杉山 幸丸 渡邊 邦夫 栗田 博之 中道 正之
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
pp.29.011, (Released:2013-12-19)
3 2

Primatology in Japan after the World War II began in the late 1940s with the observation of shy wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) from more than 100 m. Depending on artificial feeding students succeeded to observe macaques within a short distance and identified each individual. Individual identification of calm free-ranging macaques within a short distance made it possible to record individual and social behavior of each identified individual in detail; long-lasting kin-recognition between a mother and her offspring, dominance relations among individuals and kin-groups, and then, social organization. Artificial feeding is a form of semi-experimental manipulation introduced into the wild monkey groups. This paper showed how students contributed to the primate studies under such a condition at Koshima, Takasakiyama and Katsuyama. Some behaviors, particularly cultural ones, were found only in the artificially-fed groups. Some other exceptional or uncommon phenomena or behaviors seen in non-artificially-fed groups were recorded, with many episodes sufficient for statistical analysis at artificially-fed groups. As far as we are cautious that artificial feeding is semi-experimental manipulation on the wild monkey groups, we can find out more about the important nature of human and non-human primates and evolutionary relations of them.
杉山 幸丸 渡邊 邦夫 栗田 博之 中道 正之
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.29, no.2, pp.63-81, 2013

Primatology in Japan after the World War II began in the late 1940s with the observation of shy wild Japanese macaques (<i>Macaca fuscata</i>) from more than 100 m. Depending on artificial feeding students succeeded to observe macaques within a short distance and identified each individual. Individual identification of calm free-ranging macaques within a short distance made it possible to record individual and social behavior of each identified individual in detail; long-lasting kin-recognition between a mother and her offspring, dominance relations among individuals and kin-groups, and then, social organization. Artificial feeding is a form of semi-experimental manipulation introduced into the wild monkey groups. This paper showed how students contributed to the primate studies under such a condition at Koshima, Takasakiyama and Katsuyama. Some behaviors, particularly cultural ones, were found only in the artificially-fed groups. Some other exceptional or uncommon phenomena or behaviors seen in non-artificially-fed groups were recorded, with many episodes sufficient for statistical analysis at artificially-fed groups. As far as we are cautious that artificial feeding is semi-experimental manipulation on the wild monkey groups, we can find out more about the important nature of human and non-human primates and evolutionary relations of them.
杉山 幸丸 栗田 博之 松井 猛 木本 智 江川順子 順子
霊長類研究 Supplement 第28回日本霊長類学会大会
pp.19, 2012 (Released:2013-11-01)

1960年代から1970年代前半にかけて餌付けされた野生ニホンザル(Macaca fuscata)で高頻度に奇形個体が誕生した。多いところでは新生児の40%を超えたという。高崎山でも5%に近づいた。初期には近親交配と人工餌、とくに特定国からの輸入大豆に付着した農薬がその原因として指摘されたが、特定できないままその発生頻度が減少して話題に上らなくなった。しかし減少してもゼロに帰したわけではない。最近5年間の高崎山は0.2%である。私たちは奇形発生が頂点に達した1970年代後半以降の高崎山個体群の資料を中心に、その発生頻度の変化を分析した。奇形児の発生は投与餌量と相関を示した。これは個体数増加の著しい時期とも一致する。しかし総個体数とも出産率とも相関していない。すなわち、高栄養条件で出産率が向上して奇形胎児が流死産せずに誕生したという説は必ずしも適切ではない。最終的な究明にまでは至らなかったが、投与餌が原因として残された。また、多発時にも指摘された遺伝的要因も家系集積の存在からその原因の一部として残された。奇形は雄に多く発生したが統計的な有意差には至らなかった。また多くの奇形が手足とも第4指に圧倒的に多く見られたが、その原因は不明だった。