中嶋 智史 請園 正敏 須藤 竜之介 布井 雅人 北神 慎司 大久保 街亜 鳥山 理恵 森本 裕子 高野 裕治
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.6, pp.603-613, 2020 (Released:2020-02-25)

The 20-item prosopagnosia index (PI20) was developed for assessing congenital prosopagnosia, which is characterized by severe facial recognition deficits in the absence of any obvious neurological deficit. We aimed to develop a Japanese version of the PI20 (PI20-J) scale and evaluate its validity and reliability. In study 1, we confirmed the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity of the scale. In study 2, we examined the relationships between PI20-J score and facial recognition performance and found a moderate correlation between them. In study 3, we examined whether the PI20-J score is related specifically with facial recognition performance, or with general object recognition performance. We found that participants with a high PI20-J score showed weaker facial recognition performance than those with a low PI20-J score. In contrast, the object recognition performance did not depend on the score. Our results suggest that the PI20-J score is related specifically with facial recognition performance. We conclude that PI20-J is highly reliable and valid as a self-reported measure for congenital prosopagnosic traits.
森本 裕子 渡部 幹 楠見 孝
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.2, pp.108-119, 2008

We investigated how differently people punish a free-rider in three experiments. Experiment 1 was conducted to examine how individual levels of trust and self-fairness influence their punishing behavior in a 5-person social dilemma. The results showed that trustful and unfair people, as well as distrustful and fair people, punish a free-rider more. To account for these results, we carried out a vignette-type study in Experiment 2, in which participants rated how likely they were to engage in a variety of punishing behaviors that typically happen in the real world. A factor analysis indicated that people usually assign two different types of meanings to punishing behaviors. One is "Vengeance," which unfair people, regardless of their levels of trust, tend to inflict; the other is "Warning," which tends to be favored by fair people. The results of Experiment 3, another vignette study, showed that observers also consider Vengeance as unfair and Warning fair. These findings imply that participants assigned one of the two meanings to their punishments in Experiment 1 depending on their levels of trust.
大薗 博記 森本 裕子 中嶋 智史 小宮 あすか 渡部 幹 吉川 左紀子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.1, pp.65-72, 2010

How do we come to trust strangers? Previous studies have shown that participants trust smiling faces more than they trust nonsmiling faces. In daily communication, both facial and linguistic information are typically presented simultaneously. In this context, what kind of person will be judged as more trustworthy? In our experiment, 52 individuals participated as donors in a Trust Game involving many partners. Prior to the game, participants were shown photographs of their partners' faces (smiling/nonsmiling) as well as answers to questions indicating their partners' level of trustworthiness (neutral/somewhat trustworthy/trustworthy). Participants then decided how much money to give to each partner. The results showed that more trust was placed in partners providing trustworthy answers than in those providing neutral answers. Smiling female partners were trusted more than nonsmiling female partners. In addition, smiling partners were less trusted than nonsmiling partners only when the answers were trustworthy. These results suggest that individuals displaying too many signs of trustworthiness can actually be viewed with distrust.
中嶋 智史 請園 正敏 須藤 竜之介 布井 雅人 北神 慎司 大久保 街亜 鳥山 理恵 森本 裕子 高野 裕治
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18235, (Released:2019-11-15)

The 20-item prosopagnosia index (PI20) was developed for assessing congenital prosopagnosia, which is characterized by severe facial recognition deficits in the absence of any obvious neurological deficit. We aimed to develop a Japanese version of the PI20 (PI20-J) scale and evaluate its validity and reliability. In study 1, we confirmed the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity of the scale. In study 2, we examined the relationships between PI20-J score and facial recognition performance and found a moderate correlation between them. In study 3, we examined whether the PI20-J score is related specifically with facial recognition performance, or with general object recognition performance. We found that participants with a high PI20-J score showed weaker facial recognition performance than those with a low PI20-J score. In contrast, the object recognition performance did not depend on the score. Our results suggest that the PI20-J score is related specifically with facial recognition performance. We conclude that PI20-J is highly reliable and valid as a self-reported measure for congenital prosopagnosic traits.
大薗 博記 森本 裕子 中嶋 智史 小宮 あすか 渡部 幹 吉川 左紀子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.1, pp.65-72, 2010-08-31 (Released:2017-02-21)

How do we come to trust strangers? Previous studies have shown that participants trust smiling faces more than they trust nonsmiling faces. In daily communication, both facial and linguistic information are typically presented simultaneously. In this context, what kind of person will be judged as more trustworthy? In our experiment, 52 individuals participated as donors in a Trust Game involving many partners. Prior to the game, participants were shown photographs of their partners' faces (smiling/nonsmiling) as well as answers to questions indicating their partners' level of trustworthiness (neutral/somewhat trustworthy/trustworthy). Participants then decided how much money to give to each partner. The results showed that more trust was placed in partners providing trustworthy answers than in those providing neutral answers. Smiling female partners were trusted more than nonsmiling female partners. In addition, smiling partners were less trusted than nonsmiling partners only when the answers were trustworthy. These results suggest that individuals displaying too many signs of trustworthiness can actually be viewed with distrust.
森本 裕子 渡部 幹 楠見 孝
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.2, pp.108-119, 2008-11-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

We investigated how differently people punish a free-rider in three experiments. Experiment 1 was conducted to examine how individual levels of trust and self-fairness influence their punishing behavior in a 5-person social dilemma. The results showed that trustful and unfair people, as well as distrustful and fair people, punish a free-rider more. To account for these results, we carried out a vignette-type study in Experiment 2, in which participants rated how likely they were to engage in a variety of punishing behaviors that typically happen in the real world. A factor analysis indicated that people usually assign two different types of meanings to punishing behaviors. One is "Vengeance," which unfair people, regardless of their levels of trust, tend to inflict; the other is "Warning," which tends to be favored by fair people. The results of Experiment 3, another vignette study, showed that observers also consider Vengeance as unfair and Warning fair. These findings imply that participants assigned one of the two meanings to their punishments in Experiment 1 depending on their levels of trust.
森本 裕子

パニッシュメント(罰)は,「非協力的(不道徳的)な行為を行った相手」に対するものでなければならず,協力的な相手へのパニッシュメントは他者からの信頼を失う(Barclay,2006)。実験ゲーム状況においては,どのような行為を行った相手へのパニッシュメントかが参加者に明示され,これに基づいて行為が判断される。しかしながら,日常生活においては,必ずしもパニッシュメント対象者の行動履歴がはっきりしているとは限らない。そのような場合における他者からの評価を検討するため,以下の2つの研究を実施した。(1)自分以外の参加者のうち誰かが非協力的に(協力的に)ふるまったことだけがわかるが,その人物が誰かがわかりにくい状況(曖昧条件)を作り,その状況下でのサンクション行動を検討した。一般的信頼の高い群では曖昧条件でパニッシュメント行動が増え,一般的信頼の低い群では確実条件でリワード行動が減少するという結果が得られた。(2)Klein et al.(2009)は,ある行為によって形成された印象は長く記憶に残るが,印象形成の要因となった行為に関するエピソード記憶はあまり長く維持されないという結果を示している。このような印象-エピソード記憶の関係が,パニッシュメントにもあてはまるかを検討した。予測どおり,サンクション対象者が「悪い」あるいは「良い」人であることが事後的に明らかになった場合には,事前にそのような情報を得ていたときとは異なる評価が下された。これらの実験結果は,互いの行動履歴が必ずしも明確ではない日常的な関係においては,実験ゲーム状況とは異なる行動がとられていることを示唆する。