内田 育恵 久野 佳也夫 中島 務 柳田 則之
小児耳鼻咽喉科 (ISSN:09195858)
vol.18, no.1, pp.43-46, 1997 (Released:2012-09-24)

A case of intractable juvenile laryngo-tracheal papillomatosis is reported. A 1-year-old girl with hoarseness was referred to our hospital in May,1995. After tracheostomy, she was treated by local injection of interferon (IFN) combined with laser surgery. Recurrent growth of tracheal papillomas was rapid and widespread, and surgical removal was needed to maintain an airway. Surgical treatment was repeated 45 times in 1 year and 7 months. Even with additional systemic administration of IFN therapy, it was hard to control the papilloma. Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 6 was detected in this case. We have presented this case to seek other opinions on more effective therapy.
伊藤 明和 柳田 則之 鈴木 康之 鈴木 浩二 坂堂 正生 田中 八郎 吉田 充治 三宅 弘 丹羽 英人 加藤 通郎
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.72, no.11, pp.1539-1551_2, 1979

1. 臨床的に鼻アレルギーと診断された120症例中脱落26例を除いた94症例について, Gamma globulin を Placebo としてHGの二重盲検法による治験を行い, 著効5症例, 有効18症例, やや有効13症例, 無効11症例の成績を得た. やや有効を有効例に含めた有効率は76.6%, やや有効を無効例に含めた有効率は48.9%で, いずれの場合も Placebo 群の有効率を上回った.<br>2. 鼻症状の改善では, 鼻閉の改善においては有意差が認められなかったが, くしゃみ, 鼻汁の改善および総合鼻症状改善度では有意差が認められた.<br>3. 鼻粘膜所見の改善では, 分泌物の量については有意な改善が認められなかったが, 下甲介腫脹, 色調および総合鼻粘膜所見改善度については有意差が認められた.<br>4. 総合改善度については, 推計学的に明白な有意差が認められた.<br>5. 皮内反応, 誘発反応, 鼻汁中好酸球では両群間の成績に明らかな差はないが, ヒスタミン反応では, H群に有意な改善が認められる.<br>6. 副作用は全例に認められなかった.<br>7. これらの成績からして, 鼻アレルギーに対してHGは十分使用に値する薬剤であると考える.
別府 玲子 服部 琢 喜多村 真弓 柳田 則之
Japan Audiological Society
vol.38, no.1, pp.38-43, 1995-02-28 (Released:2010-04-30)

5歳女児が耳鳴を主訴に来院し, 詳細な問診と検査の結果, 玩具のラッパから発生した強大音による急性音響外傷と診断された。初診時の標準純音聴力検査では中高音域に60-70dBHLの聴力レベルの低下を認め, 直ちにATP, ビタミン剤, ステロイド剤の点滴加療を開始した。聴力レベルは一部回復したものの2kHz, 4kHzに難聴が残り, 耳鳴も不変であった。幼児急性音響外傷は患者が幼児であるが故にその診断や発生の経緯の推定が困難と思われる。今回の症例での主訴は幼児としては珍しい耳鳴であった。幼児の耳鳴と難聴の関係について検討を加えた。また音源の音圧はプローブマイクより5cmの距離で130dB (A) 以上と高く, 急性音響外傷の原因音と充分なりうるものであった。強大音を発生する玩具や音響機器の幼少児に対する危険性についての啓蒙が必要である。
多湖 千晃 柳田 則之 成内 秀雄 落久 保文子 倉田 毅
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.84, no.11, pp.1625-1631, 1991

We investigated the role of immunological mechanisms in sensorineural hearing disorders and the relationship between inner ear and renal pathologies.<br>Controls, and NZB/kl and MRL/lpr strain mice, in which autoimmune disease can be spontaneously induced, were used in this study. The mice were tested for acoustic brain stem response (ABR), cochlear and renal pathology and circulating immune-complexes (CIC) serology, using enzyme immunoassay (ETA). For ABR, click and high frequency tone bursts were used as stimuli. Pathological studies consisted of tissue changes observed following hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and indirect immunofluorescent staining under light microscopy.<br>Compared to controls, hearing was impaired in NZB/kl mice while hearing remained unaffected in MRL/lpr mice. On HE staining, no histological changes were observed in the cochleae of either strain of mice. However, indirect fluorescent staining showed IgG deposits in the stria vascularis in both strains of mice. In both strains, renal pathology consisted of an immune-complex glomerulonephritis. CIC values were significantly higher in MRL/lpr mice, but were not correlated to stria vascular lesions. The lesions in the stria vascularis in the two strains were different, which probably explains the discrepancy in hearing impairment, whereas the lesions in the kidney were similar. NZB/kl mice that had hearing impairment showed severe stria vascular lesions and there was a correlation between the degree of hearing impairment and the severity of stria vascular lesions. However, no correlation was seen between stria vascular and renal lesions and CIC values.<br>These findings suggest that autoimmune mechanisms exist yin the cochlea, mainly in stria vascularis. The NZB/kl mouse can be a useful model of sensorineural hearing disorder secondary to immunological disorders.