, 中高年ランナーにおいては年齢と血圧の関係は明らかでなかった.
奥松 功基 辻本 健彦 若葉 京良 関 晶南 固武 利奈 山内 照夫 平山 智志 小林 裕幸 坂東 裕子 山内 英子 田中 喜代次
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.2, pp.169-176, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-03-16)
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It has been reported that physical fitness of breast cancer patients is relatively lower due to the cancer treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, or endocrine therapy. Previous studies have revealed that not only cardiorespiratory fitness but also muscle strength is lower among breast cancer patients than no disease women and these symptoms may aggravate the health-related quality of life. However, there is no study which has focused the physical fitness level in Japanese breast cancer survivors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical fitness level and the relationship between exercise habituation and physical fitness level in Japanese breast cancer survivors. Fifty breast cancer survivors participated in this study. Participants were assigned to either exercise habituation group (n=25) or non-exercise group (n=25). We evaluated exercise habituation using an original questionnaire and examined various physical fitness level. Body weight, body mass index, and percent body fat were significantly lower in the exercise habituation group than non-exercise group. T-score of cardiorespiratory fitness was significantly higher in the exercise habituation group than average Japanese women. These results suggested that exercise habituation is relative to body weight and cardiorespiratory fitness level in Japanese breast cancer survivors.
前田 清司 樽味 孝 田中 喜代次 山縣 邦弘 小崎 恵生

継続的な高強度の持久性運動トレーニングは、身体(臓器)に様々な構造的・機能的な適応を引き起こす(スポーツ心臓など)。しかし、日頃から高強度の持久性運動トレーニングを実施している持久性アスリートの腎臓について詳しく調べた研究はこれまでに存在せず、高強度持久性運動トレーニングが腎臓にとって“善”か“悪”かは不明である。そこで本研究では、高強度持久性運動トレーニングに伴う腎臓の生理的適応を核磁気共鳴画像法(MRI: magnetic resonance imaging)を用いて探索することを目的とし、「スポーツ腎臓」という新しい概念を提唱することを目指す。
田中 喜代次
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.6, pp.679-694, 2000-11-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
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Cardiorespiratory fitness or cardiorespiratory endurance fitness(CREF) refers to the ability of the body to sustain prolonged, rhythmical exercise. The great interest over the last several decades in the importance of CREF stems from a series which report that endurance exercise performance is highly correlated to maximal oxygen uptake (VO_2max) and oxygen uptake at which systematic changes in lactate(LT:lactate threshold) and/or respiratory gas exchange measurements (VT:ventilatory threshold) occur as a result of an elevated metabolic acidosis. LT and VT have been used interchangeably with anaerobic threshold(AT) by a number of researches. VO_2max is the highest rate of oxygen uptake attainable for a given form of maximal or exhaustive ergometry. VO_2AT was first defined by Wasserman et al.(1973) as the level of oxygen uptake, above which aerobic energy production is supplemented by anaerobic mechanisms. In recent years, accumulative epidemiologic research results suggest that low levels of CREF, as represented by VO_2max or VO_2AT, are associated with increased risk of such chronic diseases as coronary artery disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and several forms of cancer. Thus, from both human performance and health status perspectives, the importance of assessing CREF is very clear. However, direct measurement of CREF requires considerable expense in terms of high-quality equipment and well-trained exercise testing personnel. Close approximation of CREF using standardized exercise testing protocols also requires specialized equipment and trained personnel. Therefore, various combinations of critical factors that may be predictive of CREF have been used to accurately assess VO_2max and/or VO_2AT. Indirect assessment of VO_2max and VO_2AT, using self-perceived intensity(RPE:ratings of perceived exertion) and power output during submaximal cycling exercise as independent variables, is useful when large numbers of subjects are tested. The 12-min walk test at an intensity of RFE 13 also has high potential as a substitute for direct measurement. This manuscript summarizes the scientific rationale and reviews the critical findings of various researches in the area of CREF Measurement.
松尾 知明 蘇 リナ 田中 喜代次 甲斐 裕子

飯田 路佳 江藤 幹 大須賀 洋祐 辻本 健彦 清野 諭 大久保 善郎 大山卞 圭悟 田中 喜代次
公益社団法人 日本女子体育連盟
日本女子体育連盟学術研究 (ISSN:18820980)
vol.33, pp.19-27, 2017 (Released:2017-05-18)

本研究の目的は,体力測定や生理・生化学的指標から得られる 「活力年齢」 に着目し,中高年女性におけるリズム系運動がどのような健康増進効果をもたらすかについて,①BMIが25kg/m2以上の対象者(以下肥満群),②BMIが25kg/m2未満で明らかな疾患がない対象者(以下一般群),③リズム系運動習慣者(以下ダンサー群)の3群間において,活力年齢およびその構成要素を比較することにより,リズム系運動習慣者の健康体力水準の違いを明らかにすることとした。活力年齡は包括的健康度の指標として,健康と体力に関連する多項目(全身持久性体力,敏捷性,バランス,血圧,血中脂質,腹囲,肺機能など)から推定される。対象は,肥満群(平均年齢62.0±3.9歳)24名,一般群(平均年齢62.4±4.8歳)28名,およびダンサー群(平均年齢63.8±5.3歳)21名であった。ダンサー群の活力年齢(54.5±7.4歳)は,肥満群(67.6±4.6歳)および一般群(62.6±8.1歳)よりも有意に良好な値を示した(P<0.05)。このことから,長年にわたり日常的に,ダンスに代表されるリズム系運動を中心とした身体活動を継続していくことの有益性が認められた。
田中 喜代次 吉村 隆喜
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.3, pp.285-288, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-05-12)
1 1
林 容市 岡野 亮太 平林 正晴 片山 靖富 沼尾 成晴 松尾 知明 中田 由夫 田中 喜代次
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.2, pp.197-206, 2008-04-01 (Released:2008-08-13)

The aim of this study was to examine a weight reduction program and residual effects, through confirming the relationship between changes in the morphological and psychological indices including personality and self-efficacy (SE) of the participants. Twenty-five middle-aged women were divided into two groups based on type of weight reduction program intervention. Thirteen women participated in a 3-month diet-only weight reduction program (DO group, 53.3±7.4 yr), and 12 women took part in a 3-month diet and aerobic exercise program (DE group, 48.3±9.6 yr). After the programs, the compatibility score of personality in the DO group was negatively correlated to SE that is indicated as confidence in ability to maintain decreased body weight at 2, 3, and 4 years after the program (r=-0.69, -0.58, and -0.60). It can be seen that personality has an effect on the results of the DO group weight reduction program. Additionally, despite a significant decrease in body-weight and %fat in both groups, only the change of %fat significantly correlated with SE. On the basis of these correlations, the changes of %fat that related to the movability perception of body movements has a greater effect on SE after the program than the information only of weight loss. The results of this study suggest that personality and SE accounted for weight maintenance, and were associated with the results of the weight reduction program.
田中 喜代次 大山卞 圭悟 根来 宏光 和久 夏衣 三輪 好生
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.3, pp.287-292, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-05-10)

Pelvic floor trauma developing into pelvic frailty is a significant concern in urogynecology or orthopedics. The majority of women who have experienced vaginal childbirth are affected, to a certain extent, by some form of pelvic floor damage, thereby eliciting substantial alterations of functional anatomy in the pelvic cavity which are manifested as urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse (e.g., uterine prolapse). With the above in mind, medical researchers, continence experts, and continence exercise practitioners in the research areas of sports medicine and rehabilitation medicine believe that the coordinated activity of pelvic floor muscles, in association with the abdominal muscles, is a prerequisite for urinary and defecatory continence. Since the pelvic floor forms the base of the abdominal cavity, stronger pelvic floor muscles are crucial in maintaining such capabilities. Opposing action of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles ensures that exercises for one may also strengthen the other. Appropriate abdominal maneuverability or logical exercise training of the abdominal muscles may thus be beneficial in maintaining not only strength but also coordination, flexibility, and endurance of pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles. Such exercises, collectively known as pelvic floor muscle training, may be effective for long-term pelvic cavity care and also in rehabilitating cases of pelvic floor dysfunction. Further research is needed, however, in determining whether pelvic floor muscle function can be truly enhanced or maintained by such exercises in cases of pelvic floor dysfunction and/or decreased urinary continence.
大須賀 洋祐 鄭 松伊 金 泰浩 大久保 善郎 金 ウンビ 田中 喜代次
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.4, pp.407-418, 2015-08-01 (Released:2015-07-27)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an exercise intervention for older married couples on exercise adherence and physical fitness. Thirty-six older married couples and 61 older adults participated in the study as couple and non-couple groups (CG, NCG, respectively). Participants attended an exercise class once a week and performed a home-based exercise program consisting of walking and strength exercise over eight weeks. Exercise adherence was assessed by the rate of non-absentee, walking habits (≥ 2 times/week), and strength exercise habits (≥ 6 items*2 sets/week). Physical fitness was assessed by the Senior Fitness Tests. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to obtain the CG’s odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for non-absentee, walking habits, and strength exercise habits (reference: NCG). Analyses of covariance were used to examine the statistical difference in the degree of change (⊿) for physical fitness between CG and NCG. CG had significantly higher ORs for non-absentee and walking habits compared with NCG but there was no significant difference in the rate of strength exercise habits between the two groups. In regards to ⊿ for physical fitness, significantly higher ⊿ for upper extremity strength was observed in CG than in NCG, while there were no significant differences in ⊿ for other physical fitness items between the two groups. These results suggest that an exercise intervention for older married couples would be more useful to maintain higher participation in exercise program and walking and improving upper extremity strength.
田中 喜代次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.71_1-71_1, 2016

<p> 日本人の平均寿命が90年の間に男女とも約2倍に延伸し、2016年のWHO発表によると女性86.8歳(世界1位)、男性80.5歳(世界6位)となっている。また、2000年から2015年にかけて世界の平均寿命が5年も長くなっているらしい。寿命の延伸やスポーツ人口の増加とともに、高齢者がlife enjoyment目的や健康増進目的で運動・スポーツに勤しむケースが格段に増えてきている。従来では、心不全、腎不全、肝疾患などに対しては運動を控える指示が出ていたが、最近では推奨される例が多い。運動の医療的効果が過剰に発信されるせいか、アメリカスポーツ医学会(ACSM)はEIM (= Exercise Is Medicine) とまでプロパガンダするようになっている。</p><p> 今回のシンポジウムでは、ワールドマスターズゲームズ2021組織委員である東直也氏にスポーツライフの真髄について熱く語ってもらう予定である。司会の田中喜代次(筑波大学)は、27年にわたる中高年者(有疾患者)の運動習慣化生活の実態、体力の推移、老化抑制効果などを紹介し、かつ自身のスポーツライフの実態について語る予定である。また、吉中(京都学園大学)は、介護予防(フレイル予防、寝たきり予防)に向けて導入している京都式総合介護予防プログラムとレクリエーションの実際についてプレゼンしていただくこととなっている。</p>
重松 良祐 田中 喜代次 大島 秀武 三村 寛一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.179-187, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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This study was conducted to determine the effect of exercise training in water (water exercise) in sedentary obese women. Twenty-three women, aged 23-58 years (mean±SD 41.7±11.7), partici pated in this study. Any volunteer with diagnosed disease or taking prescribed medication that might influence the outcome of this study was excluded from participation. The women were allocated either to the exercise group (n =15, weight =65.2±12.3 kg, %body fat=39.2±7.0%) or the control group (n = 8, 62.4±8.3 kg, 34.0±2.4%), respectively. The exercise program consisted of dynamic movements for 60 minutes per session, three days per week for 16 weeks. The exercise intensity was set at approximately 65% of the age-related maximal heart rate. The attendance rate on the program was 89.2±3.0%. The body mass and %body fat of the exercise group decreased significantly by 4.7±1.9 kg (P<0.05) and 3.6±2.4% (P<0.01), respectively, compared with the preexercise values. Significant improvements in their aerobic capacity, trunk flexibility and vertical jump (P<0.05) were also observed. Their energy intake and the amount of other daily physical activity remained essentially unchanged throughout the study. No significant changes in any of the parameters measured occurred, in the control group. These findings indicate that water exercise improved the body composition and physical fitness of obese women.