大木 昭男 Teruo OHKI 桜美林大学『国際学レヴュー』 Obirin University Obirin Review of International Studies
国際学レヴュー = The Review of international studies (ISSN:09162690)
vol.18, pp.7-24, 2006-03-31

With regard to the Russian "figure of mother and son", you probably remember first of all the icon of the Holy Mother and Son. It is a symbol of love, and is connected with the image of Christian salvation. Gorky's novel "The Mother" exists as the typical classic of Russian literature, in which is described the figure of the mother and son. This is connected to the image of the socialist revolution. In this paper I will focus on the figure of the mother and son in Valentin Rasputin's latest story "Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother" and consider its significance. In the last scene of his short story "In the hospital" (1995) are quoted a few words of the song "Holy Rus' is inviting" written by father Roman: Bom, bom, bom-Where are on earth, Russian sons, Bom, bom, bom-Why did you forget Mother? Bom, bom, bom-Was it not you in this melody, that went to die in the steps of the parade? "Russian sons" and "Mother" in this song come out as a new unique 21st century Russian literary type in Rasputin's story "Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother".
鷹木 恵子 Keiko Takaki 桜美林大学 Obirin University
国際学レヴュー = The Review of international studies (ISSN:09162690)
vol.1, pp.77-97, 1989-04-25

This study is a part of Research Project entitled "Cultural fusion and cultural conflict in the Gulf" sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Japan. The field-work was carried out in Dubai, The United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) during July and August, 1987. U.A.E., like the other Gulf countries, has undergone drastic socio-economical changes since oil exploitation started. The huge oil money income has brought not only economic changes but also socio-structural and cultural changes due mainly to the number of foreign migrant workers. They have been immigrating to this area in response to the needs of manpower in the process of socio-economic development. In this paper, the topic of cultural fusion and cultural conflict is surveyed by focusing on the migrant workers in Dubai. Interviews with the migrant workers were conducted and their motivation for immigration to U.A.E., their impressions about life in Dubai, their daily problems, and their perspectives for the future were examined. After carrying out this preliminary research, we came to a tentative counclusion contrary to our original supposition. In spite of the co-existence of many different ethnic groups of migrant workers in Dubai, cultural fusion and cultural conflict are not occuring as much as we had expected. For the foreign migrant workers, economic and working conditions and creation of a new social-network in Dubai are the central issues of concern and have greater importance than cultural assimilation, such as learning the Islamic way of life or the Arabic language. The creation of a social network, in a way, functions as a strategy for resolving their daily problems and for adaptation to the life in U.A.E. without major modification of their own cultual background.
金 永洙 Yongzhu JIN 桜美林大学国際学研究科 Graduate School of International Studies J. F. Oberlin University
桜美林経営研究 = The J. F. Oberlin journal of business management studies (ISSN:21860173)
vol.1, pp.67-82, 2011-03-20

トヨタは1960年代からASEANでKD生産を行い、現在は既にASEANで域内相互補完体制が構築されている。また、1980年代より米国で本格的な現地生産をはじめ、1990年代は現地生産を欧州にも広げた。トヨタとサプライヤー間の長期安定な取引関係とハイレベルの協力関係はトヨタの海外生産にも共同進出する形で延長されている。一方、中国での本格的な乗用車の量産は、2002年より天津で開始された。完成車に限定するとトヨタは現在中国で2つの中国現地パートナーと3つの合弁会社、4つの生産拠点を持ち、16車種を生産している。日本国内で数十年をかけて築き上げたトヨタの生産ネットワークは中国でどのように構築されているのか。本稿はこの基本問題を追いながら、トヨタの中国進出と現地生産ネットワークの構築状況を分析する。トヨタはこれまで中国で9社の内製部品拠点で生産開始した他、8社のグループ企業と149社のグループ外協豊会メンバー企業が中国進出し、協豊会メンバー企業全体の73.0%の157社が現地生産し、465の中国現地生産拠点を設置している。ジャスト・イン・タイム(JIT:Just In Timeの略)方式で自動車を生産しているトヨタにとって、直接部品を供給する1次サプライヤーの立地状況は極めて重要な問題で、また現地生産・現地調達主義を重視している完成車生産にとってサプライヤーの進出時期もトヨタの効率的な量産体制の構築を左右する。そのため、本稿では協豊会メンバー企業215社を対象に、中国現地での生産状況を立地選択と完成車生産拠点への集中状況、進出時期を中心に分析し、トヨタの中国現地生産ネットワークの構築状況を明らかにすることを試みる。
農林大臣官房統計課 編
vol.昭和12年版, 1940